Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2016, p. 11

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1 1 | T h u rs d a y , D e c e m b e r Lock it, as home bieak-ins are on the rise: police by Julia Le O akville Beaver Sta ff I was eating the same things day after day. Now I have more than 200 choices... and delivery is free! 1, 2 0 1 6 | An increase of break-ins to Oakville residences has Halton police reminding residents to lock their doors and keep their homes secure. Since early November, police say they've received a number of reports of suspects using brute force to enter homes while the residents are at work. The incidents often take place in the weekday during daytime hours, a Halton police release states. The suspects target jewelry, electronics and cash. Police are advising homeowners to activate any alarm systems they may have, ensure all windows and doors are locked and keep valuable items out of view from the street before leaving their homes. The public is encouraged to call police if anyone observes anything suspicious. As an additional measure of protection, residents who have residential surveillance are reminded to contact the Halton Regional Police Service' s Security Camera Registration and Monitoring Program (S.C.R.A.M.). This community-based crime prevention and O A K V IL L E B E A V E R Get delicious, frozen meals, soups and desserts delivered directly to your home. Made Seniors Request your FREE Menu Catalogue Today! 1 -8 4 4 -4 0 9 -0 0 5 0 H eartToH om eM eals.ca for | w w w .in s id e H A L T O N .c o m investigative tool allows individuals to identify and register residential video surveillance equipment through a simple, secure, confidential, online form located on the police service' s website (www.haltonpolice.ca) under Services. Anyone with information related to breakins is asked to contact the Oakville Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747, ext. 2216, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at www.haltoncrimestoppers. com, or by texting "Tip201" with your message to 2 7 4 6 3 7 (crimes). Free Delivery*. No Obligation. Delicious Choices. *some conditions may apply. H EA RT T O ^ HOME MEALS DELICIOUS MEALS MADE FOR SENIORS' V e r y M e rry Click & Collect Deals A new deal every week M ake the h o lid a ys m erry w hen you sh o p g ro c e rie s o n lin e at s u p e rs to r e .c a / v e ry m e rr y Get Free Pickup When you shop online* Use c o d e S U P E R S T O R E -F R E E V alid on o rd e rs p lace d b etw e e n D e c e m b e r 2-8 R E A L C A N A D IA N big on fresh, low on price: Click&Collect *The w a iv e d p ic k u p fe e (th e " O ffe r" ) is o n ly va lid w h en you spend $ 3 0 o r m ore, b e fo re a p p lic a b le fees and taxes, in a s in g le tra n s a c tio n m ade o n lin e a t w w w .su p e rsto re .ca . V o u ch e r co d e m ust be e n te re d d u rin g c h e c k o u t to redeem . M in im u m p u rchase a m o u n t excludes a m o u n ts sp e n t on th e purchase o f to b a c c o , a lco h o l p ro d u cts, p re s c rip tio n s , p h o n e cards, lo tte ry tic k e ts all n o n p a rtic ip a tin g th ird p a rty o p e ra tio n s and any o th e r p ro d u c ts w h ic h are p ro v in c ia lly re g u la te d o r as w e d e te rm in e fro m tim e to tim e. O ffe r is o n e tim e only, c a n n o t be c o m b in e d w ith any o th e r C lick and C o lle c t o ffe r and excludes pre vio u s purchases. O rde rs m ust be placed b y D e ce m b e r 8, 2016. W e reserve th e rig h t to cancel an y o rd e r d u e to u n a u th o rize d , alte re d , o r in e lig ib le use o f d is c o u n t and to m o d ify o r cancel th e s e p ro m o tio n s d u e to system e rro r o r unforeseen pro b le m s. ® /T M The tra d e m a rk s and lo gos d is p la ye d are tra d e m a rk s o f th e ir re sp e ctive ow ners. A ll rig h ts reserved.

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