D a lly Journal* Record p ro g re w Edition, Tue«., ivurcn 30, m men' s and boys'wear complete satisfaction depends on a /S /S -V '-s , whole lot of OIL GOES B Y WATER -- A trim tanker lies a t British Am erican Oil's Clarkson pier a m the navigation season opens, read y for another busy season on the lakes. Pipeline, itanker trucks and w ater navigation all farm p a rt of B.A.'a area transportation system . Everybody likes bargains -- but that's not the only # BA $4 Million Wages Boost Area Economy Adding greatly to the Indus trial output ol Oakville and other lakeshore communities, and one of their largest tax payers is British A m erican's Clarkson refinery, t h e biggest in the com pany's chain of nine refineries across Canada. The refinery's storage tanks and towering columns represent m ore than one of the finest in dustrial plants in southern On tario. They represent an annual payroll of m ore than four mil lion dollars and steady yearround employment for alm ost 600 people from Oakville, Clark son, and other areas, benefits which continue tQ contribute to the prosperity ana development of the area. Ideally situated w i t h regard to w ater, rail and road tran s portation, the landscaped Clark son refinery is a fam iliar sight to m otorists on No. 2 highway. Its two stacks, both 250 feet high, a re landm arks in an area which just two decades ago was largely agricultural. Today, the refinery is in the heart of the booming " Golden Horseshoe" in dustrial b e l t which extends along the s h o r e s of Lake Ontario from Toronto to St. Catharines. WAR FUELS reason why so many Oakville people enjoy shopping at Elks. They like the way we check and double-check quality, to make sure our bargains are real bargains. They like the wonderful selections they find here . . . the frie n d ly service they get here. And perhaps most of all, they like the fact that they can depend on our fittin g them perfectly. Y ou'll like shopping, here, too. ported. Since then the capacity has multiplied m ore than seven times, to 61,500 barrels daily. A lube blending plant, which h as since been expanded to supply most of B-A's total m o tor and industrial oil require m ents across Canada, w as ad ded in 1948. An expansion to the lube plant, completed in 1959, cost $2,500,000 and included a two and a h all a c re warehouse and an IBM o rd er handling and scheduling system for stream lining custom er service. In 1953 a grease plant, one of the m ost m odern and efficient in North Am erica, w as built adjacent to the lube plant- tillate" desulphurizer to be In stalled in Ontario w as added. | The million dollar unit, with a capacity of 8,000 b a rre ls a day, served to further Upgrade the quality of B-A heating oils and diesel fuels. MODERNIZED VISIT OUR COMPLETELY % The first units a t the refinery w ere completed in 1943, ju st in tim e to produce fuels and lubri cants for C anada's fighting forces during World W ar II. In those days, the crude oil pro cessing capacity was 8,250 bar rels a day, ami it w as ail im Petroleum Research Project Newest Major BA Enterprise British American Oil's most recent m ajor investment in the Oakvdl]e area is the com pany's new $-1 mil.ion Reaearch a n d Development Centre on t h e North Sheridan Way, ju st west of the Fifth Lime, The Centre, one of the larg est and best-equpped industrial research facilities in Canada, w as the first to be completed in the Sheridan P ark area, Which industry and the Ontario Government a re planning to de velop into one of the worlds leading research communities. Annual payroll is well over three quarters of & million dol lars. The B-A Centre consists of four main buildings, an Analy tical Research and Development Building, an Engine F uels and Lubricants Laboratory, a Pilot P lan t and an A dm inistration Building. The C entre's staff of 85 use the latest scientific equ ipm ent and laboratory techni ques to carry out its two main functions -- Analytical Resear ch and Product Development. SEEKING SECRETS As O ntario's automobile pop ulation soared, the dem and for high octane gasoline continued to increase. To keep pace, B-A decided to construct an alkylation unit a t the refinery to m an ufacture h i g h octane compo nents for p r e m i u m gasoline. This unit, which went into oper CRACKING UNIT To m ake Clarkskson refinery a ation in the sum m er of 1960, fully integrated m anufacturing m akes the Clarkson plant one of plant, producing a full line of the mo6t m odem refineries in petroleum products, an 58 mil Canada. lion catalytic cracking unit for In addition to this continuous the production of high octane expansion, B-A spent m ore than gasolines went on stream in three million dollars on pollu 1954. Three y ears later, follow tion control a t the refinery and ing the extension of the Inter is one of