Chamber Trade Hunt You Don t Have To Gamble O n Service IS T H A T L I T T L E E X T R A No one knows for sure w hat it is bu t it's the difference betw een holding or losing a custom er. Added convenience* th a t are provided or personal atten tio n frorti the staff all add up to th at little ex tra. I t 's p a rt of Flippance & Carr, T h e re 's a big difference in b rand names and we believa you'll find the leaders at Flippance & Carr. Names like Elec trohom e -- Philips -- Clairtone, etc. All great names and products. Now w hat about prices? Appliances, T V and stereo are m a jo r purchases and of course you w ant to pay as low a prica as possible. W e invite your comparison of our prices w ith any other. You will find Flippance & C arr to be as com* petitive as any dealer in our area. Rising Demand Doubles Volume Recent addition of new high speed machines to the plant of Oakville Sheet Metal Company ! Limited. 438 Inglehart Street, has enabled the Oakville-founded firm to keep pace with mount ing demand for its products and I m etal processing services. Business growth has b e e n consistent for the firm, found ed in 1953, and three years ago It doubled its operating capac ity with a new building a n d now operates in 1,700 s q uare feet of space. Prospects a r e for continued increases in bus iness volume this year, s a ys company president S. C. McGo van. " We're still growing," he adds. Current operations are handled by * staff of four but the employment rostejr goes as high as nine a t peak seasonal periods, providing properly qu alified and experienced sheet metal workers can be recruited which is not always easy, Mr. McGowan admits. They are the ones he wants however to main tain the film 's quality control. . Precision work is important industry and Oakville Sheet Metai does this type of industrial and commercial work in short - run metal products, stainless steel, copper, galvan ized, black iron and aluminum, commerce to receive enquiries Occasional adjustm ents are required even with new equip m ent and the kind of service you receive can make all tha difference in your enjoym ent of the appliance. Buying from a servicing dealer doesn't cost -- it pays and Flippance & C arr provide prom pt, friendly attention to your needs. No m atte r what make of T V or Stereo you own we can pro vide the proper service w hen needed. T o sum it all up w e'd like you to consider these points w hen you're in the m arket for appliances. If the above points ara items you consider im p o rtan t rem em ber th ey are a p a rt of Flippance & C arr. Come in and m eet o u r staff -- w e believe you'll sta y . * Located In H opedale Plaza -- 3rd Line at Rebecca S treet YOUR DEALER FOR C L A I R T O N E -- E L E C T R O H O M l -- P H I L I P S O ur S ervice* also Include R ecord B e r -- T V R e n ta ls Sw eet W ill* Over the past 2 year* the kind patrons of the Rendezvous Drive-In have enabled us to enlarge and modernize our facilities. We are (and have been for many years) the Canadian-operated affiliate of the Inter national Kaiser Refractories organization . . . and, although we a l s o represent W ithin the next few weeks we w ill be moving to our new location on the South Service Road be tween Kerr Street and the Fourth Line. Our new enlarged location w ill make It possible to serve you better with our complete selection of that "Col. Sanders" Kentucky Fried Chicken. We are pleased to be contributing to the progress of this community employment for some of its residents and adhering to a "buy policy wherever this is possible. O akville" by providing purchasing several other leading refractory producers, the bulk of the nearly 200 products we manufacture and distribute are Kaiser Refractories. Since we follow the same rigid quality control standards and profit from the same extensive research and develop ment program, it seems logical to adopt the name that represents leadership wherever refractory materials are sold. HEAD O FFIC E AND PLANT! BOX 488, O A K V I L L E , O N T A R IO 163 COLBORNE ST. W