Oakville Beaver, 11 Jun 2000, p. 22

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22 O akville Beaver Weekend Sunday June 11, 2000 Business results B y M a r y -L o u i s e L a n g lo is To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 Micro-brewery wins award for ale SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER put this fund fam ily in a class by itself / / · Janus has made more money for their investors over the past decade than any other fund family - The Carson Group, November 1999. · Janus is the top-performing US equity manager over the last 10 years.* r Janus American Equity Fund (formerly MAXXUM American Equity Fund)' * 1 YR 3YR 5 YR SINCE INCEPTION (Jan 5.1995) S& P 50 0 (C$) Janus Global Equity Fund (formerly MAXXUM Glolbal Equity Fund)' " 53.4% 53.7% 44.5% 11.7% 26.0% 27.4% * 43.9% N /A 25.8% M SCI W orld Index (C$) 51.0% 31.4% 25.1% 13.9% 21.1% 19.1% N /A Join us at RBC D om inion Securities - Oakville for a free sem inar on Janus Date and Time: June 13 and 1 4 ,2 0 0 0 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 23 9 Lakeshore Rd. E. Seating is limited. Call (9 0 5 )-8 1 5-8221 to reserve your seat RBC DOMINION SECURITIES Little did John Gagliardi know when he started home brewing beer 14 years ago that one he would be an award-winning brewmaster. After only seven months in business, Block Oak Brewing Company, a micro brewery based in Oakville, is being acknowledged for its quality ale. Black Oak owners, Gagliardi and partner Ken Woods, have learned that their Black Oak Nut Brown Ale will be a winner in this weekend's Wine and Food Expo, in Burlington. In fact, the Nut Brown Ale was the only winner in the ale category, receiving a bronze medal. The fact that the judges didn't hand out either gold or silver indicates to Gagliardi that their judging method was quite fair. Usually judges look for qualities in the beerssuch as colour, clarity, aroma and taste-that fall with in certain parameters. Gagliardi feels that contributing factors to the ale winning a medal was that it "remained true to the style. It doesn't have too much bitterness. It has a roasty, malty taste and its colour is approximate to the style." Two elements make make micro breweries such as Black Oak different from some larger breweries are the water used and their refusal to use additives such as com or rice. Water, says Gagliardi, plays a key role in the development and production of beer. Gagliardi says Black Oak uses a reverse osmo sis water process' to make its beer. Put simply, this is a three-step process that purifies the water. Municipal water is purified by taking out the chlo rine, as well as organic and inorganic materials. At that point, the water is almost void of minerals. The brew master then adds minerals to approximate the kind of water type necessary for a certain style of beer. The water then goes through ultra-violet light at the end of the process. Black Oak is also launching its new Black Oak Premium Lager in time for Canada Day. The award was handed out Saturday at the Expo that concludes today at the Burlington Convention Centre at Burloak Drive, just north of the QEW. . m MAXXUM ·F o rtie s A ug. 1999. M AXXUM and M AXXUM de sign are tradem arks o f M AXXUM Fund M anagem ent In c . Scensed to S cudder M axxum C o. ffS u b je c t to re g u la to ry a p pro val. C om m issio ns, tra ilin g co m m issio ns, m anagem ent fees and expenses a l m ay be associated w ith m utu al fu n d investm ents Please read toe pro spe ctus be fo re in v e s tin g . A copy o f to e s x n p lifie s pro spe ctus can be ob ta in ed fro yo u r inve stm en t representative o r by c a lin g 1-8884M AXXU M (1 -8 8 -4 6 2 -9 9 8 6 ) The in d icate d rates o f re tu rn are h is to ric a l annual com pounded to ta l re tu rn s fo r toe pe rio d endtog A p ril 30 . 2000. in d u cin g changes in u n it value and reto vestm e nt o f a l d is tn b u tu tw n s and does n o t take in to acco un t sales, redem ption, d s trib u tio n o r o p tio n a l charges o r .·in co m e taxes payable by any se c u rity ho lde r th a t w ou ld have reduced re tu rn s M utu al fu nd s are n o t guaranteed, th e ir values change fre q u e n tly and past perform an ce m ay n o t be repeated A vailable exclu sively th ro u g h S cudder M axxum Co. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Every Wednesday Evening N e x t Auction: Wed. June 14* 2000 $ 5 0 0 B U Y E R D R A W S T H IS W E E K Call o r Visit our website fo r list of cars for this w eek's auction Looking tor an enjoyable & fulfilling volunteer opportunity? OAKVILLE www.abauctions.com J. c s X c j» ic n s is t e r ASSOCIA TION bank repossessions · mechanics liens · baliff seizures · distraint o rde rs · bankruptcies · consignm ent · to w in g & storage defaults · lease vehicles · etc. Requires Volunteers POSITIONS OPEN: · Fundraisers · Special Events Committee · Fundraising Chair · Committee Members · & other positions For information call SELL YOUR VEHICLE AT OUR NEXT AUCTION A uction held indoors.Term s o f sale: 25% deposit by cash, debit,Visa, M /C , Am erican Express, Balance to be paid by cash o r certified funds by Friday. June 16*2000 3s ! Enterprise Rd. Docon Rd. Auctions & Liquidations 14 Canso R d ., R e x d a le Tel: 4 16-245-2277 Fax:416-245-4578 3380238 Each year, many Canadian women over 40 see their lives shattered by osteoporosis.... Please consult your doctor or visit our Web site to learn more. · Luxury condominiums · Overlooks Sixteen Mile Creek Valley · Steps from the GO, minutes to Q EW · 9 'ceilings/ balconies · 5 free appliances · Pool · Billiards · Exercise rooms 2 B edroom + Den f Includes Parking www.sogc.org F U R N IS H E D M O D E L T O V IE W 1 B edroom + Den Take matters into your own hands T h e S o c ie ty o f O b s te tric ia n s a n d G y n a e c o lo g is ts o f C anada L A K E S H O R E RO. E. L A K E O N TA R IO FromB $150900 $184900 m f Includes Parking From i n c l u d i n g p a r k i n g from* 1 93 ,9 00 S <584,900 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -2 8 0 0 Hours: Monday - Thursday; 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: N oon - 5p.m. Closed Fridays Prices & Specifications are subject to change without notice. £. ft O.E. w w w .m ilborne.com /oakridge.htm l

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