Oakville Beaver, 11 Feb 2006, p. 21

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, February 11, 2006 21 f i ANDY, Love you lots! So lucky to have you and our two beautiful sons! Love Claire JEFF MARTIN! You are the best husband and father ever! Love, Gabi SW EETEST Moo-Mu, Everyday is a holiday being'm arried to you! Lovb Forever, Peanut Butter. TERRY, I love you and all of your hard headedness, you handsome devil. Love, Schmoopie Now's the time. Variety. Growth. Limited partnership opportunities. That's what you'll.find as a branch office administrator at Edward Jones. We offer great benefits and a comprehensive online training program, all in an opportunity that's based right in Burlington, Ontario. Branch Office Administrator Trainee Ford Lincoln REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY S E R V IC E A D V IS O R Immediate position available for experienced ser vice advisor. Must have previous Ford experience and Reynold & Reynolds computer experience. Top salary and bonus to the right individual. Please fax resume to: 905-844-4472 Attn: Gerry Manning, Service Manager or email to: gmanning@oaklandfordlincoln.ca Please note, only selected candidates will be notified. Ian Anderson House A 6-bed residential cancer hospice is seeking . Home Coordinator/ RN with palliative care experience. Expertise in employee supervi sion, program admin istration, & computer skills. Send resume/ letter: Executive Director, Ian Anderson House, Box 61034, 511 Maple Grove, Oakville, L6J 7P5 Fax 905-337-8006 To Michael, loving you for ever, my one and only, happy valentines day, hugs and kisses, Sally. . xxxooo JIMMY, My Sweetheart. You're so wonderful, thank-you for being mine. I Love You Sweetie! xoxoxo C.W. Everything you know is true. Be careful of her. Page BRYDON, My little man. I'm so happy you've been given to me. I love you so much! xoxoxo, Mommy · L E F T Y -J u ly 19, 2002; . Aug. 30, 2003; W et N W ild; The Pointe; FAO Schweetz; ShaDee Stables; Say Anything/ In Your Eyes; Love My Ducky; MSU Bandana. Thank You For Loving Me! Schmoops. LIVE, Love and laugh. Find joy in the little things. To the best kids a mom and dad could have. We love you. John, Tom, Sami and Brandon McKay TIFFANY, Tommy & Mikey... The 3 greatest things in my life. I will always love you. TO MY 2 LITTLE A N G E LS JENNA & HAYLEY Roses are reel, Violets are blue I am the world's luckiest m om m y < because o f you! Happy Valentine's Day! Love always, Mommy xoxo 570 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville (at the QEW) 905-844-3990. EXECUTIVE CENTRE RECEPTIONIST Immediate Burlington opening for Professional Receptionist at a fast paced, high profile execu tive centre. Responsibilities: maintain busy re ception area, greet clients/guests in professional manner, schedule meeting rooms & various ad ministrative tasks. Ideal candidates will have mini mum 3 yrs experience in a similar role/front desk hotel experience, complimented with exceptional customer service skills. Great hours w/flexibility! ^ Email resume to: resumenow@sympatico.ca CHARLIE, starting each day singing and laughing is a great way to spend the rest of our lives. I love you with all my heart, Lea. To a wonderful husband and a caring daddy. We Love You, Julie and Tayleen, xoxo. To CJ & her Daddy, I love you both deeply. Happy 1st Valentines Day Sweet Angel Girl! Love Mommy MJ You'll support the investment representative and contribute to the success of your office. Duties include various customer service, marketing and administrative functions. Applicants must have excellent organizational skills and the ability to work well independently. Edward Jones has ranked in the top 10 for five consecutive years in FORTUNE magazine's '100 Best Companies to Work For.' For prompt consideration, submit your resume online at www.edwardjones.com/careers. Include your salary requirements and Job Code on all correspondence. You may also send your resume to: Edward Jones Job Code: 294989-SK 1245 J. J. Kelly Memorial Drive St. Louis, MO 63131 Fax: 866-860-4098 E-mail: ejones@beksdata.com Exp. Comm. Techs