Oakville Beaver, 22 Mar 2006, p. 37

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, March 22, 2006 37 houses for rent BRANT/ Dundas executive 3-bedrooms, garage, recroom with fireplace, fenced yard, $1500/m o + u tilitie s A v a ila b le A p ril 1 st 905 973-4112 ' BR O N TE V illa g e - n e a r lake, 1.5 store y, 3 -b e d room, 2.5 baths, $1150/mo +utilities. Immediate. 416879-6910 B U R L IN G T O N 3 -b e d room bungalow, 4th bed ro o m o r d e n , b y p a rk , $1120/m o.; C entral Bur lington 3-bedroom , s e m i,. 1.5 b a th s , r e c ro o m $1125/mo.; Appleby Mall: 3 -b d rm + d e n , s e m i, 2 baths, garage , recroom . $1135/mo. 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Re altor. BURLINGTON 3-bedroom semi, walking distance to schools/ YMCA, C/A, Fin is h e d re c ro o m , h u g e fe n c e d b a c k y a rd , la rg e bright, eat-in kitchen. Im mediate. 905-973-8011. BURLINGTON northwest. 3-bedrooms, 2-bathrooms, link detached, court loca tion, near schools/ shops/ highway/ parks. Gas fire place, hardw ood flo o rs . New kitchen, bay windows. F in is h e d basem ent w/walk-out to fenced yard. 5 appliances, 3-car park ing, c/air, $1399/mo. +utilities. 905-336-5280. E X E C U T IV E R e n ta ls . 3 homes available in Joshua Creek. 2- 4000 square ft. lu x u ry hom es at $5000/mo. 1-3000+ sq. ft. luxury home at $3500/mo. Call Dave at 905-338-1130 Ext 31 for more details. HOUSE, near Lakeshore, for rent, 2-bedrooms, large family room, patio, parking fo r 2. $ 1 ,3 0 0 /m o . F irs t/ L a st/ D e posit. 9 0 5 -6 3 1 5717, 905-330-5204 LAKEVIEW - 5-bedrooms, 3 b a th s , b ra n d new . $ 1 9 0 0 /m o . S h o rt te rm . 905-543-8102, OWN y o u r ow n hom e! R ent to ow n. 100% F i nancing. No Money down. S e lf- e m p lo y e d . N e ed c r e d it r e s tr u c t u r in g . C h o o s e y o u r p ro g ra m * C a ll N a p o le o n W ils o n Sales Rep. Sutton Group In n o v a tiv e R e a lty In c . 905-681-2800 R IV E R O a k- 4 -b d rm h o u s e , r a v in e s e t tin g , $1300/mo. +util. Available im m edia tely. Elen 905257-4867 S P A C IO U S 2 -b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e a c ro s s fro m M apleview Mall, 5 a p p li ances $1175/m o +. C a ll David, Trafalgar Real Es tate Services Inc. Realtor 905-338-1130 (ext. 31). W ATE R D O W N - 3 -b e d room sem i, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, c/air, c/vac., garage, $1350/m o. +u tilities. Waterdown- Large 3-bedroom semi, finished basement, 3.5 bath, 5 ap p lia n ce s, C/A, fire p la c e $1450/mo+ utilities. Avail able im m e d ia te ly. 905979-3208. WEST Oakville 3 bedroom close to all amenities. No pets. 905-827-2025. townhouses for rent REALSTAR townhouses for rent w w w .re a ls ta r.c a daycare available A L D E R S H O T d a y c a re available. Nutritious meals. Indoor/ Outdoor activities. Excellent references. Lots of TLC. Heather 905-6343617 BURLOAK b o rd e r- Lakesh o re W oods, R e b e c c a and Great Lake Blvd. lov ing mom with teacher ex perience, nutritious meals, crafts, circle time, outdoor activities, F/T-P/T, before/ a fte r school, references. Call 905-465-1722 ECE Mom, w ith 10-years e x p e rie n c e . N u tr itio u s meals, indoor/outdoor ac tivities, safe environment. Full and p a rt-tim e a v a il able. Upper M iddle / 6th L in e a re a . R e fe re n c e s a v a ila b le . C all 9 05 -84 4GLEN Abbey Grandm a & M um te a m . N u tr it io u s meals, snacks, ABC's and 12 3 's, S to ry tim e . C ra fts and outdoor activities. Re c eipts given. Please call 905-825-1811 HOME Daycare Available, L a k e s h o re / D o rval, ECE p r o v id e r , p ro g ra m d e signed to prom ote lo ving environment, healthy/ nu tritious meals, CPR/ First Aid trained. 905-337-2596 IN -H O M E d a y c a re , a ll ages, 7am- 5pm. E xp eri ence d. C a ll T ric ia , 905634-7173. NORTH BuMjugton area, F/T-P/T-and before and af ter school care available. O utdoor activities, crafts, re a d in g , (n o t T V !) C are a v a ila b le s ta rtin g M arch 20th. 05-331-0723 O R C H A R D m om h as 2 spots available, warm lov ing environment, nutritious m eals, fenced yard, o u t ings and activities, pick up fro m E liz a b e th S e to n School, 905-331-9728 W E S T O ak T ra ils (e a s t s id e ) c lo s e to s c h o o ls . Flexible, reliable and very experienced. Call Pat 905847-3587 articles for sale B E D R O O M s e t, c h e r r y wood. B e d , c h e s t, d re s s e r, m irro r, 2 n ig h t stands. Dovetail construc tion. Never opened. Cost $8000. S a c rific e $1900. 905-567-4042 BOATERS- outboard mo tor oil Penziol 2 cycle syn th e tic 3 .7 8 5 L itre s $ 2 5 / each 905-319-8851 BUNKBED +top & bottom m a ttre s s e s , queen size, new condition $225. obo; 905-338-3998 · C A R P E T I have s e v e ra l 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living room & hall for $389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 y a rd s ) S te v e , 9 0 5 -6 3 3 8192 CREAM Sofa & love seat, 8 th ro w p illo w s , ju s t cleaned, Excellent Condi tion $400.obo.; Coffee ta ble, mahogany finish, $50.; N a tu r a l w o o d r o c k e r w/white eyelit accessories $75; 905-257-8494 DINING room set, oak, ex ce lle n t cond ition, $1600. 905-637-0991. DINING room suite, solid oak ta b le w /3 le a v e s , 6 W in d s o r c h a irs $ 2 0 0 0 . obo. 905-335-3309 D IN IN G S e t, e x c lu s iv e h ic k o r y w h ite b a n q u e t ta b le & 8 c h a irs , MSRP over $15K, asking $5000, obo. 905-845-7447 DOUBLE Ultra-matic beds (2), perfect condition, v i brates, motor works good. Paid $2300/each, sacrifice $ 1 2 0 0 /e a c h . M ust s e ll. W ill d e liv e r fo r free 905631-0041 FURNITURE, good conditio n . Bedroom fu rn itu re , coffee table, bamboo table w /g la s s to p & 4 c h a irs , paintings, etc. 905-847-9491 GE Profile, black side by s id e f r i d g e / g la s s to p s to v e ; m ic ro w a v e ; lo v e seat; oak table, 4 chairs, h u tc h ; area rugs; bikes. Call M on-Thurs 905-3352174 GE stove, perfect c o n d i tion, queen sized bed a l most new, 2 night tables, new, one teak table, three drawer dresser. 905-6348111. HAIR salon furniture- fully equipped, chairs & 8 sta tio n s +, good c o n d itio n , $ 9 0 0 0 . 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -3 1 4 9 , 905-634-6632 HO T Tub (S p a ) C o v e rs best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca ' HOT Tub. 2006, 12 h.p., 45 jets, waterfall, ozonator + n e c k je ts . A ll o p tio n s , n e v e ru s e d , still in w rap per. Cfost $12,400, S acri fice $6,300. 905-971-1777 HOUSE contents: furnish ings, dishes, sm all app li ances, paintings, pictures, etc. C all M ike, 905 -82 70744. KING s iz e d ro u n d bed, c o m p le te w ith m a ttre s s and two night tables. Kitch en table w ith four chairs, c o ffe e ta b le . 