Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2006, p. 27

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, April 5, 2006 27 To Place an Ad Call 905-337-5610 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.buriingtonpost.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-845-9742 iiiniii'i iiiimiiiiii.nl *>: Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appeal s. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. ' houses for sale houses for sale housing wanted WE buy houses for cash! w ill co n sid e r any and all default, foreclosure ok call 416-450-6291. mortgages, loans 1ST, 2nd Mortgages below quoted market. Deal local ly with professional advice fro m C .A 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -1 1 6 4 www.granite-geneva.com A 5-yr @5.10%. Also equi ty mortgage programs re g a r d le s s o f in c o m e o r crgdit. Call Norm at 9058 4 4 -1 2 4 5 o r v is it us at www.sinclaircockburrrCftm MORTGAGES 95% s e lf employed, 95% new immi grants, 95% NO CREDIT, 95% d is c h a r g e d b a n k r u p ts . 4 1 6 -7 7 7 -0 8 7 8 www.mortgagesolutions.tv apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent flats for rent apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the office & business space OAKVILLE B ro n te H a r bour- 640-1300sqft. Park ing in c lu d e d . 9 0 5 -8 4 2 9275 Think Home, Rent Minto! 2220 Marine Drive, Oakville 905 - 825-5285 · Live right on the water overlooking k Bronte Harbour and the new marina! · Stroll to charming Bronte Village · Easy access to shopping, parks & GO Transit 2067-2069 Prospect St Bach, 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites Available CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HIGHRISE shopping |nd schools Private landscapeg garden On site laundry facility Controlled entry Includes: Heat, Hot Water, Hydro and bafcony LOOK 2 Bedrooms Available 199 Queen Mary Oakville Burlington Post and The Oakville Beaver N IA G A R /W For details call 1 month free with May 1stmove-in! Great Location! Call Now 905-842-5300 stores for sale, rent/wanted O AKVILLE B ro n te H a r bour- Retail space for rent. P a rking a v a ila b le . 905842-9275 . Speak with aTransGiobe Agent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week week apartments & flats for rent 1MO. Free- Oakville down town 1&2 bedroom apart m e n ts , on L a k e s h o r e , close to downtown shops/ resta ura nts/ lake. 905842-9275 2 b a c h e lo r a p a rtm e n ts , from $625 plus utilities. Al dershot /W est Burlington. Call 905-633-8547 905-632-4440 R E S T A U R A N T / R e ta il space for rent- Downtown Burlington. 905-842-9275 1 & 2 Bedrooms from only $999 5166 & 5170 Lakeshore Rd 905 - 333-9522 · Beautifully landscaped grounds on the Lakeshore! · Outdoor heated pool, sauna, BBQ area, billiards room · Air conditioned suites ner of the Apartment PM Organization of the Year 10-7000 TronsG lobe Property M anagement Services A PLACE TO CALL HOME! Beautiful and Spacious 2 bedrooms Great staff!! 640 tax directory DISCOUNT Tax Prep. 2~0~ years tax accounting expe rience. Seniors D iscount (60+) $10 per return. Non s e n io rs $15 pe r re tu rn . Burlington Pick-up and de livery $10. Call Owen 905332-3848 .C o u rt I Guelph Line. 905-637-6125 APARTMENT fo r rent in B r o n te V illa g e . L a rg e Clean 2-bedroom , new ly renovated, steps to lake, re n ta l in c e n t iv e s . $1125/mo. Available June 1. 905-465-3428 2 BEDROOM apt, $850.00 No la s t m o n th d e p o s it required. 