Oakville Beaver, 1 Oct 2000, p. 18

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18 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, October 1, 2000 Yon are in vited to atten d a free seminar: Library h as added DVD collection (Continued from p a g e 17) c a tio n o f th e s u p p o r t f o r th e lib ra ry . "Understanding Depression" W ednesday, O cto b er 1 1 , 2 0 0 0 6 :3 0 p m 7 :0 0 p m D isplays, R efreshm ents P re sen tatio n s by: · Dr. Sydney H . Kennedy, P sychiatrist. C e n tre to r A d d ic tio n & M e n tal H ealth ·Je n n ife r O pper, RN., M.Kd.. M e n tal H e a lth P rogram , H a lto n H ealth care Services T h e 7 0 7 G alaxy B an q u et H all < 4 "'5 N o rth Service Road Fast. O akville - Free Parking Q E W to Tr.if.dgar Rd. N . to Iroquois S hore R d., R ight to N o rth Service Rd.. R ight to Galaxy APPETTTE OUT OF CONTROL? G E T C O N TR O L! FREE. R eservation R equired. C all 3 3 8 -4 3 7 9 M ade possible th ro u g h educational grants from : · Natural formula helps N fv V L '\i H U R R w Boehringer Ingelheini (Canada I.td. Fli Lilly Canada Inc. and BristolMyers Squibb (Canada Inc. NXidi apjirtvurion to die O T M H H u m u tlu e ( xutre NOW LET THE MAGIC WORK FOR YOU! ENR O LL TO D AY! C A L L ... w w w .h e rb a lm a g ic s y s te m s .c o n t ht-xH U r!f/y H.dton Hcaltlicm.- Service* - Health promt >rii>n .uul Meiu.il Heddl IVogi.uns in p tim u r s J 'ip w ith : 637-6019 1 75 Plains Rd. E. M J R L lX d T O X (n e x t to L a t 'e m in iq u e ) Al >A1M; Canadian MeiiLiI Healdi Association, .uul H.iltcni Region Healdi IXparniKiU "If a large num ber o f people support som ething in town, you d o n 't tell them to m ake do with ju st average service." M ulvale said her sons, now 25 and 28, "lived at the W hite O aks Branch Library at least four days a w eek when they were small. T hey took preschool com puter program s." And for her, a stay-at-hom e m om at the tim e, the library served as a "m ental health facility," a place w here she could m eet other moms. In declaring O ctober as Library M onth, she said libraries prom ote literacy, learning and inform ation. "T he library is m uch m ore than a lending facility filled with materials. It's a place for learning in a friendly environ m ent, a place to nurture intellect," said the mayor. D uring O ctober, the library will conduct a m arket research project, by contacting 400 people at random by phone, and asking them about services, said library board chair M argaret Perschy. A fundraising cam paign will also be launched to enhance services. "R ight now w e have over 100 com puters providing pub lic Internet access at all four branches," said Perschy. "W e've adapted som e o f them for use by the visually impaired, and w e've purchased an on-line date base for our w ebsite and our com puter system s." A n on-line e-m ail reference system is to be launched soon, she continued. "People can em ail us the question right from hom e, and w e'll e-m ail the answ er." A lso new to the library collection are DVDs. To prom ote this new addition to the library shelves, a Toshiba D V D -CD Player is being given aw ay as a raffle prize. O ther prizes include book store certificates, library T-shirts, library book bags, and coffee shop gift certificates. The entry deadline is Oct. 27th, and w inners will be contacted the follow ing week. Entries are attached to a flyer listing O ctober's events at the library. These events include H arry Potter M ania all m onth; free new com er's kits to the first 10 people w ho apply for a library card on Oct. 3rd at any branch; a visit from children's author W erner Z im m erm an on Oct. 4th from 4 to 5 p.m . at the C entral L ibrary; a H om ew ork M ade Easy research skills display at the G len A bbey and W hite O aks libraries on O ct. 10th; It's All Business - links on the library's w eb site dem onstration, O ct. 13th from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m ., at the Central L ibrary; D V D d em o n stratio n s at Central, Oct. 16th, at 1:30, 3:30 and 7:30 p.m.; a visit from author Joy F ield in g at the C en tral L ibrary A uditorium , Oct. 19th, 7:30 to 9 p.m. tickets $7 in advance at all libraries or $10 at the door; Reading M achine d em o n stratio n s for the visually im paired, Oct. 20th at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.; O pen H ouse at W hite O aks, Oct. 21st, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m .; O pen H ouse at W oodside, Oct. 23rd, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Stats C anada S im plified - uncover d em o g rap h ic in fo rm atio n , at the Central Library Oct. 27th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m .; and D ig U p Your O akville Roots - brow se local history, Oct. 30th, 1 to 5 p.m ., at Central, am ong other events for adults and children. In ad dition, there are W ebW ise W orkshops at all four branches at $10 per w orkshop, and free em ail classes. F or m ore inform ation, call 8152042 or visit w w w .opl.on.ca Austin's T E X AS GRI LL Ribs · Steaks · Fajitas Now Open 157 Cross Avenue, Oakville (905) 844-5775 Cross Ave. · (formerly The Armadillo) Yoga Lessons by certified yoga instructor f s Revitalize your body & m ind! · Small classes · Individual attention · Morning or evening classes Call for more information ----------------- ----------------------------------------W ith a m inim u m p u rch a s e oi $ 2 5.00 | (nol in clu d in g ta x e s ) S · O ne coupon per tab le · Not valid w ith a n y other prom otions 157 C ro ss A ven u e, O ak ville (a c r o s s from lho GO S ta tio n ) | N eera A rora (9 0 5 ) 844-5775 J 257-0

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