www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, February 9, 2017 |14 S T U D IO P A V A S Performing and Visual Arts S chooL- Shirleyvolunteered over 61 years Cam os $45,000 towards new hospital equipment and Shirley began renovations. volunteering at the OTMH Although the club Women's Auxiliary now disbanded in 2014, known as the OHVA, in Walmsley continued to March 1955 -- five years volunteer at OTMH on after the opening of the a weekly basis, working legacy Reynolds Street behind-the-scenes with hospital. odd jobs and assisting In 1975, the Oakville with raffle and chiropody woman became the shoe sales. convenor of the Central In 1996, the Hospital Service Supply Room Auxiliaries Association (CSSR), began volunteering of Ontario (HAAO) at the snack bar every presented Walmsley with Tuesday and assisted with the lifetime membership Shirley Walmsley the Women's Auxiliary's pin. annual meetings and openShe was designated as an honorary president house tours. of the OTMH Women's Auxiliary from 2001-03 "The hospital has always meant so much to my husband and I. It was always such a rewarding in recognition of her contributions. When she wasn't at the hospital, Walmsley thing to do," Walmsley told the Beaver in a 2015 volunteered her time with the Sybil Bennett interview IODE and Walton Memorial United Church (63 "I would never give up my Thursday morning. That was my one thing. My friends knew you years) -- in the choir and as leader of the United Church Women -- and did so for more than 30 don't call Shirley for coffee because she has to go years. to the hospital." She was also president of the Halton Music When the central supply volunteer service was eliminated three years later, Walmsley and others Festival and the Centriller Home and School, as formed a quilting group, to sell handmade quilts well as a member of the Ontario Medical Wives. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to and raise money for the hospital. The group of eight made more than 60 Walton United Church, Ian Anderson House or Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. quilts over the years and raised more than continued from p.3 Specialty Cam ps «· Intensive M usic & Art · Before & A fter Care · End of W eek Perform ances mall Group Sizes * C am era Viewing of all Studios · Friendly Q ualified Instructors ASK US ABOUT SUMMER CAMPS! · Art, Music, Drama and Dance STUDIO PAVAS Performing and Visual Arts School 905-403-9435 1-2301 ROYALWINDSOR DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA WWW.studiopavas.com info@studiopavas.com Don't just live in the Village... LIVE IT Stay Involved, Stay Engaged,Stay Strong & Active Palermo Village is a place to Enjoy Life! lermo Village INSPIRED SENIOR LIVING WITH CALL TO BOOK YOUR TOUR TODAY (9 0 5 )5 8 2 -0 3 9 5 1 3136d u n d a s street w est , o a k v il l e , o n I v e r v e s e n io r liv in g .c o m