905-849-4287 Videosurveillance | 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms from $950. m in to business opportunities COMPUTER printer, c a r A 2-bdrm balcony. Martha S tre e t @ New S tre e t. A short w alk to the Lake & trail. Call Debbie 905-634- minto.com $770 Burlington ParkTowers 1 Bedroom $770 2 Bedroom $840 3 Bedroom $1200 P * M ature neighborhood | Daycare centre available · Underground parking I On site laundry facility Includes: Heat, Hot w ater Hydro poOT^slze 'Omwjpdows replaced '0 4 ^ | | ^ ^ f t r jp , 4 b ^ f t ) m a c e . Master b e d ro o c T p rc t^fl^n s u ite . Neutral decor through^!!. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington. «. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. THIRD Line/ Dundas- Ravine lot, never lived in, 4 bedrooms +library, 4 bathrooms, 3000sqft, $60,000 in u p g ra d e s . A s k in g $639,900 Call Am er 905- M trid g e , re fillin g business A v a ila b le in s id e a m ajor department store, Burling ton. 416-944-2200 A spectacular lake view!! W o n d e rfu l 2 b e d ro o m s u ite s a v a il. C lo s e to s h o p p in g & QEW . 5200 Lakeshore Road. 905-6817126. Sir (ViduwL Q ikow , HAVE A GREAT VIEW OF A GREAT LAKE BRO NTE HARBOUR. Completely new and upgraded 1 Bedroom suites with lake views. Hardwood, ceramics, window coverings. Pool. Tennis. Secure underground parking. Immed., May/June Speak w ith a TransGlobe Agent I 24 hours a day, 7 days a week I 3 1 0 -7 0 0 0 1 PM Organization o f the Year NO LMR deposit required A p r./ May only. 1&2 bed ro o m s p lu s 3 -b e d ro o m tow nhouses w ith 5 a p p li ances. Close to O akville Place, QEW and GO sta tion. 905-845-7545 NORTHSHORE Tow ers, Walk to downtown Burling to n , la ke, p a rks, JBM H. 1&2 b e d ro o m a v a ila b le June/July (+$35. parking). Utilities included. No pets. Quiet building. Diane, 9am6pm, 905-681-1307 OAKVILLE Newly renovat ed 2 1-bedroom , near all a m e n itie s . $ 8 7 5 /m o + h y d r o .; 2 -b e d r o o m $ 9 7 5 /m o + h yd ro . 262 & 2 6 8 , R e y n o ld s S tr e e t, A p r. 1 / M ay.1 9 0 5 -3 3 8 8876. OAKVILLE North. 1-bed room basement apartment, e a t-in k itc h e n , s e p a ra te e n tra n c e , la u n d ry , May 1st., $750/m o. in clusive. 905-617-2992. OAKVILLE, D o rva l/*R e becca2 -b e d ro o m $ 8 4 0 /m o + h y d ro . Q u ie t sm all build in g . A va ila ble Immediately. Call 905-3383113. OAKVILLE- QEW &Trafalgar m ain flo o r bungalow w/garage, 3 bdrm. 5 appl. FP, C/A, hdwd firs, deck, y a rd . No s m o k in g , $1300/mo. inclusive- May 1st. 905-827-5166 O A K V ILLE . 1-b e d ro o m b a s e m e n t a p a rtm e n t, everything included, separ ate e n tra n c e , p a rk in g , $750/mo. 905-844-5441. OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrm s from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 K err 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -1 7 7 7 . 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 EXPLOSIVE Home Based B u s in e s s fo r y o u ! E arn $100 and more per month. See www.road2financial freedom.com TronsGlobe PRIVATE S a le - 3+1 bed I iro o m , q u ie t B u rlin g to n icourt, 1.5 baths, new roof, inew deck, C/A, near all iamenities. $272,900. 416!996-7100; 905-332-0320 fi7n-7R4ft nr 41 R-ftOP-7ft4ft townhouses 105 for sale VERY Unique South Central B u rlin g to n - 1-storey, 3+1 Bungalow; Cathedral C e ilin g , S k y lig h ts , S o la rium / Sunroom; Sauna, S u n k e n S to n e P a tio , 2 Fire p la ce s, in -la w su ite , + m o re . $ 3 3 9 ,0 0 0 . No age nts, by a pp ointm ent. 905-633-7986 INVESTMENT, Live here or I Both! Oakville Townhouse. 