Oakville Beaver, 22 Dec 2016, p. 25

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25 | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Financial risk must be considered by potential, first-time home buyers continued from p.24 down paym ent." That type of com m ent sounds like som e thing you m ight hear during an election. The new B.C. interest-free down payment program starts in January 2017. The citizens of British Columbia are scheduled to go to the polls in early May. On face value, this appears to be more of a partnership of getting re-elected versus help ing first-time hom e buyers. The lesson to be learned from the B.C. initiative is hom eownership is the dream of m any and it appears that dream is being used for political purpose. The financial risk has to be considered especially because, for many, their house is their largest financial asset. My recom m endation is to closely consider the financial impact of purchasing a house. Consider the am ount of dow n payment, mortgage debt, m onthly cash flow obliga tions, and m ost importantly, anticipate those m onthly cash flow obligations, if and w hen, interest rates rise. Your decisions on hom e ownership will halton.ca (| 311 n You0® s t f r t H a lt REGION on Christmas Day and NewYear's Day Household Waste Collection Notice There are no h o lid a y co lle ctio n delays fo r O akville residents th is year. The new B.C. interest-free down payment program starts in January 2017. The citizens of British Columbia are scheduled to go to the polls in early May. On face value, this appears to be more of a partnership of getting re-elected versus helping first-time home buyers. The lesson to be learned from the B.C. initiative is homeownership is the dream of many and it appears that dream is being used for political purpose. Peter Watson Guest contributor Sun Mon Tue A reas A & B No change Wed Thu Fri A reas C & D No change Sat C hristm as Day D ecem ber 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A reas A & B No change N ew Y ear's Day Ja n u a ry 1 2 3 4 5 A reas C & D No change 6 7 Please place y o u r w aste at th e c u rb by 7 a.m. on y o u r sch e du led h o lid a y co lle ctio n day. likely affect your financial health for decades to come. -- Submitted by Peter Watson o f Peter Wat son Investments and Aligned Capital Partners Inc., MBA, CFP, R.FP, CIM, FCSI., Certified Financial Planner Garbage Tag Exemption Your firs t g arb a ge co lle ctio n d ay a fte r C hristm as D ay (D e ce m be r 25) w ill not re qu ire g arb a ge tags; how ever, th e six garbage bag/can lim it applies . V isit halton.ca/garbagetags fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n . For more news, visit insidehalton.com/oakville-on. Christmas Tree Collection Areas A & B C hristm as tre e co lle ctio n w ill occur onTuesday, January 10 and 17,2017 EARN UPTO $3500! Are you a Healthy Male or Female between 18 and 55 years of age ? If so we want to hear from you! A p o te x is currently recruiting healthy m e n and w o m e n to p a rticip a te in studies on p h a rm a ce u tica l products. Areas C & D C hristm as tre e co lle ctio n w ill occur on Friday, January 13 and 2 0,20 17 . Waste Collection Calendar Never miss your collection day again. Visit halton.ca/wastecalendar to fin d y o u r w aste co lle ctio n day: · Sign u p fo r w e e k ly em ail o r p h o n e call w aste c o lle c tio n rem inders. · D o w n lo a d y o u r w aste c o lle ctio n c ale nd ar to y o u r personal iCal, G o o gle C alendar or M ic ro s o ft O u tlo o k calendar. · P rint y o u r o w n c o lle c tio n calendar. The n e w 2017 Halton Region Guide &Waste Collection Calendar w ill be d is trib u te d to all houses in late January 2017 fo r co lle ctio n fro m February 2 0 1 7 - January 2018. Halton Waste Managem ent Site R egular O p e ra tin g H ours M o n d a y to S aturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . 5400 R egional Road 25, M ilto n REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.APOTEX.CA or Call: 416-741-4256 Toll Free: 1-877 -A p o - c LNc (1-877-276-2562) Hours: 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday · Y o u w ILL BE p AID u p o n c o m p le tio n o f th e s tu d y · C o m p e n s a tio n m a y ra n g e fro m $1000 to $3500 d e p e n d in g on th e le n g th o f th e s tu d y H a p p y H olidays! H a lto n R egion's esse ntial services w ill re m a in a va ila b le o v e r th e h o lid a ys, in c lu d in g w a te r a nd w a s te w a te r services, w a s te c o lle c tio n , road o p e ra tio n s , p u b lic h e a lth , p a ra m e d ic services a nd social and c o m m u n ity services. O u r a d m in is tra tiv e o ffic e s w ill be closed fro m 4:30 p.m . on Friday, D e c e m b e r 23 u n til 8:30 a.m . on M o n d a y , J a n u a ry 2. In fo rm a tio n a b o u t h o lid a y h o u rs a t o u r p u b lic fa c ilitie s is p o s te d at halton.ca/closures. If y o u re q u ire assistance w ith R eg ion al services d u rin g th e h o lid a y s, please v is it halton.ca , access o u r O n e H a lto n m o b ile a p p (a v a ila b le o n th e A p p le A p p S tore and G o o g le Play) o r d ia l 311. I w is h y o u all a v e ry h a p p y h o lid a y and all th e b e s t in th e N e w Year! Gary Carr Regional Chair

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