14 - Real Estate: The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 1, 2006 VIEW PICS @ W W W .ALEXX.CA I NEW 2291 W OODHAVEN ROAD Prudential Town Centre Realty G re a t end unit in W oo dh a ven , bright open space with large window s. Private ya rd backing onto w ooded berm. Neutral decor. BRANDON FLEMING (905) 338-6550 email@brandonflemmg.com COMFY CONDO NORTH SERVICE RD. W. @ DORVAL DRIVE B rig ht 2 bd rm , 2 bath cond o in O a k Park. Close to s h op ping & p ark. G re a t fo r 1 st tim e buyer! MAIN FLOOR LIVING! $207,000. New bungalow style townhome in mature neighbourhood. Spacious kitchen w/breakfast bar. Hrdwd T/0. Prof fin. L/L with fam. rm, bath, extra rm. Ideal location. GORGEOUS 1 BDRM + DEN BY THE GO Spacious 1 bdrm + den by the G O . Professionally decorated. Built-in bar & more upgrades. Very rare: 2 parking spots, 2 lockers! 1275 MAPLE CROSSING UNIT 5 CONDO LIVING IN C $219,900. Walk to lake. Loft style townhome. Open KAREN & GLENN MARTIN (905) 338-6550 glenn@glennmartin.ca $204,900. $2 T 4,900. $249,900. Upscale build concept, finished bsmt. Upgrades include hrdwd, ceramics, unit faces SW, overlooks p kitchen. Bright & sunny - 3 skylights. Call for full details. ensuite laundry. Convenier DIANNE BOOT (905 dboot1@cogeco.ca CO/mUTERS DELIGHT! ALEXX COELHO (905) 338-6550 MURRAY MCDONALD (905) 469-1818 NADA PAVLOVIC (905) 338-6550 mmcdonald@prudentialtownreahy.com View pics at nada J 23@sympatico.ca alexx@alexx.ca Prestigious Oakridge Heights! Nestled high on a ridae overlooking 16.Mile Creek! Steps from the "GO" Train & easy access to QEW, 403,407, shopping and downtown Oakville. Excellent recreational facilities: indoor pool, exercise room, sauna, billiard and card rooms, party room, hobby room. Great security system, resident superintendent couple; gatehouse. Upscale condos: 9' ceilings, sunny spacious design & superb finishes! Desirable plans to choose from: · $ 2 1 4 ,0 0 0 . 1 bdrm + den. Prof. decor. Built-in bar & more. 2 parking spots, 2 lockers. GO ING GO ING GONE C h a rm in g link hom e*on q u ie t cul de sac. Large priv a te b a c k y a rd w ith m ature trees. N e w e r ro o f & w in d o w s . UNIT #20, 2321 PARKHAVEN BLVD SPOTLESS FREEHOLD TOWNHOUSE $269,900. All brick, 3 bdrmexechom ew/dble garage' n e u tra ld e cor & $272,900. m od e md e sig n' co ve re db a lconyw ith s o u the xp o su re* lowm a in te n a n ce * 'S m art W ired' ' G reat for prof. / youngfam ilies' c lo s etoh w ys, a m e n itie s& "GO' HIGHLY UPGRADED 2 BDRM CONDO NORTH MISS. - 701 $269,900. 2 car drive, interior entrance to garage, $274,900. Highly upgraded 2 bdrm, 2 bath corner $279,900. Detached full brid neutral decor, L-shaped LR/DR, W /0 to deck, fully fenced, suite. 1008 sq ft in newest building, granite counters, New kitchen, updated bath with sk 4pc ensuite. Rec& games room, www.realestatetoronto.com upgraded hrdwd firs & 90 oz broadloom. A must see! backyard with deck, garage + dblf MARY-ANNE FIELD (905) 338-6550 mfield@cogeco.ca ANDREA & CHRIS SEVENTIKIDIS PETER IV. SANGSTER (905) 338-6550 MANUELA COELHO/ALEXX COELHO (90S) 338-6550 www.MiltonAreaHomes.contpeter@realestatetoronto.com (90S) 338-6550 alexx@alexx.ca CATHERINE GARAN1 www.catherinegar WEST OAKVILLE BUNGALOW $304,900. Great value! ENNISCLARE CONDO 2 BDRM + DEN FACING RAVINE $316,500. Oakridge Heights! Newest building by the G O station. Gorgeous views from balcony overlooking 16 Mile Creek Ravine. A Must See! BUSINESS FOR SALE $349,000. Well established variety store with Post Office outlet for sale. Great location - high traffic plaza, residential area. Good investment - excellent for family run business. ENNISCLARE - SUPE $374,900. 2 bdrms plus a decorated unit. 1507 sq. f t . ! Downsizers will appreciate tl PETER HOIBAK (905 ahoi@sympatico.ca N EW Reno'd & upgraded, 3+1 $310,000. 2 b d rm unit a t 1 3 3 0 sq. ft. G re a t bdrm, 2.5 baths, prof. fin. LL - in-law suite with kitchen, kitchen la vout. Freshly p a in te d unit lo o k in g bath, sep. private ent. Triple drive. Lots of upgrades. fo r y o u r d e c o ra tin g touches. · SOLD Best value! 2 bdrm, 2bath corner suite. 1008 sf, FP & rare side by side parking spots! MUST GO! NADA PAVLOVIC (905) 338-6550 www.nada123.com PETER HOIBAK (905) 338-6550 ahoi@sympatico.ca ALEXX COELHO (905) 338-6550 alexx@alexx.ca NADA PAVLOVIC (905) 338-6550 www.nada123.com N EW · SOLD Brand new 2 bdrm, 1008 sf corner unit. Never lived in. No neighbours. ·· $ 2 7 4 ,9 0 0 . High upgraded 2 bdrm, 2 bath corner suite. Newest building. Must see. MORE THAN 45 UNITS SOLDI Please call The O akridge Heights Specialists VIEW PICS AT WWW.TRACYyiLY.COM MANUELA COELHO (905) 338-6550 ALEXX COELHO (905) 339-8707 www.manuela.ca OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 NEW OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 VIEW PICS @WWW.OAKVIUEFINIHOMIS.CA FABULOUS LAKESHORE ROAD PROPERTY! Build new or renovate this lovely 3 bdrm bungalow with family room & office addition. 1380 WILLOW TERRACE $719,900. NEYAGAW A COMMUNITY LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION $659,900. Designer show piece Glen Abbey $749,900. Customized executive home. Open concept' ·$799,900. South W est fa cin g b a c k y a rd , .2 7 Yorkshire (3850sf), premium court location, main floor with hrdwd, granite, porcelain - entertainers acre, in the d o w n to w n o f O a k v ille . Q u a in t 4 stunning "Harbour" kitchen reno's w/granite island, delight. Unspoiled bsmt with oversize cold cellar. Call to view, bed roo m ch a ra cte r hom e. SUE WALDORF (905) 338-6550 swaldorf@prudentialtownrealty.com BILL SCHIAVONE (905) 338-6550 Bill@BillShiavone.com KAREN & GLEN MARTIN (905) 338-6550 DIANNE BOOT (905) 338-6550 glenn@glennmartin.ca dboot1@cogeco.ca DAN DELIC* STEVE DIAMOND* GEORGE DLUGOSH* MARGARET DYNE* ALUN E1