2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A pril 5, 2006 L o o k in g S ta r ts fo r a p e r fe c t m o r tg a g e ... lis t ! J w it h a w is h 1) I want the best rates - no haggling, hassles or flip-flops 2) All of the major financial institutions vying for my business 3) Lots of options. You design it, we'll build it... Let Fiscal Agents guide^ou through Canada's mortgage marketplace. With the help of Mortgage Intelligence - we can helpjou find the perfect mortgage. 4?* /Sf ^ . I want a variable-rate mortgage; and I want to be able to convert it to a fixed-term without penalty; o r I want a fixed-rate mortgage; and H I want the option to Pay down the balance at any time; o r I want to pay off my mortgage sooner; or I want to know how much I can borrow before I buy a home. .ooking for the perfect mortgage also includes ol ig report on being prei u this special r r REPORT 905-844-7700 Officer 24hr 905.630.7205 FISC A L AGENTS Financial Sen/ices Group ffiSBSk Call today, or go on-line at: ( S J Trademark of Mortgage Intelligence Inc. ® Registered trademark of Mortgage Intelligence Inc. www.fiscalagents.com/perfectmortgage 201 City Centre Drive, Suite 900, Mississauga, ON L5B 2T4 A GMAC Company LIVING SHOW lit / M O RTG A G E IN T E L L IG E N C E " Fiscal Agents believes Mortgage Intelligence is the b est brokerage in the industry. Their professionalism and ethical standards m akes them our number one referral" - Fiscal Agents C a n a d a 's la r g e s t M o r t g a g e B r o k e r a g e O u r R e la tio n s h ip , O u r C o n fid e n c e sift through all available products and services to match your needs. T h in k a b o u t It. Is your bank going to Fiscal Agents and Mortgage Intelligence are two separate, independent business entities n with a common vision - Both / uniquely qualified to guide you Agfc j M through the world of mortgages. The advice offered is completely unbiased. Our experience in monitoring the mortgage and financial marketplace has convinced us that, out of all the options available in the mortgage industry, Mortgage -F1 Intelligence is the best choice for you. We recommend them without hesitation. recommend a competitor that has better *7 rates? Not a chance . Mortgage Intelligence means promising choice and flexibility. As their client you can be assured that your needs, preferences and resources will K H O C 7 be respected, meaning you'll B f f U / obtain the lowest rate with, the best options geared to your " ^ circumstances. That mean's having your mortgage paid off sooner. Not only do they want you to be smarter about mortgage financing, they're prepared to work harder for your business. They're not your typical 9 to 5 banker; they're on the job when you need them. They've simplified the complex world of mortgages for you - busting through any jargon - and will explain in clear and ea^y-to-understand terms, all the options and available choices for your maximum benefit. Your Mortgage Intelligence consultant will look after all the paperwork to ensure time commitments are met, working with you, your realtor, and legal or financial advisor. The expertise of Fiscal Agents - Information '* * ^ 5 Services and our knowledge j = 4 of the interest rate marketplace, ' ^ combined with Mortgage Intelligence's experience originating mortgage loans, adds up to the best advice available. In recognition of this powerful synergy, Mortgage Intelligence have assembled a team of mortgage consultants and research analysts. The team is housed in Oakville at Fiscal Agents' head office and they're ready to offer mortgage services to Canadians. The Mortgage team is lead by Dave Butler, a recognized industry specialist and recipient of a prestigious customer-service award in 2005. "Since we don't collect a salary - we only get paid when we get results and we've satisfied yo u r mortgage needs com pletely " - Dave Butler T h e D a v e B u t le r T e a m "We specialize in making it easy to get a better mortgage, offering a level of specialized knowledge and service that far surpasses what you've come to expect from your bank. We shop every available lender to ensure you receive the most attractive rate and features based on your situation. Best of all, our professional advice and assistance is free!" - Dave Butler Th e Mortgage Intelligence Advantage ... It's simple. Your bank has only one mortgage to offer, whereas Mortgage Intelligence offers access to a wide array of products offered by the marketplace. As independent mortgage specialists, they John-A ndrew Newman 905-844-7700 MORTGAGE CONSULTANT 24hr 905.630.7205 M ORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE 25 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville