Weather for Oakville, ON Thurs Fri Sat Sun 7° 4° 7° 2° 6° 0° 4° 1° O akville Ballets Nutcracker Artscene Hornets Sports out help A U T O P R OO A K V IL L E 905-842-6030 2 212 W yecroft Road, O akville 905-469-2442 au topro oakville.m ech an icn m Thursday, December 1, 2016 | 48 pages A Publication of Metroland Media Group Connected to your community - $1.00 incl. tax P AWS FOR THE H O L I D A Y S Tournament honours memory of men killed by N athan Howes O akville Beaver Sta ff A year ago, two young Oakville men met a fiery death in a traffic accident on the QEW( just days be fore Christmas. A year afterward, Lar issa Calderone wants to help Oakville youths play hockey -- a sport her brother enjoyed before his life was tragically cut short. Last December (2015), Michael Calderone, 23, and his long-time friend, Timothy Boissiere, 23, were killed in a four-vehicle collision on the QEW, near Trafalgar Road, en route to a hockey game. After their funerals, Larissa and Boissiere's sisters, Rachel and Kimberly, got together to establish an appropriate memorial for their brothers. As a fitting tribute to both men, a hockey game will be held see M em orial on p.7 Michael Calderone ,C J Lilly Coulter, left, and sister Scarlett Coulter are pictured with Christmas cards they created to sell, the proceeds of which will support the Oakville Milton Humane Society (OMHS). They made the cards with their mom, Shelly Lewis, a costume designer and seamstress, who was hired by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make Halloween costumers this past Oct. 31. For story, see Handmade on p.25. | Franki Ikeman photo Timothy Boissiere SAVE ON TIRES! REBATES UP TO $100 OFF & & & & & & & & OAKVILLE 2375 WYECROFT RD., OAKVILLE ON S U M M E R T IR E S TO R A G E A L IG N M E N T IN S P E C T IO N (905) 842-8400 W W W .O A K V ILLETO YO TA .C A TO YO TA^ M O U N T IN G , B A L A N C IN G & IN S T A L L A T IO N $ I ONLY : $ O NLY Q Q 9 5 /s e a s o +tax n : PROUD MEMBER OF sm 5 0% o f .9 5 +tax WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 OR MORE TIRES. FOLLOW US ON RAFIHAUTOGROUP.COM H Q !? )