Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 2016, p. 54

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, D ec em b e r 8, 2 0 1 6 | 5 4 Masonry & Concrete Masonry & Concrete ------- TERRA FIRMA G e n e ra l C o n tra c tin Basements, Sheetrock (tape/ paint), New Door Installation, Finishing, Kitchens, Flooring (wood/ laminate/ tiling) Installations (lighting/ fixtures), Bathrooms & Roof Repairs! Let us m ake your house YOUR DREAM HOME! CALL TODAY! 6 4 7 - 7 0 1 -7 5 0 7 2380 Royal Windsor Dr, Oakville, L6J 7Y2 Roofing Roofing RE-ROOFING, shingle replacement, plywood replacement, leak re pairs, reasonable prices, clean and quality work. Call for free estimate, 416-624-2630 VILA ROOFING Roof replacement and repair, experiencedquality work, various as phalt shingle options available to fit any bud get, licensed and in sured. Shingles guaranteed 10 year la bour warranty. Free esti mates. (647)272-9476 david@vilaroofing.ca vilaroofing.ca community notices Legals Legals Legals To book your ad in community notices call 905.632.4440 J Announcements J Announcements FORM 73 Notice of Bankruptcy and First Meeting of Creditors in Local Newspaper (Section 102(4)) In th e m atte r of th e b a n kru p tc y of H o lm a r P lum bing S u p p lie s Inc. O f th e Tow n of O akville, in th e P ro v in ce of O n tario NOTICE is hereby given that Holmar Plumbing Supplies Inc., filed an Assignment in Bankruptcy on the 30th day of November, 2016; and that the f'n-st meeting of creditors will be held on the 20th day of December, 2016 at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at SCOTT, PICtlELLI & EASTER LIM ITED , 3600 Billings Court, Suite 109, Burlington, O ntario . To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, prior to the meeting a proof of claim and where necessary, a proxy. D ATED A T B U R LIN G T O N , O N TA R IO this 1st d a y of Decem ber, 2016. Oakville Beaver IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring Carriers! A-1 PROFESSIONAL Rooting and all leaks Repairs, Eavestroughs & Shingle Replace ment. Flat Roofs & Torching. Call Patrick 647-717-3960. $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warranty on shingles. Available 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Esti mates !!!! 416-995-4105 905-693-9950. RE-ROOFING, ROOF installations and repairs, Chimney and bricks. Quality work. Rea sonable prices. Call First Roofing, 416-624-2630 for a free estimate. C all us to s e e if y o u r s tre e t is a v a ila b le - it ju s t m ig h t be! L6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley For all your recruitment needs please call our Recruitment Specialists: S cott, P ichelli & E aster Lim ited 360 0 B illings C ourt S uite 109 B urlington, O ntario L7N 3N 6 P hone (905) 632-5853 Fax (905) 632-6113 1- 800- 263-6480 or email: classifieds@metroland.com find us online at yourclassifieds.ca FORM 73 Notice of Bankruptcy and First Meeting of Creditors in Local Newspaper (Section 102(4)) In th e m atte r of th e b a n kru p tc y of 2242271 O n ta rio Inc. O f th e Tow n of O akville, in th e R egional M u n ic ip ality of H alton, in th e P ro v in ce of O n tario NOTICE is hereby given that 2242271 Ontario Inc., filed an Assignment in Bankruptcy on the 2nd day of December, 2016; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 19th day of December, 2016 at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at SCOTT, PICHELLI & EASTER LIM ITED , 3600 Billings Court, Suite 109, Burlington, O ntario . To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, prior to the meeting a proof of claim and where necessary, a proxy. DATED AT B U R LIN G TO N , O N TARIO this 5th da y of Decem ber, 2016. Call Circulation 905-631-6095 * metroland media · Connected to your community® Public Notices call an expert home services Need More Room? If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit, it's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. Call: 905-631-8784 or visit d19area86.ca ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS fin d us o n lin e a t w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m or em ail HOUSES · T O W N H O M E S · DUPLEXES C O N D O M IN IU M S · A P A R T M E N T S BUY'SELL'RENT classified® m e tro la n d w e s t.c o m C h e c k out the Ctossifieds! 905-632-4440 OatarilleBeaver Local. On Tim e. On B udget. P ro fe s s io n a l h o m e im p ro v e m e n t & s m a ll r e n o v a tio n s e rv ic e s f o r t h e B u rlin g to n re g io n . · Bathroom | Kitchen | Basement Renovations · Painting & Decorating · Flooring Installation (Hardwood & Laminate) · And much, much mors! ^15% off all orders taken in December and January! C a ll J o h n (2 8 9 ) 2 4 4 -7 5 9 8 w w w .b u r lin g to n h o m e im p r o v e m e n t s .c a m 111 nS b u r lin g to n h o m e im p ro v e m e n ts .c a S cott, P ichelli & E aster Lim ited 360 0 B illings C ourt S uite 109 B urlington, O ntario L7N 3N 6 P hone (905) 632-5853 Fax (905) 632-6113 To book your classified ad call Place FREE ADS In your local newspaper and online at Yourclassifieds.ca For h ousehold a rtic le s p ric e d a t $ 1 0 0 or less 905 .632.4440 Oakville Beaver **BURLOAK** PAINTING Season Special Book now & $ave up to 35% off!!! P rep & Paint S p e cia lis t Save on rem oval o f a sh trees! Specializing in Tree Removal Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming Stump Removals. F u lly In s u re d KELLEY'S TREE SERVICE Email ctessifieds@metroland.com oh posh irnpn yourclassifieds.ca Or j u s t f i l l o u t th is c o u p o n a n d : Mail: CCassifieds, 44 Frid St., Hamilton, ON L8N 3 (3 3 · Attn: Free Ads Fax: 1-866-299-1499 or 905-526-2454 · Private Party Only^ Maximum 15 words per ad; one item per ad · Community newspapers run 1 week; Daily newspapers run 3 days · Plants, pets, tickets and firewood excluded from offer · Ads publish at first available opportunity; publication dates are not guaranteed · Must be 18+ to place an ad · Metroland Media reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission Residential, commercial & industrial O v e r 2 3 yrs exp. Christmas T H IS Y E A R ? Place a greeting in Call Jake for Free Estimate 905-330-9968 2 8 9 -3 3 7 -4 2 6 6 CARDS ( ' SV>Vtf;'ni SUBMITTED TO APPEAR IN M Y LOCAL NEWSPAPER: (PLEASE PRINT.) 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