Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2006, p. 29

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, April 5, 2006 29 500 500 general help general help general help general help general help general help OFFICE ADMIN. DIPLOMA Also: A T T R IP O l TRANSPORTATION INC. Ontario's largest privately owned school busing company WH&LE FOODS 301 Cornwall Rd. Oakville, ON L6j 7Z5 If you are passionate about food, know how to deliver great customer service, and are looking fo r an exciting work environment... we are looking fo r you! W e are h irin g p e rm a n e n t fu ll tim e team m e m b e rs fo r th e fo llo w in g departm ents: Medical/Dental/Legal P ro g ra m s Is now hiring and training school bus drivers for IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT ID E A L FO R PART-TIM E PERSONS - Free Training Excellent part-time employment for: - Competitive Wages p - Train on small or " VT [|fes /u large vehicles " Mofhers/Housew.ves - Extra earnings available " $ aY (* home fathers with charter work ' No baby-sitting Children ride FREE SCHOOL ROUTE OPENINGS AVAILABLE IN BURLINGTON, OAKVILLE, WATERDOWN, AND FLAMBOROUGH AREA Seafood Dishwashers Prepared foods · Produce · Coffee · Bread Baker Close to the GO Train ,, andiheQEW Find us online at www.wholefoodsmarket.com EX PER IEN CED help fu ll time for pork slaughter op eration, top wages steady work, Milton area. Fax re sume 905-87 8-99 78,,Call Mario 905-878-3923 G RO W IN G la n d s c a p e c o m p a n y has p o s itio n s o p e n . E x p e rie n c e and transportation a must. Call 9 0 5 -6 8 9 -5 5 5 7 or fax re sume to: 905-689-9643 FULL-TIME Service Advis or required for fast growing autom otive business. Ex perience a plus not a ne cessity for the right candi date. M ust have a clean d riv in g record, e x c e lle n t people skills and computer know ledge. Apply in per s o n to : A u to fu n , 3 2 8 0 Mainway, Burlington. HOUSEKEEPER- Mon-Fri, 6pm-10pm, exp. preferred. Bondable. C ontact Mark P orter The O akville Club C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -0 2 3 1 e x t . 2 0 1 , Fax 9 0 5 -8 4 5 3186, email mporter@ oak villeclub.com HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 460 Brant St., Ste. 26, Burlington 905 - 637-3415 Please email resumes to: oakvilleapplicants@wholefoods.com Fax: 905*815*0794 or stop by our Customer Service salon & spa help HAIRDRESSER, full-tim e, or part-time, junior or sen ior stylist, Oakville. Emilio, 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -8 2 8 1 , le a v e a message. L& sod :] Kennedy Ford Oakville P O S IT IV E th in k e rs w ith people s k ills ne'ed'ed for th e o n e o f th e f a s te s t g r o w in g c o m p a n ie s in C a n a d a , T r u e s t a r fo r W o m e n . If y o u h a v e a background in the health & w e lln ess in dustry a nd /or sales e xpe rience please send your resume to centerjobs@truestarhealth. com SIGN Maker- Vynl graphic experience a must. Profi cient in English. Primary skills- Weed, mask &sapply. C o rel, F le xisig n an asset. Up to $16/hr. fu ll tim e . B u rlin g to n a re a , email: rchome@sympatico .ca SWIMMING Pool Service C o m pa ny re q u ire s F u llti'm e S e a s o n a l S e rv ic e R e pre sentative. M ust be highly motivated w/experience in pool industry pre fe rr e d . V a lid d riv e rs l i cense required. Excellent custom er service skills a m u st! Fax re su m e 905637-0701, email vinylmasters@cogeco.ca T E L E M A R K E T E R S (E x p e r ie n c e d , m a tu re and professional) Wanted P/T to set up m eetings for fi nancial a dvisors in O ak ville. $10/hr + bonus. Call Simon 905-510-9210. 2 M ILANO h a ir s tu d io , is now a c c e p tin g resum es fro m lic e n s e d s t y lis t s . Please call 905-333-0717. Career Opportunity With the expansion of Ford of Canada's Oakville Manufacturing facility and recent promotions, we are in need several additional Sales Professionals and are prepared to train through a professionally presented... +mm l> TRANSPORTATION INC. ` "SAFETY IN MOTION' f skilled & technical help SM ALL business seeking organized detailed orient ed person, full-tim e. Du ties: O rder Entry, phone/ e-m ail custom er service, s h ip p in g / receiving, pu r chasing/ inventory control. T e ch nical and co m p u te r skills major asset. E-mail resume to: dtait@ carremmcontrols.corrr EXPERIEN CED Siding In staller- Own tools a must, own tra n s p o rta tio n p re ferred. S alary based on exp. Mike 905-847-1717 NOW H irin g in O a k v ille . K itc h e n r e n o v a tio n s & k itc h e n in s ta lle r s . Own truck, Own tools. Call 905SI 5-7667 P R O FES SIO N A L p ainter re q u ire d - min. 10yrs. ex perience, must have own transportation and equip