DTP, (Cat 5e,6) Fiber optics. Fax resume: 905-847-3565. CHILLY WILLY, You're all I ever wanted, and more. I look at you and still get a THRILL. Our `m arriage is the BEST THING; I love being your wife. \ love you deeply, madly and always will! Love, The Grump TO My Honey Bunny Hubba M a n - Life sure is a gamble with you! Love you always, Madlee's W oman! MATTHEW, Thank you for being you. You are my best friend, my soul mate. Happy Valentine's Day! p.s. This is the year we have been waiting for! Love always, Tara To daddy you're the best with all my love Isabella and Lisa XOXO To My Kins I heart you my . knittylicious friend! Happy Valentines day hunnyb! Love, Cakes IN D U S T R IA L D IS T R IB U TO R C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E R E P S Leading power transmission distributor requires a CSR for Inside Sales. Exp. with bearings, fluid power & gearmotors would be an asset. P/T POSITION available for a self-motivated individual in a specialized lingerie boutique. To My BABA, Chance made us friends, fate brought us together, hearts made us soul mates. Loving you always Your BabyFace & Princeton CRAW FORD,TYLER, ELIZABETH, You are my favourite cam pers ever! Happy Valentine's! Love you mostest, Michele (Mommy) MICHAEL, I love you more today than the day I married you, m yjripn d , my love Laura W W W PICKLE, thanks for being everything I need exactly when I need it. I fall more in heart, for you everyday. I love you! Love always and forever, Ananas TO DON, If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; If ever wife was hap py in a man, com pare w ith, me, ye women, if you can. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, nor ought but love from thee, give recompense. Love, Betty-Lou TO JONNY, You are my friend, my fiance and my everything. I love you, Jolene. To Lori and Heather, My Goon and Munchkin, All my love, Tarzan/ Daddy. To my little Princess Jazzy, stop trying to kill me with kindness, Love Daddy Lou. Fax:905-670-7466 Email: i.com * To My W ife Lisa My Friend, My Love, My Life I will always love you -L o v e John U n iq u e & C h a lle n g in g N u rsin g O p p o rtu n ity Experienced Registered Nurse required for dynamic, leading edge cosmetic surgical facility. You are an energetic, self directed R.N. with exceptional interpersonal skills. You have at least 5 years of P.A.C.U. experience and are A.C.L.S. certified. You are flexible to be available for afternoon & night shifts (4pm-midnight & midnight-8am) You enjoy new challenges & being part of a great team P lease em ail or fax resu m e to nurseadmin@cogeco.net or 905-634-5406 We thank you for your interest, but only those ap plicants chosen for an interview will be contacted. 15-30/hrs per week. Email resume to: leahhill® cogeco.ca or fax: 905-637-5748 £3? TO OMA AND OPA REYPA We love you very much. . Happy Valentines day love Emma and Marcus TO the best daddy in the world we love you mommy Emily and Noah To M y M organ, H appy V alentines Day, Tw inkle Toes! I love you! Love m om m y! G eo rg ie G eorg ie G eorgie, sw e e th e art of m ine, g eorgie geo rg ie georgie, w ill you be m y vale ntin e ? I love you, love S ylvia Ho-Lee-Chow Opening Soon In Burlington! Glen and Heather, I love you both very much Goon, and Munchkin. Hugs and Kisses, Love Lori, (Mommy) HAPPY HEART DAY to the best Daddy. We Love you! Love Hanah, Charlytte, Mommy & Gizmoe. Richard, Forever for al w ays and no matter what, I Love You, Corrine Now Hiring Store Managers With Quick Service Restaurant Exp. E dw ardjones Serving Individual Investors Cooks Experienced in Oriental cuisine Paid training provided Call 1-800-465-3324 Ext. 2501 Oakville/Etobicoke Established tanning salon seeking Jakob Michael James Happy 1st Valentine's Day Love ~ Grandma ROBBIE, KATIE. MIKEY, DANNY & KID#5 Through fun & fears, play and tears, we help each other heal & grow. I prize our tim e~ the days, the years more than you kids can know. Happy Valentines Day Gang! Love, Mom To Madison & Paige & Annika, Valentine's Day was creat ed to remind us how good it feels to love & be