Oakville Beaver, 25 Mar 2006, NH26

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Your Health Halton Healthcare H A L T O N H E A L T H C A R E S E R V IC E S C O M M U N IT Y R E P O R T ............... .......................................................................................................................................... ....... The Wellness Fair features Teddy Bear Hospital From p hysiotherapy a n d m assage to b lo o d p ressu re checks - there is som ething for every o n e at the 17th A nnual P a s s p o r t to W ellness F a ir. This an n u al event, p re se n te d by M ilton District H ospital, is b eing h eld at th e Milton Mall, Saturday, A pril 8*^ from 9:30 a.m . to 3:00 p.m . T he Fair features o v er 40 different interactive displays, w h ich prov id e visitors w ith inform ation a b o u t a variety o f healthrelated topics. A chieving a healthy lifestyle is n o t alw ays easy, especially w ith to d ay 's hectic an d fast-paced schedules. The W ellness Fair provides y o u the o p p o rtu n ity to learn a b o u t th e h o spital a n d com m unity resources, a n d find all th e inform ation you n e e d to im prove th e quality o f y o u r h ealth an d overall w ell-being. Expert representatives participating at the W ellness Fair com e from a w id e spectrum o f health-related fields to answ er y o u r questions. T he W ellness Fair p rovides inform ation o n h o w to deal w ith th e various health issues you m ight already have or are beginning to develop. You will also find num ero u s displays on safety an d hom e care for seniors. Check out the H eart and Stroke F oundation b o o th for tips on h o w to reduce the risk o f heart disease and stroke, and learn ab o u t the latest d evelopm ents in treating diabetes at the Canadian D iabetes A ssociation's display. T he fair is also an excellent source of inform ation for yo u n g er peo p le. Speak to physical fitness experts from the Milton Leisure Centre to discover w ays to change unhealthy lifestyles a n d avoid developing serious health conditions. H ave your hearing tested, check out the volunteering opportunities at the MDH Auxilliary or sjop by the H alton Region H ealth D ep artm ent's display for inform ation on food and w ater safety. But, health a n d w ellness isn't only for adults. This y e ar's W ellness Fair also features the ever p o p u la r HHS T eddy B ear Hospital. Teddy Bear Hospital T he HHS T eddy B ear H ospital is a fun an d interactive display that attracts m any school-aged children along w ith their parents to the fair. Children are enco u rag ed to bring their teddy bear, doll o r o th er stuffed friend for "treatm ent" at the H ospital. The child th en follow s "their friend" through the different hospital departm ents that are on display. D uring their journey the child learns ab o u t typical practices an d pro ced u res and w h at to exp ect if they~ever n e e d to visit the hospital. C hildren begin by registering in the Adm itting area w h ere they receive a chart an d an ID bracelet for their friend. From there it's off to Em ergency for triage a n d then follow -up at D iagnostic Im aging for x-rays, the Laboratory for b lo o d tests an d R ehab Services for physiotherapy, occupational th erap y or sp eech therapy. Finally, they leave the hospital through D ischarge w ith a bag full o f goodies collected during their visit, T he H ospital can be a very scary place for a youngster even if they are just there visiting a sick friend or relative. U nderstanding w h at to exp ect during a visit to the hospital can b e very helpful in lessening a child's anxiety, See you a t t h e .......... Passport to Wellness Fair Saturday, A pril 8, 2006 9:30 a.m . - 3:00 p.m. a t M ilto n M all M ark your calendars fo r these free seminars presented by HHS. Displays and refreshments beginning at 6:30 p.m. Seminars run from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. W ednesday, A p ril 1 9 th W edn esd ay M a y 3 rd Taking Charge of your Inflammatory Bowel Disease w ith Dr. F. Saibil, Gastroenterologist Le Dome, Oakville, 1173 N. Service Rd. E. Thursday, M a y 1 1 th What You need to Know About Colorectal Cancer w ith Dr. B. Gay, General Surgeon and Dr. S. Pandya, G astroenterologist Le Dome, Oakville, 1173 N. Service Rd. E. Tuesday, M a y 2 n d Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment. What's New? w ith Dr. A. Khan, M etabolic Bone. Disease Specialist Southside Com m unity Church, M ilton 2850 Derry Rd.W. To reserve your seat, please call 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -4 3 7 9 or e-mail elittle@ haltonh ealthcare.on.ca. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children and Teens w ith Dr. A. Brown, Psychiatrist and Dr. J. Baker, Psychologist Le Dome, Oakville 1173 N. Service Rd. E. From our Calendar of Events April 2006 April 7th - World Health Day April 8th - Wellness Fair at the Milton Mall May 2006 M ay 1st - 7th - Physician Appreciation Week M ay 2nd- 8th - Mental Health Week M ay 2nd - OTMH Fine Wine Auction M ay 6th - Halton Sportsman's Breakfast for the MDH Foundation M ay 8th - World Red Cross Day M ay 9th - 15th - National Nursing Week M ay 27th - Milton Auxiliary Garage Sale M ay 29th - June 4th - National Sun Awareness Week June 10th - OTMH Regatta at the Bronte Harbour Yacht Club June 14th - Car Guide Golf Tournament supporting the Oakville Hospital Foundation June 15 th - HHS Annual Meeting June 18th - The Oakville Hospital Foundation Classic Run/Power Walk/Family Walk June 24th - Milton Auxiliary's 26th Annual Strawberry Fair (featuring the HHS Teddy Bear Hospital) April 23rd - 29th - National Volunteer Appreciation Week April 23rd - 30th - National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week April 23rd - 30th - Bank Bed Challenge for the Oakville Hospital Foundation April 24th - 30th - National Immunization Week

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