ment. Call 905-332-6003 REQUIRED Imm ediately!! E xperienced window and door in sta lle rs. F ull-tim e hourly wage based on ex perience. Valid driver's li censed required. Must be 25+ (fo r in sura nce). Fax resum e 905 -315-8378 or call 905-315-8380 or apply in person, Home W indow Inc. 3070 Mainway #7 Bur lington t C all 9 0 5 - 3 3 3 - 4 0 4 7 o r 1 - 8 8 - 7 4 9 - 1 5 1 5 Free Seminar Learn about the car business before, making a career decision. If you love the challenges of dealing with people and are self-motivated, this may be for you. Excellent commission plan, car allowance and benefit package is available for the right candidates. Male and female applicants are encouraged. Think a career in the automobile industry might suit you? Please contact our sales manager at (905) 845-1646 ext. 210 AZ/DZ Driving Tandem Straight Daytime M-F, GTA & Niagara Burlington based, non-smoking environment. Clean abstracts and full security clearances. general help general help CO o AD U LTS for Door-To-Door Deliver We are looking for adults (individuals or crews) who have a reliable vehicle (the larger the better) and a desire to earn ex tra money by delivering newspapers with flyer packages 3 days a week (Wednes day, Friday and Saturdays) to residences throughout Oakville. This is truly a doorto-door delivery program and is best suit ed to those who are not afraid of hard work and enjoy working independently in the outdoors. Maturity and a strong sense of responsibility and reliability are mandatory. If you w ould like to explore th is o p p o rtu n ity In m ore detail, please co n tact Bob at 905-637-8795 Specialty Freight 905-333-0446 or fax resume to 905-333-5429. general help JO S H U A C re e k G o lf. L o o k in g fo r p e rfe c t em ployee to work at our golf ing ra n g e . A p p ly W ith in 1330 Burnham thorpe Rd. E. Oakville IMPORTANT Notice: The Burlington Post, O akville Beaver and Flamborough R e view recom m en d you exercise good judgem ent when respond ing to em ploym ent opp ortunity ad v e rtis e m e n ts w h ic h a§k you to provide credit card in form ation, send m oney or sign a contract. EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MANAGER Minimum TWO YEARS experience in a business office mandatory. Attrac tive remuneration package includes salary plus commission, benefits and demo. Be prepared to supply proof of your past success. No free lunch here, you work long and hard and get good compensation and long term employment in return. E-mail resume with THREE trade references to GREENTHUMB LANDSCAPING requires Full-Time ·Construction Foreperson ·Garden Mainte nance Foreperson ·General laborers Wages commensu rate with experience, education and qualifications. T R A T T O R IA T im o n e is looking for Part-Time night and w eekend d is h w a s h ers, downtown O akville . S tu d e n ts are w e lc o m e ! c o n ta c t M ike 9 0 5 -8 4 2 2906. W ELL established'oakville Automotive repair has the openings in the follow ing positions: Service Advisor, S h u ttle D riv e r, g e n e ra l shop person. Please call 416-948-4510. or Fax 905842-9483 C O L om 1DEO Full Time Sales/Management Trainees KEVIN'S No Frills is look ing for part-time cashiers/ c le rk s , d a y / n ig h t hours available. A pplications to 125 Cross Ave, Oakville. LA N D S C A P E C o n s tru c tion company requires la-b o 'u re rs & la n d s c a p e rs w/min. 5 yrs. experience. Call 905-319-0034 or fax resume 905-331-1746 LANDSCAPE Foreman. 3 years experience required $1620/hour. Call 905-208-6699 or email: gardenzard§ca.inter.net. ncarter@saturnmississauga.com Apply to 3077 Guelph Line, Burlington or fax resume 905-335-2316. OPENING SOON IN CAMBRIDGE! (Will train at the Kitchener Location) · High Base Salary/Commissions · Bonuses, Extensive Benefits, Management-Training ·Employment Stability · Retail (commission) sales experience preferred 515 "technical help ^skilled & M I Saturn o f 4311 Mississauga AREYOU LOOKING FORA WITH AN INDUSTRY LEADING INTERNATIONAL COMPANY? 10 IMMEDIATE JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $12-$13/hr. All shifts available Fax your resume to the attention of Gabe @ Kitchener Store 519-650-5472 or visit our Kitchener location 4396 King Street East (Hwy 8) Sportsworld & King St. e-mail: hrdept@2001audiovideo. com H AN D Y M A N F /T Oakville-Burlington residential & commercial renovation & repair co. seeks professionals with 15+ years exp. Carpentry, drywall, tiling, electrical & plumbing abilities a must. Must have good communications skills, be bondable, have a clean drive record.and your own tools. Uniform and company vehicle provided. HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton T U t tf f a t o n i . It's nice