Oakville Beaver, 11 Jun 2000, p. 15

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Oakville Beaver Sun., June 11, 2000 Page 15 H A L T O N B U S IN E S S IN S T IT U T E Receives Ministry Approval for "NEW" POLICE FOUNDATIONS PROGRAM HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE is proud to announce the approval by the Ministry of Education to offer the POLICE FOUNDATIONS DIPLOMA PROGRAM. This 11 month program offers exciting career opportunities in the areas of: Police Services, Law and Security, Customs, Immigration and Private Investigation. Research has indicated an incredible shortage in these fields, and an unprecedented demand for qualified applicants pursuing lucrative careers in law enforcement. This intensive program will prepare graduates to undertake the GATB testing required bv municipal police departments. Applicants are currently being considered and limited seating is available for September 2000. This summer Toronto Police Services will be offering FREE INFORMATION SESSIONS at the Institute for interested candidates. The above program is added to the already extensive fall/winder Halton Business Institute course calendar which includes: LIMITED SEATING Register A/OlVfor FREE Information Session »· Micro Computer Applications > MOUS Certification >- Administrative »· Accounting >- Medical/Legai Assistant » Dental Reception. The Institute was established in 1982 and is located at 460 Brant Street in Burlington. Financial aid may be available to those eligible. Details on current programs and the NEW POLICE FOUNDATIONS DIPLOMA can be obtained by calling the Institute at (905)637-3415, e-mail: halton.institute.edu@sympatico.ca; Fax: (905) 637-2843 More Em ploym ent THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Requires WANTED: LOADERS W e d n e s d a y , F rid a y , a n d S a tu r d a y 6 a .m . S ta r t Must have safety shoes Some Heavy Lifting Community Notices D eath Notice - In h e r 8 1 s t y e a r , p a s s e d a w a y in t o th e p r e s e n c e o f h e r L o r d a n d S a v io r o n J u n e 8 , 2 0 0 0 . B e lo v e d w ife o f th e la te H o w a r d W e s le y . L o v in g m o th e r o f K a r e n a n d L o is . L o v in g g r a n d m o th e r o f L a ra , D a v id , T im o th y a n d J o n a t h a n . F u n e r a l S e r v ic e w a s h e ld o n S a tu rd a y , J u n e 1 0, 2 0 0 0 . In te rm e n t a t W o o d la n d C e m e te ry . If d e s ir e d , e x p r e s s io n s o f s y m p a th y to th e C a n a d ia n D ia b e t e s A s s o c ia t io n w o u ld be a p p r e c ia te d b y th e fa m ily . TRAIN TO BECOME A POLICED FIRE OR AMBULANCE DISPATCHER Our Grads are now' working in the field! Considering a future in the Em ergency Services? Do you have a strong interest in training for a rew arding, challenging career? This full-time, eight month program offered by the Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness in cooperation with Mohawk College, provides training for those planning to pursue careers in police, fire, ambulance, 9-1-1 and other emergency service Communications Centres. The next program commences January 2001 in Hamilton. Pre-entry testing is underway now and will run until the program has been filled. Funding options may be available to you. For information, contact: TERRY HUBBARD, Program Coordinator at 905-524-0983 Leave your name, mailing address (including postal code) and phone num ber or view the Public Safety Communications Certificate Program at www.ccep.ca (Emergency Management Courses) Call Andre (905)844-0577 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C l) c C a n a d ia n C h a m p io n B L A C K , K a th le e n M a r y is looking for a WAREHOUSE HELP Day Shifts available. Safety shoes required. MAC ARTIST to b e c o m e a k e tin g te a m . d e m o n s tr a te & P h o to s h o p v a lu a b le m e m b e r o f o u r m a r A p p lic a n ts w ill b e re q u ir e d to p r o fic ie n c y o n Q u a r k X p r e s s s o ftw a r e . STUDENTS WANTED For Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday deliveries Shifts: 3:30pm to 7:30pm & Saturday 10am-3pm Please contact Andre at Please apply in writing to T h e C a n a d ia n C h a m p io n T . C o le s 191 M a in S tre e t M ilto n , O n ta rio L9T 4N 9 c/o In M em oriam MILFORD, Harold: Dad, it is possible to tell w hat is broken w ith out an X-ray. A lw ays loved, D eeply m issed, N ever forg otten. Jim , F rancoise and fam ily. (905) 844-0577 WANTED: A d u lt s n e e d e d t o d e l i v e r t h e O a k v i ll e B e a v e r d o o r to d o o r. N o in s e r tin g o r c o lle c tin g r e q u ir e d . T o b e d e liv e r e d b e tw e e n th e h o u r s o f 1 :3 0 to 6 p .m . T u e s d a y , W e d n e s d a y , F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y . V e h ic le r e q u ir e d . E x c e lle n t p a y . If in te r e s te d c a ll b e tw e e n 8 :3 0 a n d 6 :3 0 M o n d a y to F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y b e tw e e n 1 2 n o o n a n d 5 p .m . a t The Oakville Beaver Oakville's Award Winning Community Newspaper % CHOOSE A CAREER CHOOSE THE COLLEGE Mohawk . THAT TAKES YOU WHERE THE JOBS ARE ,M w w w .m o h a w k .c o m Has an immediate opening for a PART-TIME DRIVER Day, Evening and Weekend hours available. Must have own vehicle. To apply please call Trudy Reading F uneral D irector O A K V IE W FUNERAL H O M E 845-9742 (905) 845-9742 M f C a n a d Ia n Therapeutic C o l l e g e Our family serving your family Professional Training Oalfvdfe 3 eavei0 Sunday June 18 o f In ` M em oriam dedicated to Jatfiers, Qrandfatfiers, ` Uncles, Meyfmvs, andspecialfriends. ` 1 Deadline: Monday, June 12,2000 5pm Cost: $20. (+ QST) M a\. 40 words | Cad845-3824 A s ffo r Loraine or Linda 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors D o n C la r k e · G r e g o r y S id o r a · T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u rp h y · P a tr ic k M c D e r m o tt Sports Injury Therapist Registered Massage Therapist , w id fea tu re a sp ecia lpage on* 842-2252 Fam ily Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Call 905.632.3200 or " \ Toll Free 1.877.278.8888 760 Brant St., Burlington, ON J Apply Now for September 2000 Financial Assistance Available (If Eligible) Email: ctcm assage@ netaccess.on.ca. Website: ww w.netaccess.on.ca/-ctcm assage

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