w w w .o a kvi Ilebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday November 25, 2006 - 17 P u z z le s , g a m e s a n d f u n s t u f f f o r k id s o f all Q) P u b lic S k a tin g 0 ) B o w lin g Q) G ifts (23 B illia rd s ( L V ideo G a m e s @ S n a c k Bar &D.J. . I Creative learning and chlkbre loo! Toddler, Preschool, Summ er Com p*, t JK/SK / Healthy nutritious V meals/snacks prepared by \ our in-house cook, Full Time & Port Time Enrollment Child Friendly Outdoor Playground, / 1395 Abbeywood Dr.. Unit 16, (north of QEW off 3rd Line) ( 905 ) 469-2944 * transportation and summer camp only from this compos 2640 Bristol Circle, Oakville (Dundas and Highway 403 } ( 905 ) 829-1954 ^ovqeous V in ta g e In s p ire d C h ris tm a s G ifts fo r C h ild re n LEARN TO SKATE WITH US! 3&4Tearsold 3&4Yearsold 3&4Years old 5-lQYearsold 5-14Years old Winter Session Spring Session Foxcreek Plaza (Dundas & 3rd Line) 905.469.4877 I® ' 0cto6ei to Mated April to May Ages 6 Weeks to 6 Years Care Available M m 2-5 Days/Week JVbK Field Trips, . /h S r C ' Special Events Nutritious Meals a n i| S n a r lr s Ministry Recognized Kindergarten Programs All Natural Cleaning Products G lenA bbeyEec. C entre and OakvilleArena N o w A c c e p tin g R e g is t r a t io n s Child Care Centre J 1 1 Friendly experienced stylists Cool toys and books p i +· r-T A For locations across the 6TA, please go to www.melonhead.ca --------: Skate Canada NCCPCertified Instractors Skate Canada Badge Award Program A Non profit Clubwife over 2600Mem bers 1 - J MELONH0AD HAIR PRODUCTS FOR KIDS! for Franchising info call 905.731,6280 Monday-Saturday io-6; Sunday 11-5 B est K id s tta ir c u t" -C ity P a re n t www.oaKviUwlsatin9club.or9 6 K atin9@ belinet.ca 105^ 51- TTll % Q u a lit y C h i l d C a r e Y o u C a n See! M OO $i*th fcifie, w w w .m e lo n h e a d .c a Piver OaKs Creation Centre