9 0 5 -3 3 6 8391. K IT C H E N a id F r id g e , 25cuft, side by side w/wate r/ ice in door, w h ite, 6 years old, $1000 obo. Da vid 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -3 7 8 3 d ays, 905-469-8988 evenings K IT C H E N T a b le w ith 6 ch a irs , party lite pieces. M aple "cradle, cd sta n d , H o o v e r s te a m c le a n e r, com puter desk, 905-3382118 LAP top D ell P e ntium 3 w ith a ll a c c e s s o rie s and b a g 20 G B .2 5 6 M H 2, $450.00. 905-319-1325 LEATHER & rattan sofa, 2 c hairs +ottom an, rocker, coffee table, 3-end tables, 2 lamps. $2000.obo. 905SI 9-2062 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, lo v e s e a t and c h a ir. New, in p la s tic . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. M AJOR H ouse R e n o v a tion Sale. Olde O akville: Excellent condition. Kitch- en/bathroom cabinets, fix tu re s , a p p lia n c e s , fu rn i tu r e . 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -8 5 8 8 . (days/evenings) MUST Sell 7yrs old washer and dryer $400/pair call 905-335-4061 articles for sale articles wanted auctions auctions W E R EALLY CARE W H ER E Y O U LIV E . Realstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses and townhouses, plus application approval within 24 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TODAY! Georgian Court Estates 905-632-8547 (townhouses) 611 S u rre y L a n e (K in g & P la in s ) ^ ^ MATTRESSES++++ New O rthopedic Double $235, O rthopedic Queen $255., King $400. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free Local Delivery. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -B E D S (2 3 3 7 )., 905-616-1700 M E N N O N IT E made Oak pedestal table, 2 leaves, 4 c h a irs from St. Ja co b 's. E xcellent condition. Paid $1400. asking $500. OBO. Call 416-423-1207 MOVING Sale- Everything go's! Sat., 9am -12pm or appt. 155 Navy St. Suite 206, O ak v ille . 905 -81 59224. q u a lity iv o ry love seat, chair set, $295. Art shoppe side board, $295. King size bed, $195. FP m antels, new TV + much more! Bargains M OVING S a le: all goes! S a tu rd a y , M a rc h 2 5 th , 8am . 4 30 4 K e rry D rive , Burlington. 905-633-8877. L o v e s e a ts , c h a irs , w a ll units, diningroom set, car, a n t iq u e s , a r t, + m u ch more. M O V IN G S a le : p u ll- o u t couch, $125. 2 Crate De s ig n p in e beds, $ 1 0 0 /e a c h . M ic ro w a ve ,' 1yr. old, $75. 3-seater so fa, $75. 905-829-8234 MOVING! Must Sell! Wall U n it; S o fa , L o v e s e a t, 2 chairs +ottoman; Captains b e d ; k itc h e n ta b le w /6 chairs; corner T.V. stand; 2-b e d ro o m s ets (d o u b le +queen)... 905-336-1412 POOL ta b le U se d/ New, Buy/ S e ll/ Service. Slate ta b le s $ 1 6 9 9 in s ta lle d . Fabi Foosball. 905-6165159 www.billiardservicfe.com POOL Table, Professional S e r ie s , S o lid W o o d , 1 "S late, All A cce ssories. New, S t ill B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 QUALITY Upscale items. Upscale Ivory Loveseat & chair $199, G lass & ped estal coffee +end tables, s e t $99. R o ll Top D esk $79, Gorgeous Fireplace m a n te l $ 9 9 . C a lifo r n ia D in e tte ta b le s e t $ 17 5. 905-815-9224 SA UN A, 2/3 pe rso n , in hom e, w /c.d. pla ye r and lights. Never used." Cost $5500, S ell $2750. 905304-7775 S E L F c le a n in g w h ite s to v e , g o o d c o n d itio n , $125. 905-637-8578. LIVING room set in a very good condition (sofa-bed, , love seat, chair, ottom an and p illo w s ). B e st o ffe r 905-339-9231. SOFA & Loveseat, creme coloured w ith green and b u rg u n d y s trip e s . $700 obo. Excellent quality. 905827-5889. Request picture by email reldridge5@cogeco.ca SOFA 7 feet, pastel floral, $200 o.b.o.Good condition. Call for more details. 