www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, February 9, 2017 |10 * * oR,Q' V Good f o o d . Good Morning Breakfast & Lunch C U R L F O R K I D S ' S A K E NOW HIRING FULL TIME COOKS starting at $15*00 an hour O PEN 7 D AYS A W EEK 7 A M - 3 PM Please call 905-330-2496 or 905-257-5126 email : joe.dinadis@gmail.com Off dundas st. (#5 Hwy) between meadowridge dr. & eighth Line - shoppes on dundas plaza 2501 P r in c e M i c h a e l D r iv e , O a k v i l l e L 6 H 0 E 9 905.257.5126 ·www.sunnysidegriM.com C A N A D IA N PET C O N N E C T IO N Equine applies to the Cornwall Rd location ONLY (at the Whole Foods P laza) RBC mascot Leo the Lion reads to, from left, Leia and Jade Fitzgerald and Big Brothers Big Sisters (B B BS) of Halton Executive Director Sandra Baker, as RBC Branch Manager George Mitrovski looks on, to promote the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton's 29th annual RBC Curl for Kids' Sake taking place Feb. 25 at the Oakville Curling Club at 224 Allan St. The funds raised at the annual bonspiel help provide mentoring to children in the community who benefit from the big brothers and big sisters' programs. For information, visit http://www. bbbshalton.ca/en/Home/events/curlforkidssake.aspx.. | Nikki Wesley/Metroland Shop from home at our brand new online store: W W W . N O r t h e m P e t S h O p . C O H l I Downtown Construction OAKVILLE Update Lakeshore Road Bridge Closure F e b ru a ry 3 t o D ecem ber 2017 As part of the Lakeshore Road Reconstruction and Streetscape Project, the town is reconstructing the Lakeshore Road Bridge over Sixteen Mile Creek. From February 3 to December 2017, the bridge will be closed to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians in both directions. A detour route around the bridge will be provided via Kerr Street, Rebecca Street and Navy Street. Navy Street between Rebecca/Randall Street was converted to two-way on January 5, 2017. We appreciate everyone's patience. Businesses open All businesses along Lakeshore Road on either side of the bridge, as well as the library, the theatre and Centennial Pool remain open and accessible during construction. Once complete, the new bridge will include two travel lanes and bikes lanes. There will also be a wider pedestrian sidewalk with a barrier wall to separate the sidewalk and vehicular traffic. New pedestrian railings and lookouts will be included as well as LED lighting. The Lakeshore Road approaches to the bridge between Navy Street and Forsythe Street will also be reconstructed For more inform ation For details about these projects, please visit oakville.ca. We will post additional information online as the projects progress. You can also contact SerwceOakville at 905-845-6601.