Oakville Beaver, 25 Mar 2006, NH12

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NH12 The Mississauga News - Friday, March 24, 2006 Swing into spring with a fresh start I f y o u 're a n a v id g ard en er, you d o n 't need a w eath e r fo recast to tell you th a t spring has arrived. N o d oubt you've already been p o k in g a ro u n d y o u r law n an d garden, giving it the annual once-over, to see just how m uch damage the long and dreary w inter m o n th s have caused. A nd now th e real w ork begins -- getting it into shape for the spring and summer. R egardless o f w h e th e r y o u 're a novice or seasoned gardener, you know that good gardens and lawns d o n 't simply crop up overnight.They require a lot o f care, patience and planning. Even low-m aintenance gardens need a certain am ount o f upkeep. So, as you head out to plan, pu tter and plant, th ink about w hat you'd like to achieve w ith your garden this year. Do you w ant to introduce more variety ? Do you w ant to introduce entirely new elements -- like a water garden, a rom antic rose arbour -- or even a cosy little potting shed that can do double duty as a playhouse? You may be entirely happy w ith the way your existing lawn and garden look. B ut m ore and m ore hom eow ners are discovering the joys o f d e p a rtin g from th e n o rm an d c rea tin g th e ir own u n iq u e landscapes th a t reflect th e ir own individual lifestyles and preferences. For some, th a t may consist o f shaded areas covered from end to end with groundcovers and no grass. For others, it may mean ram bling beds of herbs and wildflowers. .And others may simply prefer a series o f pathways that w ind their way through a dense maze o f color and vegetation. N o m atter w hat your personal taste is, there is an endless array o f products and services to help you achieve the effect you desire. Consult an Expert If you wanjt a m ajor change, b u t y o u 're in do u b t about ju st w hat to do, try consulting a landscape architect for ideas. These professionals can tell you w hat will grow best in your particular environm ent -- especially if you have unusual soil conditions or extremely shady areas. T hey can also help you in co rp o rate special elem ents into your landscape plans -- like the water garden or potting shed m entioned above. However, if hiring an expert isn't w ithin your budget, try consulting magazines and books on gardening for ideas and inform ation. You may also w ant to contact a local garden club for input -- some have lending libraries. A lso ta lk to frie n d s a n d n e ig h b o u rs to compare notes and see w hat they've incorporated in to th e ir garens. I f y o u 're still lo o k in g for in sp iratio n , take a long leisurely w alk around your n e ig h b o u rh o o d to see if anything piques your interest or fires up your im agination. Lim ited Space? Keep in m in d th a t even if you d o n 't have enough space for a lot o f landscaping, you can still pack a lot o f variety and color into a small , com pact area -- particularly if you use containers an d w in d o w boxes. D eco rativ e b a k e r's racks loaded w ith plants and p o ttin g p arap h ern alia can also look^stunning when placed on a patio. (These attractive stands can be obtained at many hardware stores or gadening centers.) W hen m apping out your plan , decide w hat you w ant to keep and w hat you w ant to revamp. If your property is saturated w ith perennials that you're happy w ith, consider lim iting this year's buying spree to annuals. Also make sure you carefully consider color and texture. If you like a lot o f contrast, you'll w ant a wide variety o f plantings. If you like a more uniform look, you may w ant to stick to one or two color schemes. But rem em ber to factor in how m uch m a in ten a n ce your choices w ill require. Harvest Your Own Vegetables You m ay also w an t to o p t for a vegetable garden. T h is can be an extrem ely rew arding project for the entire family as you nuture and harvest your own crops. Youngsters generally find this particularly exciting. I t's also a fun way to teach them a little bit about their environm ent. If you opt for this route, it's im portant to take your soil and light conditions into consideration. Some crops, like tom atoes, generally require a good deal o f sunlight. Regardless o f w h eth er you have lim ited or abundant space -- or a large or small budget -- there are a lot o f creative ways to get your lawn and garden in to tip -to p shape for th e spring and sum m er. Ju st d o n 't be afraid to use your im agination or ask questions. 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