Daily jo urnai-R ecoro progress tom on, i ues., iviarcn iv, Traditions Of Older Oakville Still Alive In W ood Box Trade By T. C. THOMPSON When this rep o rter w as a boy > scout in the 2nd Toronto Troop, m any, m any y e a r s ago he cam e to Oakville each sum m er to pick straw b erries at o n e cent a box. M em bers of the troop rem em b er th?- broiling sun, nights the tents blew down on the lakeshore and the trips into town to buy tins of B runs wick brand sardines at five cents a can. Those w ere the days! Lon* before that, generations of straw b erry pickers still re m em ber J ho sweet new-wood sm eil of the boxes they filled in the fields around Oakville and Clarkson. Few, except perhaps local berry pickers knew that those boxes wrix* p a rt of an al m ost century-old-industry trad i tion in O akville-- Oakville Wood Specialties--as closely associat ed with Oakville as the iron men and wooden ships of yore and the flourishing oak trees that gave the area it* nam e. SHORTAGE OF HELP Oakville Dairy Goes Interurban Oakville Wood Specialties is still going strong in 196"), forg ing ahead in its specialty of fruit and vegetable containers and at tim es hard put to find enough help to keep pace with dem and for its products. T h e firm w as founded in 1874 and s Tankers Nobody is required to join . of our D istrict. We believe the space we occupy. it simply » way of investing in the future active membership is the rent we pay for The Chamber of Commerce belongs to u s . . . ' . . . that means it belongs to YOU Too! P ro m o tin g F o r Y o u . . . · · · · · · · OUR COM M UNITY LOCAL PRODUCTS and SERVICES CIVIC and ECONOMIC NEEDS DEVELOPMENT BURSARIES SCHOLARSHIPS COURSES and LECTURES · · · · · · BETTER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS · M A IL SERVICE EXPORT TRADE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES TOURISM CONVENTIONS MEETINGS From Local Industry fo Local Store fo Local Customers -- -- · WE PLUS M A N Y W O RTHW HILE PROJECTS (as approved by an elected Board of Director*) ARE INTERESTED A H E A LT H Y , IN ALMOST A N Y T H IN G THAT W ILL HELP MAKE OUR DISTRICT W ELL-GOVERNED, TH R IV IN G COMMUNITY. WESCO PAINTS are produced by WESTERN GYPSUM and retailed locally by BILL ORR Paint and Wallpaper. f L :P M W T » m m t&Wb MULUNkPem-Mmm ..ja g g W S^m W10U** RYMVH MOOUCtS H A * ! & 'S When you do business displays the plaque w ith of our someone who Chamber of wKOm m M Commerce, you are supporting those who are voluntarily contributing to the community's improving economic and civic welfare. Wesco fine colour selection of quality paint plus a decorating consultant to assist you In the selection of a colour scheme you'll enjoy fo r a long time to come. Bill O rr places at your service his fourteen years decorating experience plus all the quality decorating material you may require. · · W ALLPAPER F IR S T V IY N L W A L L P A P E R P R O D U C E D IN C A N A D A Prepa.ted -- by Sunworthy AH Canadian Make, and Imported lines o f · " C U STO M C O L O R IN G " * ° ld M a` ler Creative Finishe* · F A B R IC L E A T H E R C O N T IN G FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE BILL ORR 198 COLBORNE STREET EAST PAINT AND WALLPAPER 845-4972 Oakville < & District CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 231 COLBORNE S T R E E T E A S T or P .O . BOX 455, O A K V ILLE Downtown -- Free Parking at Rear o f Store