905849-6927 SOLID pine varnished fur niture 2 desks, 2 chairs, 2 fo u r draw e r d ressers, 1 b o o k s h e lf, 1 to y b o x $ 5 0 /e a c h , 1 "V is io n F it ness" motorized treadmill. Like new $750 C all 905632-3604 ST O V E - w hirlpool, white, like new, 5yrs. old, $350. P ic k up o n ly !. 9 0 5 -6 3 5 - ' r L O O K DECT BEST r'olth Ca$h. \A/c We Hinf buy it it oil Antique furnishings, Royal ·Doulton, Humm el, M oorcroft, dinnerware, crystal, silver, m ilitary items. Par tial or full estates. Ed, 905634-6300 BUYING Canadian/ Euro pean art, fine furniture, chi na, g o ld / silver, costum e je w e lr y , a r c h it e c t u r a l p ie c e s . L o c k e S tr e e t Antiques. Voted Hamilton's Finest- 7 years. 200 Locke S tre e t S o u th , 9 0 5 -5 2 6 6553. COLLECTOR buying gold /s ilv e r coins, g o ld / s ilve r jewelry, coin collections, Moorecroft Pottery, collect ibles 905*633-7531 WANTED Framed displays or unframed specimens of butterflies, moths, insects, b e e tle s , s p id e rs . S o u th A m e ric a . M ust be goo d condition and reasonable. Please call 905-975-0535. . WANTED- Upscale fu rn i ture, loveseats, occasional -tables, leather, curio cabi nets, chandeliers, dining room, antiques, bedroom. Other quality pieces^ Trad ing Places 905-815-1949. www.tradingplacescanada. com H A LT O N R E G IO N A L P O L IC E S E R V I C E 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Saturday, April 1,2006 (indoors) V iew ing & R egistration 8 :3 0 -9 :30am AUCTION STARTS AT 9:30AM No pets please, (special needs dogs only) Terms of payment Cash or Cheque with ID PST will be added-R efreshm ents available FJ. , (| auto parts/ 111 supplies & repairs career training OPEN HOUSE Mon-Wed-Fri- 10-4 & Sat-Sun~ 11-2 Ask about our Move-ln Incentive GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane,Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs with full basements! Utilities included Tel: 905-632-8547 ww w.realstar.ca LAKESHOREG re a t Lakes Blvd., beautiful ar ea. One room a v a ila b le . Cable, Indry., prkg., inter net. $ 5 8 5 /m o in c lu s iv e . 905-825,0082 W ANTED: Q u ie t m atu re person to rent a furnished bedroom. D etails at 905399-1961. R IM S & T ire s - 17" w ith 2 0 5 /5 0 /1 7 t ir e s (6 0 % tread), 6 spoke (white?) fit a n y 5 b o lt f r o n t w h e e l drive. 1 rim bent. $400 obo. 905-681-9542 Canadian College OF EDUCATORS TEACH ENGLISH in Canada/Overseas Get started with TESL Diploma/ Certificate HELP CHILDRENECA Diploma/ TA Certificate Now accepting applications for May /September programs. approved as a Private Career.College under PCC Act, Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities shared accommodation ROOM for rent, immediate, by lake, parking/ laundry c a b le . Bus ro u te . $125/week or $500/month. 905-545-9161 SHARE Oakville executive townhouse. $550/mo, nonsmoker, no pets, no c h il dren. Prefer professional women. Im m ediate. 905469-8267 US ED 1 9 8 9 -1 9 9 4 A s tro S a fa ri Vans P arts, 1987 Audi Turbo parts. Call for information. 905-637-5015 BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSES 2& 3 bdrm . Patio, la un dry in suite. Fireplaces. C lose to S ho p ping. G reat on site staff. 