w w w .in s id e H A L T O N .c o m | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | T h u rs d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 6 | 2 0 N A D I A I S A C H A M P Nadia Karipidis, 8 , of Oakville, has returned from The War A m ps 2 0 1 6 Ontario Child Am putee (CHAM P) Se m in ar in Kitchener. The sem in ar brought together child am putees from a cro ss the province while also m arking the 70th anniversary of The War A m ps Key Tag Service. Nadia w as born a partial left hand am putee and, a s a `Cham p,' is eligible to receive finan cial a ssistan ce for the co st of artificial lim bs and devices. By attending sem inars, C ham p s and parents learn about the latest in artificial When you purchase a minimum o f 5 Silhouettes shadings, Pirouettesshadings or Duettes honeycomb shades with PowerViewfou will receive a F R E E Nest Learning Thermostat and Nest Cam Indoor. Offer valid from September 19 - December 18, 2016. lim bs, dealing with teasing and bullying, and parenting an am putee child. "At the sem inars, Nadia learns that having an am putation isn't a barrier to living a full and active life. S h e also m akes m any friends with kids who are ju st like her" sa y mom and dad, Anina and George. The War A m ps Key Tag Se rvice w as launched in 1 9 4 6 so returning war am putees could work for competitive wages, but also provide a service to C anad ian s. The Key Tag Service h as returned more than 1.5 million se ts of lost keys. S h a d e s `N ' S h u tte rs 276 Kerr Street Oakville, O N L 6 K 3 B 3 9 0 5 - 2 5 7 -2 6 9 2 Each key tag has a confidentially coded number. Should the keys be lost, the finder can call the toll-free num ber on the tag, or deposit them in any mailbox, and the keys | submitted photo will be returned to the owner by bonded courier. A N N U A L SA LE SAVE 20% - 70% Until Decem ber15 In stock items only Feeling a t hom e m eans enjoying th e things you like to do. W hich is w h y at Arnica, you can always enjoy your day th e w a y you like to - read your book in a q u ie t corner or enjoy a snack w h e n you w a n t to. You can expect an all-inclusive com m u n ity th a t is personalized to you w ith a range o f first-class am enities and services. You can choose care and support options ta ilo re d to your unique needs and preferences. In d ep en d en t Living · Assisted Living SESCOLITE E x p e c t M o re .TM Come learn about our enhanced care and support options. Call or book a visit online at amica.ca Plug into expert lighting advice at one of our showrooms or shop online at w w w .se sco lite .co m 4175 Fa irvie w Street, B u rlin gto n 905 -632-8659 ^ A A M I C A at O a k v i l l e A rnica a t O akville 160 Bronte Road, Oakville 905-842-8167