Oakville Beaver, 25 Aug 2000, p. 38

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38 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, August 25, 2000 T H E G R E A T C A N A D IA N BAGEL N O W H IR IN G F U L L T IM E : MOTHER of 3, 8-yrs experi ence. nutritious lunches, crafts has full-time spaces available. Sept start. Upper Middle/ 8th Line area. 8420489.__________________ FORMER Nanny (now Mom) starting home day care for September. Full/ part-time. Mapleview Mall area. (905)333-9874 O A K V ILLE Place A re a Reliable, responsible, loving daycare. Full-tim e open ings, references, crafts, parks. CPR. (905)8447185.__________________ AFTER school JK/ SK pick up available Glen Abbey area. 8yrs. experience. Lots of fun activities. Re ceipts, references. 905827-9809_______ _ _ _ MOTHER of three return ing back a fte r m aternity leave. Has spaces for children over 1 year. Offer ing 11 years experience and many references. W eekly them es using crafts, a ctivities, games, music etc. Headon Forest area, Burlington 335-5980 LOVING estabilished day care has space for 2 yr. plus S.E. Burlington. Re ceipts. References. 6392183__________________ FORD/Devon area- 1 full time opening October 2nd infant-toddler. Experienced, excellent references, receipts. Call (905)338-5990 BABYSITTING available immediately in my home for 2 full-time. Ages- 1 year +. Appleby Mall location. (905)333-8519__________ ECE Mom providing loving, stimulating, safe daycare environment in home. Ages 2-4 a vailable. Sixth Line/Upper Middle. Jean 815-9231 BAKER · SUPERVISOR COUNTER STAFF(Days: M o n . - F r i . ) P l e a s e a p p ly in p e r s o n w ith r e s u m e to : ATTENTION Stay At Home Moms!! Providers urgently needed for Oakville Wee Watch. Call 337-9221 to find out more about the many benefits of joining the Wee Watch team EXPERIENCED caregiver w/car needed for 5-yr. old boy, our home or yours, pick up from Brantwood School required. 11:307pm. M on.-Thurs. 3 3 7 ___________ 1092. SITTER needed Th u rs days. 4:30-8pm and occa sional evenings for 3-yr. & 7-yr. olds. Walkers/ Hwy.5. (905)331-9345._________ SITTER needed for 7 month old, W ednesdays and Thursadays. 8am 4pm. Oakville. 469-9060 CHILDCARE needed parttime for 21-month & 3-1/2 yr. olds. Caring individual. Our Lady of Peace School. Morning JK. 257-6071. BEFORE and after school caregiver needed in our home for 2 children, 11&8, approx. 7am -8:45am & 4pm-6pm. Eighth Line/ Upper M iddle area. Call (905)845-9969__________ NEEDED immediately, lov ing, reliable caregiver. St. Raphael's Area or Taylor Crescent area. Please call 905-681-1934_______ NEEDED im m ediately: Live-out nanny fo r twin boys, 2 years old and 3 year old girl. Driver/nonsmoker. Glen Abbey area. References required. Ex cellent remuneration. 4692841__________________ BEFORE school childcare required for boy, age 11 at tending Heritage Glen School (Glen Abbey) (905)847-5642._________ MATURE person required for after school care, twin 6 year old boys, Tues.-Thurs., 3:30-6p.m. Vehicle an asset. (905)631-7004. MATURE student/ senior needed Wed. & Thurs. to pick-up (2) boys, ages 11 & 8yrs. from Frontenac & care for in our home. Pinedale/ Appleby Line area. Help with dinner & homework. 3:45-7:30pm some even ings 10pm. References. 905-633-9512__________ CAREGIVER required before school, for 3&5-yr old g irls. Our home. 7:30am-8:45am plus 5-min drive to school. 5-days weekly begining Sept. S.E. Oakville. 829-8919 PART-TIME mature re li able person required in our North O akville home, 3 days/wk. 3 children aged 9, 7 & 4 (JK). Must drive, own car preferred. Light housekeeping duties. Please call evenings or weekends, (905)257-8110. PART-TIME loving & ex perienced caregiver, re quired for 8 month, happy boy. 3 days/week. Our home, E. Burlington. Refer ences required. 681-0032 EXPERIENCED caregiver needed for 4 year and 7 year olds. Two days per week. Drivers licence and firs t aid required, non smoker. Call (905)8160633__________________ FUN, caring, experienced, afterschool caregiver for 10 year old in my home. Stud ents welcome, earn money while doing your homework. Own transportation asset, not required Days (416) 364-0611 ext. 236, evenings & weekends (905) 338-7597 CHILDCARE - HOUSE KEEPER Required. Re sponsible, caring individual required to provide after school childcare for 8 & 10 year old as well as house keeping duties. Own trans portation required. Hours approx. 