1420 T yandaga Pk Dr. 905-335-3001. B U R L IN G T O N , 3 - b e d room, eat- in kitchen, large garden patio , near lake, a v a ila b le A p r il 1. $1025/mo + gas/ e lectric ity. 905-320-8299. garage & SELF Storage 6- Indobr/ Outdoor units/ RV's/ boats. Call 905-689-1665 antiques & art ' 905-896-0000 career training w w w .B E A TE A C H E R .ca boats & supplies B O A T - 11 ft d in g h y k it, p a rtc ia lly a ssem bled in clu d in g a ll p arts and in structions. $300/obo. 905844-3902 ABERFOYLE INDOOR ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE Sat. March 25,10-5 Sun. March 26,10-5 " In the community centre, Brock Rd. (old Hwy 6) Aberfoye, Ontario. Just minutes from Guelph, Hamilton, K.W.& Cambridge. Less than an hour from Toronto or London. Weekend admission $3 Free parking Heated/air con. Info: 519-641-7884 Email: daleshollow @hotmail.com jfets, supplies, )oarding FREE to good home: ex trem ely affectio nate 2-yr. old black m ale neu tered DSH cat. 905-315-8989. \ ____________ BURLINGTO N, Brant St. North. R enovated 2-bed ro o m , h a rd w o o d , y a rd , la u n d r y , s to ra g e . $ 8 5 0 /m o . A p r.1 . No Dogs. 905-336-7207 BURLINGTON, Must See! Brant, North of QEW, new ly renovated large 3-bed room m aison ette. H ard wood floors, private back yard, fridge, stove, on-site la undry. Easy a ccess to Q E W /4 0 3 /4 0 7 . Near a m e n itie s . A p r .1st $ 10 10/m o. in c l. hydro & 1-parking. 905-331-7683. B U R L IN G T O N / F ra n c is . R enovated 3-b e d ro o m s , 1.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, f in is h e d b a s e m e n t, $1000/m o. + u tilities. Im mediate. 905-643-3648. NO RTH B u rlin g to n - 1&3 bedroom townhouse m ai sonette, outside parking, c lo s e to s h o p p in g & s c h o o ls . From $72 0 /m o +utilities. April/ May. 905SI 9-9104. OAKVILLE~ 3&4 bedroom t o w n h o u s e s a v a ila b le A p ril 1st. 4 a p p lia n c e s , Hopedale Mall area. Lake shore M anagem ent 905876-3336 PROSPECT/ Brant- Newly renovated townhome from $1100+ u tilitie s . R eceive $200 gro c e ry g ift c e r tifi cate. close to M apleview Mall & QEW. New energy s a v in g w a s h e r & d ry e r. Call 905-310-7000, 24hrs 7 days a week. Winner of the Apt. PM of the Year! www.GOtransglobe.coui SOUTH West B u rlin g to n Spacious 3-bedroom townho m e w /g a ra g e , a p p li ances, w/o to deck. Walk ing distance to all am en ities. Including GO. Just s e c o n d s fro m Q EW . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te . 905-638-1789 TRAFALGAR Road/ QEW Oakville. Spacious 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, gar age, C/A, im m ediate oc cupancy. $1225/m o. Call Gail, 905-338-7482 UPPER Middle Rd./ O ak v ille - R e novated 3 -b e d rooms, 2.5 baths, 4 appli ances, 2 w alk-outs, c/air, $1350/mo. 416-886-6199. lost & found FOUND Black cat Sheldon Park. We call Elphaba (Elphie). Please call 905-6377325 FOUND calico cat Surrey lane and Francis. We call G linda. Please call 905637-7325 F O U N D g o ld a n d g r e y long haire d c a t found at A m e lia C re s . We c a ll Ralph Call 905-637-7325 FOUND Grey striped tabby cat found at Tyandaga Dr. and g o lf course. We call Tyandaga 905-637-7325 FOUND: Black & white cat C resen t & Fairview . We call Jacob Please call 905637-7325 LE G A L O F F IC E A S S IS T A N T C O U R SE 'Full& PaH Time Computerized * Job Search Assistance daycare wanted WANT TO PROVIDE CHILD CARE? Enjoy the benefits of working with a licensed agency; regular pay, paid start days and child's sick days, backup, training, equip ment, ongoing support. 905.823.2625 www.weewatch.com r L HALTON BUSINESS fm *} INSTITUTE 460 Brant Street, Suite. 