Oakville Beaver, 21 Jan 2006, p. 25

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/ The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday January 21, 2006 - 25 Local minor midgets still Moments of greatness: coach atop SCTA standings Continued fro m page 23 The Oakville m in o r m idget AAA Rangers w eren't able to pad th eir lead on the H alton H urricanes Tuesday, b u t they didn't lose any ground on th eir division rivals either. Oakville and Halton played to a 22 tie at River Oaks Arena as the Rangers m aintained th eir one-point lead over th e H urricanes atop the SCTA hockey standings. B rendan Muise and Jo n a th a n Brand scored in the first period for Oakville. H alton, however, responded w ith a goal in th e second period and another late in regulation to earn the draw. Taylor Speck played goal for the Rangers, who were w ithout regulars Sam Old and Josh Ruys due to injury. Jake Barton suited up in his first hom e gam e for the Rangers. M ichael Paonessa assisted on Brand's goal. Oakville and H alton are not sched uled to m eet again until the end of February, playing approxim ately 10 games each during th a t span. SPORTS BRIEFS Wolfpack earned silver. Oakville's lone loss came in the final as London Moose Lodge scored w ith a m inute rem aining in overtime, breaking a 1-1 tie. Jack Arfin had the Wolfpack marker. Oakville won its semifinal contest in a shootout after the game was tied 3-3 th ro u g h regulation and overtime. Jackson Bales, Matthew Jam es and Niall C u rrah each scored in th e sh o o to u t, w hile Ju lian DiPaola, Andrew M anore and Bradley Vournakis had tallies during regula tion tim e. In round-robin play, Oakville tied Erindale 0-0, defeated the Niagara W hite Blizzards 5-1 and doubled the Niagara Blackhawks 6-3. Bales scored six of the Wolfpack's 11 goals in the p relim in ary ro u nd, four com ing against th e Blackhawks. Jam es added two w ith Dylan Sm ith, George Jeffrey and Arfin pro viding singles. Ryan Bell recorded a sh u to u t in Oakville's opening game. Also co n trib u tin g to the silverm edal p erform ance w ere Zachary Nott, M atthew Manojlovic and Ryan Sykes. a ttrib u te s to fatigue due to a s h o rt bench. It isn 't always th e final few m in u tes th a t do W hite Oaks in, how ever; th e team scored one p o in t in th e opening q u a rte r of a rec e n t loss ag ain st th e Iroquois Ridge T railblazers, going on to lose 47-42. "They have m o m en ts of g reatn ess, I tell th em . If we can ju s t go th ro u g h (the gam e) w ith m o m e n ts of g re a tn e ss follow ed by m o m en ts of com petence instead of b reak dow ns...," B erndt said. "We're n o t fin ish in g as well as we should to w in, m issjng a lo t of lay-ups and inside stuff. I th in k th a t com es w ith th e fru stra tio n , w a n tin g it so badly and b ein g tig h t on offence." The coach credited Jon G u n ter for his steadying force and effort th is season, adding Jam ie Kwiatkowski and Randy Pusey have been th e te a m 's m ain offensive players. Mike Ballance and Dan H anley ro u n d o u t th e all-G rade 12 sta rtin g u n it, w ith Joel C arroll a solid reb o u n d er com ing off the bench. Rem arkably, th e W ildcats still have an o p p o rtu n ity to m ake th e playoffs. W hite Oaks will conclude th e regular-season schedule next m o n th w ith co n tests ag ain st KCC and OT, b o th w in n a b le gam es a c c o rd in g to B erndt. "N ot th a t I'm o v e rc o n fid e n t by any m ean s," she laughed, "b u t th ey 're doable." -- Jon K uiperij TAX D IR E C T O R Y PAUL GUPTA TAX ACCOUNTANT Hate Paperwork? You need... GM BOOKKEEPING SERVICE A small business for small business P rovides W e e k ly /M o n th ly /Q u a r te rly R e p o rtin g Day to day bookkeeping service to su it yo u r business needs. 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