2 I imin. to Sheridan College. Convertible to 3-bedrooms 1 +rec. room, or 5 bedrooms. 2.5 baths, finished basement, up 1 !grades, high efficiency utilities. Easy to rent. Near Schools/ Shopping/ GO. $227,675. By Appointment 519-471-8126 PROMOTE your business opportunity to over 4 m il lion adult readers in South Central Ontario. Book your advertisem ent in over 80 M e tr o la n d c o m m u n ity n e w s p a p e rs . 4 1 6 -4 9 3 1 3 0 0 e x t. 2 7 6 s d u guay@metroland.com START your own in-home deco r business fo r $159 a n d r e c e iv e o v e r $ 80 0 worth of home decor. Lo cal free training provided. Fun, Flexible, Profitable. Time sensitive. Call Chris tine 905-319-0600 BACHELOR, bright base m ent apartm ent, W alkers Line/ Spruce area, parking, s e p a ra te e n tr a n c e , available Immediately. No s m o k in g . $ 7 0 0 /m o . Pat 905-681-2221. B EA U TIFU L b u ild in g s , d o w n to w n O ld O a k v ille , w a lk to la k e , s te p s to s h o p s . 1 b e d ro o m fro m $1025/m o, all in clusive. N o le a s e .n o last month deposit. 905-339-4645 Utilities Included 2386 New StFeet at Guelph Line Tel: 905-639-5761 Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! E x c e p tio n a l v a lu e ,.s p a cious 1&2 bedrooms. From $89 5-$ 1050/m o . U tilitie s in c lu d e d . P o o l s a u n a . Near all am enities. 905632-5258 Bring your Search to an End '1,2,3 BDRMW; s u it e s " DON'T Miss... Bronte & Lakeshore BRAND NEW Bsmt. Apartments 1 Bdrm- $900/mo Bach.- $700/mo. New Appliances. Big Windows. Utilities & parking incl. Great Neighbourhood For info, call 1- 866- 499- 1607^ Burlington Towers BEST V a lu e fo r y o u r dollar~ 1-bdrm. for immedi a te / M ay/ June in c lu d e s heat/ hydro, a/c, 1 pkg and w in d o w c o v e rin g s . C a ll 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com '.onlim.com S3 V burlingtontowers.com 905-639-8583 905-827-6783 KERFV Speers. Renovated 1 bdrm S. from $750/m o and up +hydro. Well main tained. Free parking. 416635-5T&1 x206 CONTROL your own heat & A/CH Enorm ous 1 & 2 bedroom s w ith den from $ 1 1 4 9 . S u n k e n liv in g room s, in door pool, hot tub. Close to GO station & shopping. Best S uites in Oakville! Call Lana at 905815-1628. BURLINGTON- Renovated, 2 & 3 bedroom apart ment, from $950 newer ap pliances, utilities & cable included, excellently main taine d building. Close to downtown. 905-639-1960 jT T I apartments/condos 1 1 | I J for sale 110 apartments/condos for sale HEARTHSTONE BYTHE LAKE insurance 162 BRANT S t.~ Im m aculate 1 -b e d ro o m ( $ 7 0 0 /m o ), q u ie t s m a ll b u ild in g , M ay.1 ; a ls o 3k -b e d ro o m to w n h o u s e J u n e .1 . $900/mo. 905-336-7207 BURLINGTON. 38 4 St. BURLINGTON B a c h e lo r Basem ent~ Separate en trance, kitchenette, bath ro o m . C r e d it check$650/mo. Immediate. 905335-2068,905-617-7100 B U R L I N G T O N c le a n , q u ie t , 2 -b e d ro o m s . April/May . Includes hydro, hea t, p a rk in g . No dog s. 90 5 -6 3 1 -1 8 2 6 ; 905 -8 2 7 4766. Paul Street. 2 bedroom, im m e d ia te , $ 9 0 2 /m o . Utilities/ parking included. Q u ie t, w e ll m a in ta in e d , newly renovated building on cul-de-sac. Call 5pm9pm, 905-639-7072. 165 mortgages, loans Upscale penthouse condo in Oakville, spectacular unobstructed view of the lake, 9' ceilings, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Laundry Room, Balcony, Heated Garage, A/C, Wheelchair Access. All appliances. Main floor full service dining room, well ness centre, poolf library, billiards room, hairdresser available. Shuttle transporta tion to local malls and points of interest. Available immediately. 