the few oil refineries provincial Pipe Line from Sap- in Canada employing a full-time nia to Clarkson, the refinery be pollution control engineer. gan using domestic crude oil M easures introduced in re from Western fields in Alberta cants years include floating roof and Saskatchewan. Also in 1957, additional pro tanks to prevent vapor loss, a cessing facilities w ere c o m- smokeless flare system to con pleted, adding 40,000 b arrels a sum e excess gases and a bio day to the refinery's capacity oxidation unit to rem ove phenols of 21,500 barrels daily. A cataly from w ater being returned to tic reform ing unit, also built Lake Ontario. that y ear, provided a greater L ast year, a new three-quar supply of high quality m otor te r million d o l l a r fuel gas gasoline to the Central Ontario scrubbing plant w as constructed m arket. to extract sulphur from fuel gas In 1959, the first " middle dis- burned in the r e f i n e r y . This plant has elim inated most of the sulphur dioxide impurities previously discharged to t h e atm osphere from its various re finery stacks. British A m erican's transport ation and distribution facilities i ju st outside of Oakville repres- ; ent a substantial ` investm ent. | Form ing a vital p art of the com pany's operations in Ontar-1 io, these facilities employ m ore ! than 200 people and provide a ' payroll of one and a q u arter million dollars. STOCKED... i · T M if ,1 ' J j M f / i ·Men's Department ·Boys' Department ·"Teen" Campus Shoppe ·Shoe Department ·Also Men's and Ladies' Luggage SHOP WHERE YOU RECEIVE AT THE FINEST PRICES! IN MEN'S CLOTHING SENSIBLE The Analytical R esearch g r oup probes the secrets of pet roleum and associated m ateri als. New and im proved fuels, oils, greases and asphalts are developed in special laborator ies and in the Pilot Plant and Engine Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory. In addition to evasuat;ng passible process im pro vem ents, the Pilot P lan t also produces product wimples f o r pei'formance testing. Tlie E n gine F uels and Lubricants Labrato ry employs 30 bench-moun ted engines in 14 te«t c~Ms and a fleet of cars to thoroughly test new and improved product formulations. The B-A Centre, a n d t h e m any others scheduled in t h c area , m ake Sheridan Park, in the words of O ntario's Prim e M inister John Robarts, "one of GARAGE $350,000 the leading industrial centres B-A's Clarkson garage w a s for scientific and technical re built in 1962 a t a cost of $350,search in the world." 000. R egarded a s one of the m ost m odern and larg est petro OTHER INSTALLATIONS British A m erican Oil and die leum vehicle m aintenance g a r lakeshore com m unities a r e in ages in Canada, it handles m a fact "partners in progress." jo r rep airs and overhauls for Over the years, B-A h as Chosen 300 vehicles in B-A's Ontario to locate a num ber of facilities, fleet. em bracing m any a re a s of com The garage has seven drivepany activity, in the im m ediate through service bays, three for Oakville vicinity. Last y ear, the com pany paid out approxim ate heavy rep air work, and three ly six million dollars in wages for light re p a irs and one full to the nearly 900 employees bay for vehicle washing. There is also a body re p a ir shop, a who work in these facilities. paint shop, and a chassis dyna T he most prom inent otf B-A's m om eter room. m any investm ents in the area is the huge, m odem , expanding The distribution facility is the Clarkson refinery. Adjacent to Clarkson branch, an arm of Bthe refinery, a re the Clarkson A's O ntario m arketing d epart branch m arketing office, a n d ment. It is " hom e" to som e 117 the Clarkson garage, built i n drivers w h o deliver B-A prod 1962, and latest addition to the ucts to an a re a encom passing com pany's enterprises in t h e Hamilton on the w est, the Bruce com munity, is the new R esea Peninsula to the n o r t h, and rch and Development Centre. Peterborough on the e a s t Spec-1 Over the years, the tax rev ial products, such a s m olten enues from these properties sulphur and je t fuel, a r e deliv-1 have poured into lakeshore tr ered to a re a s in the N iagara easuries, helping to build t h e Peninsula and e a st to Trenton. necessary schools, roads a n d Key m en in this operation a re other facilities required by a th e dispatchers, who m ake out progressive and forw ard looking routes for the d riv ers and community. avoid needless and time-con British A m erican Oil, celebr suming `back tracking." D riv ates its 60th birthday next yeair, e rs keep in touch with t h e » as one of the country's largest dispatches by telephone during in* `Z ;u-"d c:J companies. various stages of their route. men' s and boys'wear Largest Store Devoted Exclusively To Men's And Boys' Wear Between Hamilton and Toronto OAK QUEEN MALL