when you discover the Job is as good as the coffee. Quality Training ·Incentive Programs Benefits or Savings Program ·Free Uniforms Full time & Part-time Positions Available Apply in person with resume at: 3485 Harvester Rd. at Walkers Line (new location) 5539 Harvester Rd. at BurloakDr. (inside Esso) SALES CONSULTANT POSITIONS Every sales career needs a springboard. If you have the street-smarts, energy and drive to create a lifelong sales career, we have the oppor tunity that will get you started. Learn how to sell B2B with North America's Largest Energy Retailer. We are opening two new Commercial Sales offices (Burlington* St. Catharines) that will serve the B2B Markets for the Oakville through Niagara region. Advancement opportunities exist for top perform ers. Email your resume to: LIFEGUARD for large in door pool in B u rlington's finest apartm ent com m u nity. Id e a l fo r s tu d e n ts . M u s t h a v e v a lid N L S , CPR/ First-Aid experience required. Must be able to work days, evening/week ends, assist w ith various activities in Rec Centre. E -m a il: in fo @ o n tim .c o m fax 416-364-6087. . M ERCH A N D ISER (P a rtTime)- To service greeting card departm ents in Bur lington. Approx. 12-15hrs/ w e ek. M ust have good command of English. Call Sylvia Thursday only 9am4 pm 1 -8 0 0 -3 8 7 -5 6 1 4 ext.4491 Not all'calls will receive a response. Call: 905-633-7777; Fax: 905-633-8946 Telemarketers Hiring part-time even ings telemarketers for ·No selling · No experience necessary · Must be outgoing Electronics / Instrumentation Technician Hoskin Scientific Limited, an established Canadawide distributor of Industrial & Environmental In struments has an opportunity for an electronics/ in strumentation technician in our Burlington office. or.call 905-220-3111 Fax resume 905-631 -5686 TOTAL Tech Pool and Spa An industry leader since 1990 iwantajob@directmomentum.com or call 416-628-8094 Please Quote: B2B Consultant Call 905-842-9447 Service Assistants/Seasonal Open, maintain, repair pools/spas · Ideal for students 58 D irect Energy TU tihhttom 530 Dundas St. E, Waterdown, Monday-Friday Retail Assistants/Seasonal Assistant Manager/FT Scheduling · Purchasing · Supervision A p p ly by fax 905-827-7072 Or e-mail at info@ totaltechpools.com CA SH Daily. G uaranteed $ 1 2 -$ 2 0 /h r . + b o n u s e s . Burlington/ O akville doorto door Fundraisers. Sup porting people with special n e e d s . C h e ry 9 0 5 -6 1 7 - NEW SEASON NEW CAREER Information Packed Real Estate Career Seminar Saturday April 8th 10:30 am-Noon (Oakville) Limited seating. 905.845.9180 or careers@century21miller.com M U SIC T e a c h in g 'o p p o rtu n itie s - Piano, Vo cal, Violin & Guitar teaches required for Oakville Music S tu d io . C om e w o rk in a fun, relaxed atm osphere. P o s itio n s s ta rt S p ring & S e p t. J a m e s 9 0 5 -8 4 5 1227 email jf ranczek @rogers.com P E T G ro o m e r w /e x p e rience, Full-tim e/ Part-tim e available. Excellent $$ op p o rtu n ity . Set y o u r own h o u rs . M ust h ave v a lid drivers license. Call Sue, M rs . P a w s M o b ile P e t Grooming 905-336-8898 Responsibilities will include: repairs, calibration and maintenance on a range of instrumentation. We are looking for an individual with an aptitude for problem solving and a variety of challenges. The applicants shouldpossess the following: · A knowledge of electronics component soldering · Computer software and hardware familiarity · Good communication skills will be required Interested applicants should forward their resume in confidence to: 6am-10am or 6am- 2pm Double Drive Thru Benefits Call 905-689-3131 Fax:905-689-9302 CAR R e n ta l Jock-ey (W asth, v a c u u m , d riv e ) F u ll-tim e . C lean d riv in g record, honest, punctual. Oakville. Must be 19+. Call 905-337-9373. C O N C IE R G E c o m p a n y [ooking for Housekeepers, must be meticulous clean er, run errands, ability to take in s tru c tio n s , m u lti task,$14-20/ hour, room to advance. M ust be bondable w/valid drivers li cense/ cell. Toronto/ Oak ville locations. Provide ref erences/ police check. FT/ PT Im m ediate . Send re sume: liz@cashteck.com Pat Wilson (Mrs.) HOSKIN SCIENTIFIC LIMITED 4210 Morris Drive Burlington, ON L7L5L6 FAX: 905-333-4976 E-MAIL: pwilson@hoskin.ca HOSKIN HE % YO UTH/ A d u lt c a r rie r s needed to deliver the Sat urday/ Sunday Sun in Oak ville. 30 cents per/paper 1 -in s e rt c a ll 9 0 5 -6 3 1 0472,1-800-317-5636 computer & IT E X P E R IE N C E D Mac o p e r a to r re q u ire d in p r e press. Email rais® theprintmachine.com COOK required fu ll-tim e fo r w a te rd o w n d a y c a re . Monday-Friday Please call 905-690-2273

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