loved. Just wanted to remind you both that you're loved very much. Love Aunty Joanna & Uncle Don TO the best daddy in the world! Happy Valentines day. Love you--Katelyn : and mark £ BudcTs BMW Lot Person required Monday to Friday 8-5 @ Budds" BMW Oakville. ___ S im p ly G re a t S e rv ic e . fOR WOMtH TNESS T U n H o tto tiA , 530 Dundas St. E, Waterdown, Mon-Fri 6am-10am or Sobey's Plaza 6am-2om Mon-Fri Double Drive Thru Benefits Call 905-689-3131 Fax: 905-689-9302 MATTRESSES 2006,12 h.p., 45 jets, waterfall, ozonator plus neck jets. All options, never used, still in wrapper. Cost $12,400, Sacrifice $6,300 Responsibilities include, maintaining lot, washing & moving vehicles plus various other duties. Must have valid drivers license, clean driving record & ability to drive manual transmission. Bring resume to Budds1BMW 2454 South Service Rd.W. Attn: Mark Roser MEMBER SERVICES We require a custom er driven professional to execute many tasks including sales, reception & clerical, strong communication skills & ability to be accurate while multi tasking is essential. Must be avail, some weekends/evenings. Please call & submit your resume to: lindaburden@ fourfortyfitness.com 440 Pearl St,. Burl. Linda Burden 905-639-1440 Sales/General Help Drop off resume to: CLASSIC TAN or email: classictan@ sympatico.ca -971-1777 New Orthopedic Double $235 Orthopedic Queen $255., King $400. Memory-Foam Beds Avail Free Local Delivery. 20 Year Warranty. 905-632-BEDS(2337) 905-616-1700 DRIVERS /^ TB VeYO U N G Deliver new trucks throughout the U.S. & return with new trucks from U.S. plants 47/48cm You've got it! Forever Young and City Parent Publications, divisions of Metroland Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd, are seeking an to market both publications in the Hamilton/Niagara area. The qualified candidate will be a motivated, independent, self starter with a proven track record in sales. You will possess ex cellent written and verbal communication skills and be fam iliar with Microsoft computer applications. In this role, you will be customer focused and will build strong re lationships with new and existing clients by ensuring that their ad vertising needs are met. You will be goal-oriented and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets. If you would like to work for a leader in the media industiy this op portunity may be the right one for you. A reliable vehicle is re quired. If interested please fo rw ard yo u r resum e, indicating in th e su bject line F orever Young & C ity Parent, no later than F ebruary 15th, 2006 to: ca reers @ h alto n sea rch .c o m Fax: (905) 632-0308 Req.'d Im m ediately Advertising Sales Representative Receptionist Part-Time Evenings and Saturdays Fax or email resume: 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -1 8 7 6 bobb@terracefordlincoln.com Attn: Bob Barey Call Centre Debt Collectors & Bilingual Telesales/ CSR Agents needed Motel provided nightly No cost family medical Frequent flyer miles Must have AZ license w/OTRT/T exp Somebod Wants ItY (Does not apply to Gunge Seles), limited line offa. Sell your unwanted items in the classifieds. If your item doesn't sell the first week, we'll give you the 8 0 0 -6 8 9 -8 5 2 5 re s ta u ra n t & win© bar Now hiring full-time Fine Dining Servers (Exp.doniy) Dishwasher(s), Line Cook Food Runners/Bus Person Apply in person between 2pm-7pm 905-815-8638 266 Lakeshore Rd., E. OAKVILLE F/T perm. Required >) work day/ evening shifts. Must have excellent communication skills. Will tram. Competitive wage + bonuses & benefits. Fax resume to: 905-855-0603 Sales Reps/ Brokers Looking for dynamic, aggressive reps to grocery, dollar & drug stores. Best product mix & best prices. Exp. is a must! S T R E e !, Original 3-day ad must be re-ordered immediately. Private party only.. Applicable to Cars for Sale and Articles for Sale only. 63244401 Burlington Post CLASSIFIEDS Fax resumes to 1-905-761-8345 hr-dept@hotmail.com We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. The Oakville Beaver ^ CLASSIFIEDS

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