nwmnmwww! World's Air Gateway Merely Minutes Away THE BP FLAG GOES AFTER REFINERY PURCHASE British Petroleum bought Oakville Cities Service operation Boosts Refinery 34,000 Bartels No industry Is more active in the search for new and more efficient production m e t h o d s than the oil refinery people. A good example of that charac teristic is the Oakville refinery of British Petroleum Co. of Ca nada Ltd., which by next Novem ber will boost its daily output of refined petrojeum products to 34,000 barrels, compared with the 20,000 barrels a day form erly rated as capacity. There has been no need for m ajor construction additions to the former Cities Service plant At Bronte, although an alkylation unit is being added during the present program. Instead, by internal re-arrangement of processing products, and tech nical improvements in tne plant, the new capacity will be pos sible. It is another step forward by British Petroleum which ac quired the former Cities Service refinery and its 750 retail outlets just a year ago at an estimated cost of around $10,000,000,. Tlie acquisition of the Oakville refinery was a move on HP's part to secure a stronger posi tion in the Ontario m arket through the strategic Oakville location. The company's eastern m arket is served by a 35,000 barrel-a-day Montreal refinery and 1,000 retail outlets. MOSTLY \ BY TRUCK Distribution of the new daily output at the 34,000 barrel rate will continue from Oakville lar gely by tank truck to nearbv m ajor markets but products will also flow in sm aller quantity through the petroleum p i p e lines linking the refinery with Toronto, Kingston and Hamil ton. The BP refinery was opened on May 26, 1959 as the l a s t word in refinery construction, and on stream requires about 130 highly skilled technicians and professional workers in i t s operation. Nowhere in Its operations has the refinery been more succsssful_ however than in its p-uib'ic * j- ~~ i * J - 1-- relations with the people of Oak ville and this is due to t h e strict and costly m easures tak en from the first to see that there would be no air or water pollution of the area. The refinery was highly suc cessful in this project, although it costs about $3,000,000 to pro duce the 100 per cent success ful results. Not only was pollu tion eliminated but noise a n d truck traffic nuisances w e r e banished, and an extraordinary fire prevention system, instaMed under an expert crew of fire fighters. To top it all the refin ery is surrounded by a 120-acre natural greenbelt. F A M E D AS M O D EL It was the elimination of wa ter pollution that spread t h e fame of the Oakville plant all over the petroleum world. All refineries use huge amounts of w ater both for cooling and i n refining processes and there is plenty available. The whole of Lake Ontario, in fact. By the process used a t Oak ville, this refinery-used w ater is returned to Lake O n t a r i o not only pure but even more so than when it left the lake. It can be drunk with perfect safe ty as it leaves the refinery af ter treatm ent, to flow through an aquarium where visitors can watch all the m ajor species of fish from the Great Lakes. The refinery fountain and park a t A brand new Oakville indus Bronte have become tourist try started in Erindale t w o landmarks. years ago, is now in production on the Eighth Line. M A N Y PRODUCTS British Petroleum continues to Repla Ltd. manufactures re manufacture a wide variety of enforced plastic sliding doors petroleum products, as did the predecessor company. Automo and production from newly in bile gasolines, domestic a n d stalled m achinery in the rem o industrial heating oils, aviation delled plant just north of t he fuels, diesel fuel, asphalt a n d railway crossing on the Eighth liquified gases such as propane Line has only recently started and butane are among these. Officials of the fiiiun plan fur The Oakville installation, a ther expansion of the manufac model of its kind, took a year turing p r o c e s s >to additional and a half to build and w a s products of an allied type when completed four months or more current operations are fully ahead of schedule. One reason under way to supply a national is that more than 1,500 employ m arket for tlie doors a c r o s s ees and 300 separate firm s pool Canada. ed their talents in the construc HIGH INSULATION tion project located at the cen Reinforced plastic s l i d i n g tre of company owned l a n d spread over 400 acres in t h e doors are used widely for pat ios and other installations and former T rafalgar Township. E njoy a quiet evening · . . E njoy a relaxing A tm osphere · . · E n jo y good food . . . Steak, broiled over a charcoal fire . · . they,r# delicious. Come in and see for yourself. are claimed to have unusually hgih insulating qualities against sum m er and winter tem perature extremes. The company already has plans for the future devel opment of an export m arket. Production equipment is hou sed on 4,000 square feet o f floor space in a form er c o m m ercial building remodelled in side and out specifically for the Repla company's needs. Walter Petersen is president of t h e newcomer firm, and Walter Zapp is m anager of the plant. Licenced Under The Liquor Control Board Act 10 Colborne St. W 845-3131 L IM IT B P RKAK/K OU Chatting with a merchant the other day, we mentioned our "ABC figure." "W hat," he asked, "is an ABC figure?" Perhaps what we told him will also interest you. This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, an independent, nonprofit association of well over 4,000 advertisers, vertising agencies, and publishers. Its purpose is to provide accurate and factual reports on the circulation of member ublishers. In the advertising and p u b lis h in g industry, the A B C insigne is often referred to as the " hallmark of circulation values." A n m M)Mj ; n f r a n r l i f n r v i c i f e n n r Substitute For Experience Pennsalt Chemicals are continually re searching for new and better products to serve many diversified needs. They are used extensively by the food, bev erage and m ilk industries . . . by laundry and dry cleaning firm s . . . by steel, auto motive, appliance, metal-working indus tries . . . and many more. Local people . . . making a national product. PENNSALT CHEMICALS OF CANADA LTD 700 T H IR D L IN E -----O A K V IL L E , O N T A R IO