2 - 6pm. Students welcome to apply. Call (905)847-3168__________ PART-TIME Nanny needed 11am-5pm 5 days per week in my S.E. Oakville home for 21mos old boy. Car, non-smoker, light housework. 905-338-1776 LIVE-OUT mature experi enced nanny/ childcare provider. Full-time to care for our three daughters, twins, 6mos & 5yr. old in kindergarten. My home, starting Fall, Riveroaks. 905-257-3323 Community Notices M arket Basket E X C E L L E N T P IC K IN G P ick lin g C u cu m b ers, & T om ato es RASPBERRIES Red, & Purple Dill Herb, Cucumbers, Beans, Beets, Sp. Onions. Fresh G a rlic, Broccoli, & Cabbage D eaths CRANK, Elisabeth Florence - P e a c e f u lly o n T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 0 0 a t O a k v ille T r a f a lg a r M e m o r ia l H o s p ita l. (Ir is h ), b e lo v e d w if e o f J a c k . of D e n n is . L o v in g K im b e rle y . E l iz a b e t h D e a r m o th e r THE GREAT CANADIAN BAGEL at Mapleview Mall or Fax resume to (905) 631-1098 C o m e J o in A W in n in g Team " T H E F A R M " De Paoli Pick your own - ready picked (please call) g ra n d m o th e r o f V is ita tio n a t th e L o v e d a u n t o f C h a r m a in e , 9 0 5 -8 7 3 -2 0 5 0 - 8 7 7 -7 9 7 6 M e la n ie a n d P a m e la . JACK IS LOOKING FOR... H O ST E SSE S, BUSERS & FLOOR STAFF Also, all kitchen positions from Dishwashers to Supervisors Starting from $7.50/h r to $12.50/hr Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat.,8-5, Sun. & Hoi. 8-2 North on Trafalgar Rd. pass 401, 1Km. W est on 15 Sideroad (Stewarttown) First farm on north side K o p r iv a T a y lo r C o m m u n it y F u n e r a l H o m e , 6 4 L a k e s h o r e R o a d W e s t , O a k v ille o n S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 0 0 a t 1 0 a .m . S e r v i c e in t h e c h a p e l 11 a . m . G le n O a k s M e m o r ia l G a r d e n s . In te r m e n t A pply in p erso n to: 3537 F airview St., B urlington. '**" ^ teaching opportunities I lost & found LOST; Small black cat Fri day night. Big eyes. Third Line, Upper Middle area. Call Chris or Owen. 905469-4809______________ FOUND: Large brown tab by lony haired. "Genny` , 2nd St. B urlington. (905)637-7325.__________ FOUND: short-haired black 4-yr. old cat, Brant/ Caro line area. We call 'Spenc e r'. 637-7325.__________ FOUND: Little girl's jacket at Spencer Smith Park on M onday August 21st @ playground. Call 639-3283 FOUND: long-haired brown tabby cat, Guelph Line/ Mountainside area. We call "Irene*. 637-7325.______ FOUND: ladies w atch, corner of Fleminsh Dr. and Auburn Cr. 639-2992 FOUND: M id-sized mix breed mature dog. West B u rlington. "Nobbly". (905)637-7325.__________ FOUND: Child's hat- pink, reversable. (905)844-5162 TEACHER A ssista n t & Driver start Sept. 1st. to service schoolaged children, and able to collect a few ch ild ren at local schools. Also, D river to help transport to & from schools. $9.50/hr+ Kil ometers. Rahneida Purcell at 849-3878 ext. 1 (East Oakville) PERMANENT part-time & Supply Staff in C hristian Childcare Centre. E.C.E preferred. 905-336-8648 E.C.E. teacher required for busy Oakville daycare cen tre. Fulltime position. Call (905)849-3614. ACQUIRE Cash $$$$$ Take advantage of you In vestm ents. R.R.S.P, L.I.R.A., L.I.F., or A Pension Fund from an ex-employer of 10k required to be approved. Free C onsultation. ` Private Financial Assistance. 24 hrs. Call Toll Free 1-888800-0085 Fax 1-877-7545251. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS T h o s e w ith c la im s a g a in s t t h e A N G E L O S A N T E S E R A F I N I S R . E S T A T E , la te o f O a k v ille , O n t a r io , r e tir e d B r ic k la y e r , w h o d ie d o n M a r c h 1 8 , 1 9 9 9 , a r e n o t if ie d to s e n d fu ll p a r tic u la r s t o t h e u n d e r s ig n e d b y S e p t e m b e r 2 5 , 2 0 0 0 , a f t e r w h ic h t h e E s t a t e w ill b e d is tr ib u te d w ith r e g a r d o n ly to c la im s r e c e iv e d . D a t e d a t H a m ilt o n , A u g u s t 2 2 ,. 