www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, D ecem ber 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 | 26 Call: 289-293-0662 email: jbkila@oakvillebeaver.com Community Update Nourishing Neighbours program , St. Lukes Community Centre, Thursdays, 4:30-6 p.m., in partnership with Food for Life, provides food, grocery items and essential supplies to local resi dents in need, all welcome, to donate or volun teer, contact community@stlukepalermo.ca. THURSDAY DECEMBER 22 Creative Christmas, Centre for Education & Training-Care for Newcomer Children, 690 Dorval Dr., unit 100, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m., for children aged four and older, make own Christmas decorations, parent must remain on site, contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5001 or www tcet.com/NIC. FRIDAY DECEMBER 23 Oakville Legion Friday wings night, 5-8 p.m., 36 Upper Middle Rd. E., $10, call 905-845-6271. Bronte Legion Friday Karaoke, 7:30-11:30 p.m., Club Room, 79 Jones St., call 905-827-4722. Bringing Out the Artist, Centre for Education & Training-Care for Newcomer Children, 690 Dorval Dr., unit 100, 10-11:30 a.m., for children aged four and older, special creative activity, par ent must remain on site, contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5001 or www.tcet.com/NIC. SATURDAY DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve Family Worship, familyfriendly communion with carols, 4:30 p.m., St. Cuthbert' s Anglican Church, Maple Grove and Oakhill, visit www.stcuthbertoakville.ca. Candlelight Choral Eucharist, 9 p.m., St. Cuthbert' s Anglican Church, Maple Grove and Oakhill, visit www.stcuthbertoakville.ca. Fairway Hills Christmas Eve luminary char ity event in support of Salvation Army, commu nity carolling kicks off at 5:30 p.m. at Dorval and Fairway Hills Boulevard entrance, luminaries will be lined up residents' homes. Carols in the Square, Oakville' s Towne Square, George Street/Lakeshore Road East, rain location 228 Chartwell Rd., 6 p.m., presented by Chartwell, free, bring non-perishable food item for Kerr Street Mission, contact 905-844-2801 or chartwellchurch.com. `Connected to your Community " Forward announcements o f non-profit local events fo r Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5Z1; email jbkila@oakvillebeaver. com or call 289-293-0662. Free. BULLETINS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 28 Make Your Own Snowman, Centre for Educa tion & Training-Care for Newcomer Children, 690 Dorval Dr., unit 100, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m., for children aged four and older, parent must stay, contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5001. THURSDAY DECEMBER 29 Make Your Own Snowflake, Centre for Edu cation & Training-Care for Newcomer Children, 690 Dorval Dr., unit 100, 10 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m., for children aged four and older, parent must remain on site, contact 905-875-3851, ext. 5001 or www.tcet.com/NIC. FRIDAY DECEMBER 30 Oakville Legion Fish Fry Friday, 4:30-8 p.m., 36 Upper Middle Rd. E., $10, call 905-845-6271. Bronte Legion Friday Karaoke, 7:30-11:30 p.m., Club Room, 79 Jones St., call 905-827 4722. Bringing Out the Artist, Centre for Education & Training-Care for Newcomer Children, 690 Dorval Dr., unit 100, 10-11:30 a.m., for children aged four and older, special creative activity, par ent must remain on site, call 905-875-3851, ext. 5001. Holiday Gift Wrapping Service by The May Court Club, Rio Can Oakville Place, 240 Leighland Ave., until Dec. 24, Monday-Saturday, 1-9 p.m., and Sunday, noon-6 p.m., visit maycourt. ca or facebook.com/themaycourtclubofoakville. An Evening in Wonderland Gala and Auc tion presented by Halton Women' s Place, Feb. 25, 2017, Oakville Conference Centre, 2515 Wyecroft Rd., 5:30 p.m. reception, 7 p.m. din ner, $150 per ticket or $1,200 for table of eight, pay before Dec. 31 for a table of eight at $1,100, contact cbozzo@haltonwomensplace.com or 905-332-1200, ext. 222. Leaky Basement? CRACKS Call Us! ...since 1991 i^ L, CORNERSTONE MEDIATION Family Matters: Don't Litigate, Mediate. Caregiver & Family Stress The stresses o f t o d a y h a ve fa r re a ch in g im plications: exhaustion, financial struggle s, relationship issues a n d it can a ffe ct our ow n health both physical a n d mental. Stre ss can b e d e b ilita tin g m a k in g it even m ore ch a lle n g in g to ta ke ca re o f all that sits on our plates. It's o k a y to a sk fo r help. M e d ia tio n is that help. Crack Injection Repair Specialist · Wise Dry Interior Drain Systems Lifetime Fully Transferable Warranty · Masonry/Parging Repairs wayne@wisecracks.com Call Us... Professional, Cost Effective Solutions 905 510-9739 for Wet Basements - www.HaltonW iseCracks.com WINTER DISCOUNT $50 OFF ON THE 1st FOUNDATION CRACK AND 10% OFF ANY JOB OVER A $1000 l Specializing in Elder Care 447 Speers Road, Unit 5, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S7 905-567-6833 Call Dawn to ask for more information d a w n @ c o rn e rs to n e -m e d ia tio n .c o m --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- : --------------------------------------------------------- Prom otion runs fro m Dec. 1 ,2 0 1 6 to Jan. 3 1 ,2 0 1 7 . 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