1st & 2nd Mortgages at below bank rates. Debt Consolidation? Self Employed? Bad Credit? Call Mortgage Intelligence Inc. BRANT/ Fairview, walk to GO! 5-plex. Clean, attrac tiv e B a c h e lo r, p a rk in g , $555/m o. +hydro. Single occup ancy. May 1st. No sm oking / pets preferred. 905-528-7520. B R IG H T, w ell m aintained fam ily building. Spacious 1 &2 bedroom s. Easy a c cess to Hwy. B u rlin g to n 905-333-9846, Noon-8pm B U R L IN G T O N - 2 -b e d room apartment in 4-plex, core area. $750/mo. June 1 s t. A d u lt b u ild in g , no sm oking . 905 -63 4-34 79, leave message. CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build in g . V e ry s p a c io u s 1&2 bedrooms available A p ril/ M ay. 5 2 2 0 L a k e s h o r e , Burlington. 905-632-5486 (No dogs) DOWNTOWN B u rlington1275 Elgin Street. O ffer ing a rental discount! 1, 2&3 bed roo m s A v a ila b le Now . F re s h ly p a in te d , (so m e w ith new k itc h e n cabinetry), spacious, well maintained, quiet with up graded fire alarm system fo r sa fe h ig h ris e liv in g . 905-637-0321 DOWNTOWN B u rlingtons p a c io u s 2 - b e d r o o m , N e a r G O / a m e n itie s . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly $85 0/m o in c lu s iv e . 905- LAKESHORE & B ro n te . 1-bedroom from $925/mo. utilities included. Immedi a te ly . C lo s e to B ro n te Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 LAKESHORE ele g a n ce . Walk to Joseph Brant Hos pital, excellent Lakeshore lo c a tio n . S u its d o c to rs , nurses, paramedics. Quiet, secure professionally man a g e d , h u g e 1 b e d ro o m suite from $899/m o. Call 905-637-8431 LARGE 2-bedroom apart m e n t, d o w n to w n L a k e shore O a kville, very p ri vate w/large balcony. Bus route. $1050/mo includes heat. First/ Last. No Park ing. 905-845-1907 LIV E r ig h t d o w n to w n ! Newly renovated, spacious 2-bedroom suites downtown Burlington. Walk to Spencer Sm ith Park, 505 Locust. 905-333-9008 905-815-9482 1-888-684-8326 Ask for Jeff Gemmell $$MONEY$$ C'dnsplidate d e b ts . M o rtg a g e s to $10 0% No in c o m e , bad eredit OK! Ontariowide Fi n an cial C orp 1-888-3077799 BURLINGTON 1-bedroom c o n d o , b a lc o n y , in d o o r p o o l, s a u n a , e x e r c is e room, $855/m o (includes heat, hydro, cable); Bur lington M all, 2-bedroom , ground floor duplex, 4 ap pliances, $895/mo. Albert M cD onagh Ltd. R e altor, 905-632-5690 BURLINGTON Downtown, n e a r la k e , 2 b e d ro o m w /b a lc o n y , p a r k in g . $850/mo. +hydro. Immedi ate 905-631-0191 BU R LIN G T O N , 2 - b e d ro o m a p a r tm e n t, n e w kitchen, well kept. Close to GO. $ 8 5 0 /m o . 9 0 5 -8 7 5 161 3 o r 5 1 9 -8 5 6 -0 0 1 2 after 6pm.. Asking $339,900 Call 905-845-2862 for appointment G UELPH L in e / Q EW . B a c h e lo r a p a rtm e n t + 1 b e d ro o m . A v a ila b le May 1st., $700/mo. inclu s iv e . S u it p ro fe s s io n a l. 9 0 5 -5 9 2 -9 2 8 4 ; 2 89 -24 27425. FACING B u rlington mall, renovated 2 BR. Refined te n a n ts . M a rb le lo b b y . Parking & hydro included. Princess 905-639-8009 FINEST building in Down tow n O a k v ille 1& 2-bedro o m s u ite s fro m $1050/mo. 905-330-2770, 905-330-1566 OAKVILLE- O ntario S t.B e autifu l lo cation 1 bed room + den in quiet excel lently maintained building. Fully renovated. Utilities in cluded. 905-469-9330 O A K V IL L E , 4 1 5 K e rr Street. 1-bedroom apa rt ment, balcony, $825/m o.; 2-bedroom $925/mo. Cali 9am-8pm, 905-339-2437.

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