2 0 0 0 W A L K S , R o b e rt (B ig B ob) - ( P T A ) ( O .R .G .) ( A .T .S .) S u d d e n ly a t P e e l M e m o - r ia l H o s p it a l, B r a m p to n o n T u e s d a y A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 0 0 , B o b W a lk s , a t t h e a g e o f 6 0 . D e a r ly b e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f S a n d y , lo v in g f a t h e r o f A la n , D e b , T r is h , P a t, M ik e , C a t h y , K e v , a n d p r e d e c e a s e d b y d a u g h t e r J o d i. L o v e d G ra m p a of R o x a n n e , T h e o , A u g u s t, T .J ., K ris ty , K a t r in a a n d J o s h . D e a r b r o th e r o f D a v e a n d A n n e . S a d l y m is s e d b y h is m a n y r e la tiv e s a n d fr ie n d s . R e s tin g a t th e W a r d F u n e r a l H o m e , " B r a m p t o n C h a p e l" 5 2 M a i n S t. S o u t h ( H w y . 1 0 ) B r a m p t o n fr o m 2 - 4 a n d 7 - 9 p m T h u r s d a y . S e r v ic e in t h e W a r d C h a p e l , F r i d a y a t 1 1 a . m . fo llo w e d b y c r e m a t io n . In lie u o f flo w e r s , d o n a tio n s to th e C a n a d ia n D ia b e te s F o u n d a tio n o r th e H o s p it a l fo r S ic k C h ild r e n w o u ld b e g r e a t ly a p p r e c ia t e d b y t h e fa m ily . MONEY Problems? G ar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 A-1 Credit Repair. We fix bad credit. Guaranteed!! 905-709-6275 ext. 35 The Canada Trust Company d o 46 King Street East P.O. Box 710 Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3K7 Estate Trustees ENROL IM M EDIATELY HOUSEKEEPER Busy working family looking for clean, honest, reliable housekeeper to cook, clean and do laundry. M -F , 9-5pm $ 1 2 0 0 ./month 15 Mos. to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tional daycare experi ence incl: computers, beautiful large country playground. 6:30A M -6:00pm . Transportation avail. LOST & FOUND Family Services GAMBLING PROBLEM? S e r v ic e s fo r in d iv id u a ls a n d fa m ilie s G a m b lin g T r e a t m e n t P r o g r a m Free a n d Confidential WOODWARD, Jason Mark It is w i t h d e e p s a d n e s s t h e f a m i l y a n n o u n c e s th e p a s s in g o f J a s o n o n T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 0 0 0 . B e lo v e d s o n o f K e n a n d J o - A n n e o f O a k v il l e . L o v in g p a r t n e r o f M e lis s a a n d b u d d y o f Z a c h a r y , J a c o b , P h o e b e a n d K o k o . D e a r b r o th e r o f B r ia n a n d h is w ife C a t h ie : M e lis s a a n d h e r h u s b a n d B r e n t W il d . W il l b e m is s e d b y h is g r a n d m o th e r M a r y J a r v is ; h is n e p h e w s B ra n d o n a n d C a r te r : n ie c e s L a u r e n a n d J o r d a n . F r ie n d s w ill b e r e c e i v e d a t t h e W a r d F u n e r a l H o m e , 1 0 9 R e y n o ld s S t r e e t, O a k v ille o n T h u r s d a y , fr o m 2 - 4 p .m . a n d 7 - 9 p .m . F u n e r a l a n d c o m m itt a l s e r v ic e w ill b e h e ld in t h e W a r d c f i a p e l o n F r id a y , A u g u s t 2 5 , 2 0 0 0 a t 1 0 a .m . In lie u o f flo w e r s , d o n a tio n s m a y b e m a d e to th e C a n in e V is io n C anada c /o L io n s F o u n d a t io n o f C a n a d a D o g G u i d e s , 1 5 2 W ils o n S t r e e t , O a k v ille , O N . , L 6 K 3 H 2 . ADAPT 847-6547 Funeral D irectors Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 call 8 2 5 -0 2 0 8 after 7pm HOUSEKEEPER required 1 day per week. G eneral housecleaning duties including ironing. Must be thorough and provide references. (905)639-3274 HOUSEKEEPER re quired 3 days per week, 10am-6pm. (905)844-5802 after 6pm. DECKMAN'S Professional Service. All decks stripped and refinished to new. Ce dar Specialist! Free Estimates. (905)632-1074 LARGE and Small Renova tions and Repairs. .. One Call Does It All! Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall, more. Professional work. Frank (905)637-5570__________ ACADEMYPreschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME O u r fa m ily s e rv in g y o u r fa m ily 335-0515 HEADON Forest & St. Timothy's. Mother of two has openings for 3 spots, parttime/ full-time. Receipts & references. 905-331-8666 EXPERIENCED C hild Care Provider has spaces available.Fun educational activities. Full time, Part tim e. Upper M iddle/4th Line. Contact Kerry (905) 469-9808.______________ FULL time daycare avail able. Ten years expe ri ence. Lots of toys, fun, and TLC. Upper Middle/ Eighth Line. Carol (905)338-3890 LOVING reliable Mom has recent opening(s) in well established daycare. Nu tritio u s m eals/ snacks, large yard, fun engaging activities, A.B.C.'s, 1.2.3.'s, ECE, First Aid certified , non-smoking, excellent ref erences, receipts. Lots of TLC. Bridge/3rd Line area. Call Je nn ife r (905)8472755.