26, Burlington w w w .h b ic o lle g e .c o m i f Cali 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 C o n s id e r in g a C a r e e r in C o m m e r c ia l C o n s t r u c t io n ? companions SENIOR lady for elderly la d ie s c o m p a n io n fo r the weekend, quite good cook, s p e a k s S p a n is h , P o rtu guese, French some Ita l ia n. C a ll O lga 9 0 5 -2 7 3 6401, after 9:30pm (wee' weewatch enrichi home childcare enriched private tuition / schools FRENCH Tutor availa b le all ages, all level's to help you out in w ritten, oral & reading. Certified teacher, call for in form ation, 905827-5286 1988 Toyota Camry W ag on, 260,000km, good run n in g c o n d it io n , as is $400.obo. 905-639-3271 F R E E I n f o r m a t i o n S e s s io n ! 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -3 4 9 9 , E x t 1 2 1 w w w . th e c e n tr e .o n . c a T l i m CN&urtrm U D C fK 1992 S aturn SL1- E xce l lent condition, runs great, no rust, 5 ,speed, 4 dr., re cent safety, burns oil, ap p ro x . 3 2 0 K . $ 35 0 obo . Must Sell! 905-681-9542 1997 Ford Mustang, red, 6 cy l, a u to , A /C , 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 kms, $900 as is. 905-6816797 1 9 9 7 VW J e tta T re k , 5 speed, Black, 99,000 kms, sunroof, pow er m irrors & lo c k s , g r e a t c o n d itio n . $5900. 905-484-4844 1999 Chev. Cavalier coop, green on beige, 4 cyl auto, A/C, ABS, A m /F m /C a ss. E-tested. Looks great, runs b e t te r 1 0 6 ,5 0 0 k m . $5300.obo 905-336-2739 2000 I n tr e p id ES 179,000km, a/c, p/w, p/d, keyle ss entry. E x c e lle n t C o n d it io n . O ffe r s on $5,900.905-331-9704 2002 Honda C iv ic . 77.800K. 4-door, CD, AC, autom atic, $13,500. 905634-3359 2005 M alibu M axx, 11 K, A/C . DVD, RS, S u nro of, autom atic, T.O.P +$3000 cash bonus, obo. 905-3360690. Skills OevBiopment A Training LIVE-IN caregiver required for 2 children 4 years old & 9 years old. Call 905-8271944. LIVE-IN caregiver, 2 chil d re n , 6 y rs & n e w b o rn . With experience. Full-time. Oakville. 905-847-2534. NANNY/ light housekeep ing required fo r O akville family, Upper Middle/ Third Line, 7am-Noon, Mon-Fri. E x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . Fax resume 905-634-7378 Early Spring Start. O N T A R IO E m p lo y m e n t Agency offers certified live in nannies for child care/ e ld e r ly / s p e c ia l n e e d s . 416-699-6931 PA RT-TIM E c a re g iv e r in my hom e fo r in fa n t and toddler, Mon-Thurs. Days. References Required 905331-1811 PHILIPPINA Nanny available. Also- no fee to em ployer. Please call Amah International 416-221-3303 bargain centre OPEN- Box handy u tility trailer, $60. obo. 905-8424798 townhouses for rent 3 -B D R M , c e n t, a ir, on W estm inster PI., B u rling to n . A v a il. A p r.1 . $1250/mo. +util. More in fo. call 905-333-3400 BRAND new 3-b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e in W e s to a k T r a ils . 5 a p p lia n c e s , $1385/mo. Call David, Tra fa lg a r Real E s ta te S e r vices Inc. Realtor 905-3381130 (ext. 31). B U R L IN G T O N 1 b e d room . F re s h ly p a in te d , centrally located, across form Sobey's Power Cen tre . $60 0/m o+ 9 0 5 -3 3 6 9842 B U R L IN G T O N M a ll, 3bedroom condo, 1.5 bath, recroom $1050 /m o.; A p pleby M all~ 2 -bedroom condo, rec-room , cable included. $1020/mo.; Near Burloak, 3-bedroom con do, 1.5 baths, recrQ om , garage $1085/mo. Albert M cDonagh Ltd. R e altor, 905-632-5690 B U R L IN G T O N , 3 - b e d room, eat- in kitchen, large garden patio, near lake, a v a ila b le A p r il 1. $1025/mo + gas/ e lectric ity. 905-320-8299. L A FURNITURE B O Y GALLERIES* articles for sale A diningroom, cherrywood, dou ble p ed estal tab le , 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dove tail construction. New still in b o x e s . Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $16 00. S a c rific e $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliv er A1 Beds! New Orthopedic s e ts , 2 0 -y e a r W arran ty, D o u b le $ 2 4 0 .; Q u e e n $260. P illow top Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Wate rb e d p a r ts . D e liv e r y Available. 905-681-9496; 905-563-6903 B ED, a m a z in g b a rg a in , queen o rth o p e d ic p illo w top set, new in plastic war ra n ty . $ 25 0. 9 0 5 -5 6 7 4042 CO M PUTER IBM, black, Pentium4, 20GB HD, 256 M B ram , p r in te r / c o p ie r, m onitor, lik e new, $250. 905-821-8846. INTERIOR DESIGN/SALES AT LAZBOY We are looking for talented people with an Interior Design background to join our Sales Team. If you are a graduate of an accredited Interior Design course who is looking for a unique oppor tunity to use your skills and talents then this may be the job for you! We have openings in all loca tions - Brampton, Burlington, North Mississauga, Oakville/Mississauga. Border and soon at Queens way/427 in Etobicoke. Our Program teaches you Sales Skills and helps you to integrate those skills with your Design skills for success as a Lazboy Sales Consultant. The duties include assisting clients in our showrooms and in our client's homes. You will need excellent communication skills, a flexible schedule which will include evenings and weekends, reliable transpor tation, a desire to learn and an ability to impress! We offer a generous C om pensation Program, Company Benefit Plan, Professional Training, Op portunities for Advancement and a unique opportu nity to work with Canada's fastest growing high quality furniture showrooms- Lazboy F urniture Galleries. We are now taking applications by phone - simply call Charlie at 905-568-2211- 24 hrs a day- when you are prompted to 'enter an extension'- dial 150, then dial #6-151 to respond to several questions. T O O L S - M y fo rd m e ta l lathe $500; Beaver Bandsaw $ 5 0 0 ; T o rro -6 .5 hp s n o w b lo w e r $650; D elta Scroll saw $80; Wheelbarrel $45. 905-681-3225 TV cabinet solid oak Mennonite built, with storage, f it s 3 0 " TV, $ 5 0 0 o b o . 905-849-8047. W alter Cam pbell's lim ited edition "Valentine's Sweet" print, b e a u tifu lly fram ed, $275. 905-844-2547. rooms for rent & wanted BEDROO M AND fa m ily room (p riv a te ) O a k v ille S o u th . F a b u lo u s hom e. Beautiful yard, great loca tion, parking, $495/m o+, Immediate. 905-465-1961 W A L K E R S L in e , N o rth B u rlin g to n C o u n try s id e $ 40 0/m ob, non -sm o kin g house. 905-842-3852. articles wanted $ $ $ $ $ W ANTEDa ll a r t, antiques, collectibles, chi na, c r y s ta l, s ilv e r , f ig u rin e s , R o y a l D o u lto n , Swarovski, glass, pottery, etc, estate specialists, top c a s h . C a ll J o h n / T ra cy 905-331-2477 daycare available 8T H L i n e - B ra n d n e w p la y ro o m d e s ig n e d w ith your child in mihd. FT/ PT, before/ after school care, in m y h o m e , h e a lth y m eals, s tru c tu re d a c tiv ities. Avail. End. April. Lori 905-842-0747 vans/ 4-wheel drive 1999 W indstar 85,000km Quad seats, rear a/c, p/d, p/w remote locking, offers on $7,500. 905-331-9704.

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