Oakville Beaver, 17 Feb 2017, p. 18

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w w w .insideH A LT O N .com | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | Friday, F ebruary 1 7 , 2 0 1 7 1 1 8 Previously loved looks to liven up your living space ByVanessa Lupton R edecorating Oakville, one consign m ent piece a t a tim e , th e recently opened Decor by Consign offe rs decor item s not needed by one but desired by another. According to ow ner M ichele Forgione, th e idea to e nter the decor gam e sta rte d during a shared m eal w ith a friend. "We were tw o w om en w ith a lot o f great s tu ff" said Forgione. "Things th a t were to o nice to ju s t g e t rid of, and there was to o m uch o f it. The idea blossom ed from my own downsizing, paired w ith my friend who had been le ft in charge o f adm in is tering the e state o f som eone who had been a collector o f fine antiques." Located in th e h e a rt o f Bronte Village, Decor By Consign offe rs furn iture , art, rugs, decor and various antiq ues from furn ishings to china, silver and art. In addition to th e gently loved item s th a t are available on consignm ent, the shop also offe rs new pieces o f furniture, a rt and photography. "We research th e pieces th a t com e onto th e flo o r and call upon expert advice when it com es to a n tiq u e s " said For gione. " We w ant to be sure to offe r fa ir pricing fo r both th e buyer and the seller. Our goal is to carry pieces th a t are in line w ith curre nt m arket tre n d s and styles." O ffering a variety o f brands, Decor By Consign carries Eames, Cherner, Baker, Barbara Barry furn ishings and lighting, Drexel Heritage, Century, Barrym ore and even offe r item s both new and used from R estoration Hardware and Pottery Barn. Each piece boa sts quality construction, is offered a t m oderate prices, and looks great `as is ' or can be renewed to s u it a buyer's personal preference. The process to place a piece on con signm ent is sim ple. The item will be as sessed via em ailed photos and descrip tio n s to determ ine if it is m arketable. The pricing fo r pieces th a t enter the program is divided evenly and prices are not reduced throughout its duration in the shop. " Our pricing is fa ir fo r both the buyer and th e seller, so the price th a t is agreed upon rem ains th e price unless a reduction is m utually agreed upon." According to Forgione th e tim e it ta kes to sell a piece varies as sales are depen dent on buyers' personal preferences. Som e people like an eclectic look, com b ing today's tre n d s w ith antique pieces, w hile som e look fo r m id-century m odern or tran sition al styles. S ellers can consign a piece fo r as long or as little as they w ould like. Pick up and delivery services are also offered fo r an additional fee. The store, which is located a t 2 3 3 0 Lakeshore Rd. W is open Tuesday to Fri day from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m . and Saturday from 1 0 a.m . until 4 p.m . For inquiries outside o f regular business hours, re que sts can be accom m odated. For m ore inform ation call 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -8 8 7 7 , or em ail m ichele@ forgionegroup.com Decor by Consign offers furniture and decor to spruce up your home. Above: M ichele Forgione, owner o f Decor by Consign. Photos by Nikki Wesley, Metroland M edia Group G et professional help to m inim ize taxes this tax season W ith tax season ju s t around th e cor ner, Ricky W ong C hartered A ccountant is ready to help you g e t the m o st o ut o f your money. As th e O akville Beaver R eaders' Choice award w inner fo r b e st accou ntant fo r 10 years in a row, Ricky W ong is a licensed chartered professional accountant w ith a fo cus on personal and corporate tax, as well as financial co nsu ltations, prepara tio n s o f financial s ta te m e n ts and general accounting services. W ith 2 5 years o f ex perience w orking as a chartered accoun ta n t, W ong is able to a s s is t w ith all o f your accounting needs. " Our m o st popular service is o f course tax s e rv ic e s " said Wong, ow ner o f Ricky W ong C hartered Accountant. "They com e to see us fo r filin g tax returns, tax plan ning, dealing w ith th e Canada Revenue Agency and to learn how to m inim ize th e ir taxes." According to W ong, in addition to han dling annual personal and business taxes, clie n ts also utilize his services to com plete estate planning in a way th a t will leave th e ir fam ily provided fo r in the m o st tax efficie nt way. W ith th e increase o f condom inium s in G reater Toronto Area, W ong says th a t condom inium corporation a ud its are also a large p a rt o f th e business he does. " Our clie n ts love th a t we are very ac curate and th a t we are able to w o rk very quickly," said Wong. " C lients are always te llin g us how quick we are, and how ac curately we g e t th e w ork done." For people looking fo r a new accoun ta n t, th e firs t 30-m inute consu ltation is free, and p o st consu ltation rates are cal culated on a project basis. Q uotes are given to all prospective clie n ts prior to ta kin g a project on. Located at 1 2 0 0 Speers Rd., Ricky W ong C hartered A ccountant can accom m odate walk-in and scheduled appoint m ents. For m ore inform ation vis it www. rickywong.ca or em ail ricky@ rickywong.ca

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