__________________ DAYCARE available, my home--hot meals, snacks, English/French speaking. Playground. Holy Family School area. Very experi enced. E xcellent re fe r ences. 2yrs+ (905)849-8119.__________ 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E F un eral D ire cto rs · D o n C la r k e · G r e g o r y S id o r a · T i n a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u r p h y · P a t r ic k M c D e r m o t t POLISH C leaning lady available to clean your home, apartment or office. Call Eva, 467-1579. M ETICULOUS cleaning. Years experience w/fastidious clientelle. Custom serv ice- weekly clients. Thurs days, Fridays a vailable. Louha, 634-4871________ TOP-NOTCH affo rd a ble cleaning. Own transpor tation/ equipment. After 6 pm. (905)639-7667. HATE C leaning? Home Essentials is the number to call. A qua lity cleaning service fo r your every need. (905)876-6464. painting & decorating EXPERIENCED Painter. Commercial & Residential. Interior & exterior, window cle a n in g / repairs. Low rates. Troy. 634-3501 100% QUALITY Pro Paint ers = 100% satisfa ctio n guaranteed. Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416)793-3339. 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 Clean out your closets! Make room in your garage! Sell those unwanted items! Ham a v iw r n living REQUIRED (part-time) for active senior lady- Mature, enthusiastic, caring female com panion .(50+) w/car. References. (905)3361561. I announcements HIKERS: Hilton Falls Con servation area Britton & R obertson tra ct w ill be used Aug.27/00 for eques trian trail competition. I personals SINGLES Events: Sun. Au gust 2 7 th - Annual BBQ Party, call to reserve. Sat. Sept 2 -S in g le s Dance. Capt. John's Boat. Toronto. Sun. Sept. 3 - Singles Dance, Oakville Golf Club $12.00, pay at door, 8pm1am. Free Info package. The Single G ourm et ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 - 5 9 1 2 www.thesinglegourmet.com I companions GAY male, attractive, 28, looking for friendship. Call 633-7045. PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/w k. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777__________________ GOING to Move? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas. 847-0178._______ SAFE, fun environment for all ages, reasonable rates, JIM 'S Moving & Storage close to Falgarwood Local & long distance Flat school, Grand/Upper Midrates available. Call Jim, (905)659-4064,__________ % die. (905)844-5523._______ O A K V ILLE M overs- Ex p erienced, licensed, insured. Two weeks free storage. Free estimates. Senior's dis-count. Quality Service. 337-9063________ SOUTHEAST O akville, fulltim e or part-tim e, b e fore/ after school care, St. V incent & Maple Grove School area. (905)338-1282. M M ON EY-M AKIN G O p portunity. Earn extra cash working at home with your sim ple online b u sin e ss/ Call (905)616-8171 tutorial W ANTED: Grade 11 student requires math help. Approx. 2/hrs per week. Call (905)849-0844, please leave message. in daycare wanted NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER required for two schoolaged girls; live-out; driver with own car preferred, south Oakville; references; immediate. Call 416-6016744.__________________ NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER, live-in, 2 young children, 21/2, 8 mos. Downtown Oakville. Immediate. Refer ences required. Call (905)607-3223._________ CAREGIVER required for 1 year old & 4 year old. 25/hrs per week. Must have driver's license & lot's of energy. Students welcome. $7/hr. (905)690-9797 LIVE-IN Nannies/Housekeepers. in P hilippines seeking employment in On tario. Min.wage, no fee to em ployers. Call O.E.A. (416)699-6931___________ BABY sitter/ nanny, occa sional needed for 9 mo. & 4 yr. old, fle xib le , re fe r ences. (905)827-3182. v i BABYSITTER $12./hr, 3-5 days/ week for 2 children, 3:30-6:30pm. Car required. Suit univeristy student, ma ture person or mother with preschooler. Glen Abbey, Call 847-8497________ _ BEFORE and after school required for 2 girls, ages 8 & 4 (St. Bernadette's - Glen Abbey), beginning Septem ber. References requried. 847-8790 Put your Garage Sale ad in thespecial Garage Sale section of Fridays Oakville Beaver and receive your Complete Garage Sale Kit with signs and information on how to have a successful Garage Sale. Call Classified Advertising 845-3824

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