www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, January 19, 2017 |12 Protesters greet Premier on hervisit to Oakville by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff A group of protesters, waving union flags and homemade posters, hurled insults at Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne on the doorstep of the Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre Friday. But the Premier, w ho was there at the invitation of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Burlington Chamber of Commerce, to speak about a balanced plan to build Ontario up for everyone, bypassed the name-calling, entering the building through a side door. The group of about 70 consisted of mostly of steelworkers, both employed and retired, w ho were worried about the loss of pensions and benefits. The protest, organized by Ontario Proud, also attracted residents who complained about tax hikes, rising hydro costs and the scandal-plagued provincial Liberals. "Number three in the polls and number one in corruption," the crowd chanted, as people entered the building. "N one of the Liberals are standing up for workers," charged Hamilton resident Jake Lombardo, 60, w ho worked in Stelco' s hot strip mill for 38 years before retiring. Lombardo has lost his benefits and fears the Dozens of protesters demonstrated at an Oakville Chamber of Commerce luncheon, where Ontario Premier Kath leen Wynne was the guest speaker Friday, Jan. 13 - their concerns included hydro rates, wind turbines, loss of pensions. Here, Hamilton resident Jason Hoye, who say's he's in fear of losing his house after hydro bills have more than doubled and his water bill has also risen protests alongside Christine Van Geyn of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. | Graham Paine/Metroland next thing will be his pension. Wynne should get her "hands off" the members' pensions and benefits, said Gary Howe, president of Local 1005 of the United Steelworkers Union (USW). "Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) is legalized theft," Howe claimed, referring U.S. Steel Canada' s m otion to suspend benefits to retired steelworkers and the provincial government' s lack of action to protect them. CCAA is a federal law that allows financially troubled corporations the opportunity to restructure their finances. Ontario Proud founder Jeff Ballingall said people are tired of the provincial Liberals political scandals, tax hikes and hydro bills. Although the demonstration attracted a relatively small number of protesters, Ballingall said the group has more than 107,000 followers on Facebook and is very active online. "W e're growing every day," he added. Christine Van Geyn, of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a non-profit organization with chapters in Ontario as well as other Canadian provinces, said she took part in the protest because she wanted Wynne to hear "the real bread-and-butter issues" like rising hydro costs and tax hikes that are pushing middle-class residents into poverty. D o n 't miss o u t, now g e t d o u b le th e d a ta . · 3GB of data + 3GB bonus · Unlimited Canada/U.S. talk · Unlimited global text · Low international calling starting at 1C/minute 1 2 :0 0 Cooking for one is a lot of work. Now I can easily order balanced meals with free delivery! Made fo r $40 O FFER ENDS SO O N . 8£?|n Er Get delicious, frozen meals, soups and desserts delivered directly to your home. Seniors Request your FREE Menu Catalogue Today! 1 -8 4 4 -4 0 9 -0 0 5 0 HeartToHomeMeals.ca Freedom Oakville Smart Centre 261 Oak Walk Drive Unit J2, Oakville 289.291.3261 Walkers Line 3505 Upper Middle Road Burlington 289.427.5260 Appleby Village 5111 New Street Burlington 905.635.0584 LG V 20 freedommobile.ca FREE sories ($30 value) With any new activation on a $40+ Pay After plan. Must activate at stores listed. Offer ends soon or while quantities last. Learn m o re a t fre e d o m m o b ile .c a . P ro m o 4 0 p la n is ava ila b le fo r a lim ite d tim e a n d is s u b je c t t o c h a n g e o r c a n c e lla tio n w ith o u t n o tic e . B onus 3G B o f d a ta p e r m o n th w ill o n ly b e a p p lie d t o th e p la n u n til Ja n u a ry 3 1, 2 0 1 8 . M a y n o t b e c o m b in e d w ith any o th e r in -m a rk e t offer, w ith s o m e e x c e p tio n s . A d d itio n a l te rm s a n d c o n d itio n s app ly. LG V 2 0 is a r e g is te re d tra d e m a rk o f LG E le c tro n ic s Inc. S c reen im a g e s im u la te d . T h e F re e d o m M o b ile nam e a n d lo g o s a n d o th e r w o rd s , title s , phra s e s , m a rks, lo g o s , icons, g ra p h ic s a re o u r tra d e -m a rk s a n d a re p r o te c te d b y la w a n d m a y n o t b e used, c o p ie d , im ita te d or u s ed in w h o le o r in p a rt w ith o u t o u r p rio r w r itte n consent. Free Delivery*. No Obligation. Delicious Choices. *som e con d ition sm a ya p p ly . HEART T O ^ HOME MEALS DELICIOUS MEALS MADE FOR SENIORS"