Oakville Beaver, 2 Dec 2016, p. 22

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w w w .in sid e H A L T O N .co m |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Friday, D e c e m b e r 2, 2 0 1 6 |22 Every week we showcase much discussed topics around town, as witnessed through the eyes of our devoted readers. That's you! SEND US YOUR PHOTOS: If you happen across an interesting topic relevant to your community, and you have a good picture to prove it, email it to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver. com, along with your name and a brief paragraph to let us know why you would like to share it with our readers. UN's 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence by Julia Le Oakville Beaver Staff O akville is among a number of places across Canada light ing up its skyline to draw attention to the issue of vio lence against women. Town Hall is glowing orange until Dec. 10 as part of the United Nations (UN) 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Vio lence, which began last Friday (Nov. 25) on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This year' s theme is Orange the World: Raise Money to End Violence against Women and Girls. Across the Greater Toronto Area, including Halton, groups have taken this year' s theme to heart and turned it into action. Golden Horseshoe Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN), which is a multi-partisan network of volunteers across Canada, advocating for the human rights of grandmothers, vul nerable children and youths in Sub-Saharan Africa has partnered with The Women' s Centre of Halton to screen a feature-length movie, DIFRET, on Thursday, Dec. 7 at Film.Ca Cinemas, 171 Speers Rd. Showtime is 6:30 p.m. Tickets cost $10 and can be purchased by visiting www. haltonwomenscentre.org or by calling 905-847-5520. DIFRET, written and directed by Zeresenay Berhane, is an award-winning drama based on the inspirational true story of a young Ethiopian girl and her tenacious female lawyer who be come embroiled in a life-or-death clash between cultural tradi tions and their country's advancement of equal rights. In Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia, "difret" can mean courage or to dare, but it also has a double-entendre that means "the act of being raped," according to a media release. "Ironically in this case, all three meanings are apropos," it states. "When 14-year-old Hirut is abducted she fights back, inadver tently killing her rapist and intended husband. Although the prac- A S C R E E N I N G OF DIFRET FRODUCEO BY A N G E L IN A JO LIE iw psfersk -- ' - ^ t A FILM BY ' ZERESENAY BERHANE MEHAIU P o w e rfu l d ra m a based on a tru e si a b o u t child m a rria g e ab duction i i _______________________ December 7*. 2016 6:30pm Buy your ticket at The Women's Centre o f Halton for S i 0 or call (905) 847-5520 Golden Horseshoe Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN) has partnered with The Women's Centre of Halton to screen a feature-length movie, DIFRET on Thursday, Dec. 7 at Film.Ca Cinemas, 171 Speers Rd. Showtime is at 6:30 p.m. |submitted tice of kidnapping and raping young girls in order to marry them is outlawed in Ethiopia, local law demands Hirut be put to death," the media release describes. "Fortunately, Meaza, a tough and passionate lawyer, steps in to fight for Hirut' s rights. With both Hirutk life and the future of the legal practice at stake, these two women must make a case for self defense against one of Ethiopia' s oldest and most deeply-rooted traditions." The movie screening will be followed by a panel discussion fo cused on the commonalities women share when it comes to gen dered violence as well as simple steps each of us can take to break the cycle of violence. Martha Barragan, the executive director of the Women's Centre of Halton, which helps women who are in transition, crisis or dis tress, said its important to hold events like the movie screening to raise awareness about violence against women and the different forms it can take. "We have to remember this is another piece of violence and it' s not just a separate issue," she said in the media release. "It' s part of the big picture of violence that women are experiencing around the world including here in Halton and Canada. We need to be solution-based to find approaches in standing united. I believe there is so much power in unity and often we, as women, can get side tracked by getting off course and having discussions about violence that pins us against each other with an `us' and `them' mentality." She continued, "We need to consistently have the focus on an `us' mentality and then we can really continue to have these conversations and begin to move forward into a future without violence." Dec. 10 is Human Rights Day, the last night of the UN' s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. For more information about Orange the World, visit grandmothersadvocacy.org/issue/orange-campaign. | HAXELL LAW HI INTER MEZZO The staff of You'nique Oakville has relocated to Buying? Selling? Re-financing? Call us for a quote at J a m e s o n G las D . 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