Oakville Beaver, 12 May 2006, p. 42

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42 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, May 12, 2006 careers careers careers careers careers careers Cogeco Cable Inc. is a d iv e rs ifie d c o m m u n ic a tio n s co m p a n y th a t plays an a c tiv e role w ith in th e m edia, cable, high -spe ed In te rn e t se rvice s d is trib u tio n , a n d d ig ita l te le p h o n y m a rk e t se cto rs. C u sto m e r focus, te a m s p irit, c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d e n tre p re n e u rs h ip m a ke Cogeco a tru ly d yn a m ic co m p a n y w ith a tra c k re c o rd o f p ro a c tiv e ly m e e tin g c u s to m e rs ' e vo lvin g c o m m u n ic a tio n s needs. If y ou have re la te d e xp e rie n ce c o m b in e d w ith a w in n in g c u s to m e r se rvice a ttitu d e , c o n s id e r jo in in g o u r te am in one o f th ese p e rm a n e n t, fu ll-tim e o p p o rtu n itie s w ith in o u r In b o u n d C all C entre in B u rlin g to n . . $ 16 .22/hour + bonus opportunities TECH N ICA L CONTACT R EPRESENTA TIVES Use your technical troubleshooting experience to handle inbound calls fo r the Ontario Call Centre. Ensuring optim al custom er service, you will provide 1 st level technical support to our cable TV and Internet custom ers using diagnostic protocols on multi-level platform s. Extensive knowledge of TCP/IP stack configuration, Windows 95, 98, 20 0 0 , NT and XP, Apple Mac, Browser settings (Internet Explorer) and e-mail (Outlook Express) would be a great asset in th is role. A general understanding o f the broadband, telecom m unications, cable and Internet industries would be an asset. While some flexibility will be availablete-iaccom m odate individual schedules, you m ust be able to work rotating shifts in pur fast-paced 2 4 /7 call centre operation. We o ffe r $ 1 6 .2 2 per hour, plus bonus opportunities, and a benefits package th a t includes group insurance and pension plan. Interested applicants, please send your cover letter and resume, quoting Ref. #CCF06-32, to: Recruitment Services, Cogeco Cable Inc., 950 Syscon Road, P.0. Box 5076, Station Main, Burlington, ON L7R 4S6. Fax: 905-333-8479. E-mail: careers@cogeco.com We than k all applicants, however, only those se le cted fo r an intervie w w ill be co ntacted. Cogeco o ffe rs em ployees an environm ent th a t prom otes cultural heritage and equal opportunity. Y O U R IS P O T E N T I A L U N L I M I T E D I_____ ((()))COG I T h r o u g h P a r tic ip a tio n The Wireless Revolution is upon us! Our independent Dealer partners are lo o kin g fo r professionals w ith a strong sense o f w h a t it takes to be successful in th e exciting, cu ttin g -e d g e wireless industry. Rogers Wireless is Canada's leading wireless voice and data com m unications service provider. Due to o u r trem endous g ro w th in B u rlin g ton , w e are seeking: B U S IN E S S S A LE S E X E C U T IV E S www.cogeco.com n c u u m cu P r o g r e s s w ith d esignation and sm all b u s in e s s , p e r s o n a l a n d c o rp o ra te in co m e ta x e x p e rie n c e w /m in im u m fiv e ye a r e x p e rie n c e in p ra c ti tio n e rs o ffic e . F u ll-tim e . Full w o rking kno w led g e of C a s e w a re , C a n ta x , S im ply, Q u ick b o o ks s o ftw a re . P o te n tia l fo r p a rtn e rs h ip . In te r e s te d p a r t ie s o n ly p le a s e e m a il: d a v id whill@ sym patico.ca W ith a passion to learn and w o rk as p a rt o f a team , you w ill bring Rogers innovative wireless products and business solutions to th e small- and m edium -sized business markets. Id e n tify prospective customers in a de fin e d m arket area, analyze th e ir needs and recom m end solutions. C ollaborate w ith o u r industry leading team o f sales, m a rke tin g and technical specialists to develop, im plem ent and realize m arketing and sales plans. In re tu rn fo r y o u r se lf-m o tiva tio n and d e te rm in a tio n , w e w ill provide you w ith : · to o ls to g ro w and manage y o u r custom er base · co m p e titive com pensation along w ith commission · extensive tra in in g program s · fle x ib le schedules · u n lim ite d p o te n tia l fo r g ro w th · fre e phone W e o ffe r an exciting, progressive w orkplace and are c o m m itte d to y o u r success. This is an excellent career o p tio n fo r recent grads w h o love th e w o rld o f high-tech. Interested candidates are in vite d to visit rogers.com /careers, click on "Rogers D ealer Career O p p o rtu n itie s " to subm it a cover le tte r and resume. We appreciate your interest; however, only candidates selected for interviews w ill be contacted. The H alton Regional Police Service (HRPSJ is dedicated to providing proactive, reactive and preventative policing strategies that enhance the quality of life in the growing communities of Oakville, B urlington, M ilto n and H alton Hills. In v e n to r y /M a te r ia ls H a n d le r ^ Q CD -- > 3 A d e tail-o rie n te d te a m player w ith excellent organization, a tte n tio n to detail and com m unication skills, you w ill p e rfo rm general w arehouse duties, and provide shipping, receiving and m ate ria l d is trib u tio n services, including m aintaining accurate re co rds. This role involves shipping, receiving, and m a te ria l d is trib u tio n services fo r all o f o ur fa cilitie s. You bring one year of inventory co n tro l, shipping and receiving experience w ith in a com puterized environm ent, and proficiency w ith M S Outlook, com puterized inventory syste m s and, ideally, SAP. The physical capability to load, unload, sta ck and sto re bulk supplies of up to 5 0 pounds, and a high school education are required. A w orking knowledge of W H M IS guidelines and M SDS sheets is desirable. Please send your resum e, quoting C om petition #06-C -09, by 4 p.m., May 26, 2006, to : Human Resource Services, Halton Regional Police Service, 1151 B ronte Road, P.0. Box 2700, Oakville, O ntario, L6J 5C7. Fax: 9 0 5 -0 2 5 -5 1 0 5 . No phone calls, please. The Halton Regional Police Service is co m m itte d to th e p rinciples of equal opportunity. We thank £S> £ C TS > ° S o -2 2 ^ < U 'w all applicants, however, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. w w w .h rp s .o n .c a v C < /> to <-> R O G ER S Your World Right Now A s k U s A b o u t . I I Book y o u r1 . Recruitment ad 1 today & receive 1 3 0 days on f i ·. f li § g I CANADAS BIGGEST JOB SITE Burlington Post o The Oakville mm Beav

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