Oakville Beaver, 22 Dec 2016, p. 11

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11 | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Concerns on the rise: Town report continued from p.5 Support & Housing Halton (SHH) wasn' t informed of the bylaw before its approval and is unsure of its implications and how the Town will implement it, says John Smith, executive director. "It is disappointing that the Town of Oakville did not consult with non-profit human service groups such as us. I am also at a loss as to why Town council felt the need to have this bylaw," stated Smith in an email to the Oakville Beaver. "I sincerely hope this is not an attempt by Town council to discriminate against group homes or any affordable housing. Provincial courts have upheld the right of access for group homes in communities." He said it would have been "more heartening" to hear the Town' s plan to increase the supply of safe, decent and affordable housing in Oakville. "Sadly, we are routinely having to displace vulnerable Oakville residents into available affordable housing within Burlington and Hamilton, which disconnects these people from family and supports, said Smith. "The Ontario Human Rights Commission has indicated this is a human rights issue and (it) will actively challenge any `discriminatory' bylaws that restrict the location of group home. People should not have to ask for permission to move into a community." A report to the Administrative Services Committee Dec. 5 noted Town council and staff had received an increasing number of concerns related to group homes. A review of licensing and zoning regulations was conducted as part of the process, as well as an examination of the legal impacts of regulating group homes. A group home licensing bylaw was then developed for council' s consideration, and approval, at Monday' s meeting. Ontario ministries of Children and Youth Services, Health and Long-Term Care and Community Safety and Correctional Services, are responsible for provincial group homes. Although licensed by the Province, group homes are most often owned privately by a group home operator or a service agency. This is subject to a service agreement, which outlines responsibilities of group homes and may require the development of processes for dealing with resident concerns, as well as inspections to ensure compliance with ministry standards including training of staff, documentation, files, interior maintenance of the home and overall safety. According to the Municipal Act 2001, municipalities are only permitted to register, but not regulate, a group home. The Town' s zoning bylaw permits group homes in all residential zones, which is consistent with a recent legal case dealing with group home regulation. To read the Dec. 5 report, visit https:// securepwa.oakville.ca/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx? meetid=2979&doctype=AGENDA. www.edwardjones.com H t o o w m u c h w ill y o u ta lk . n e e d r e tir e ? L e t 's M a rc N u tfo rd - F ina n cia l A d viso r 2 3 8 7 Trafalgar Road, U n it E2, O a kville, ON L6H 6 K 7 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 - 4 0 4 3 - w w w .e d w a rd jo n e s .c o m /m a rc -n u tfo rd E d w a r d jo n e s M AKING SENSE OF INVESTING Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund G A S F IR E P L A C E R E P A IR Factory Trained Service Tech & Electronic Ignition Specialists (A t/a We S e rv ic e : CFM, D ' ^ i enm u! DRU, GSW, Hunter Insta-Flame, Valor, Napoleon, Regency, Majestic Heat-N-Glo, Heatilator, Selkirk, GTI, Dovre, Pacific Energy, Town & Country, Security, Hearthstone Montigo, Lennox, Temco, Kingsman, Polaris Heritage, Drolet, Continental, Vermont Castings Osburn, Monessen, MHSC, Clare Brothers, Jotul, Rasmussen, RH Peterson & many other brands. 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