Oakville Beaver, 17 Feb 2017, p. 29

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29 | Friday, February 17, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com Electrical Home Renovations CONSTRUCTION LAND SCAPE Contracting One call we do it all! Waterproofing,concrete, interlock, landscaping, asphalt, fencing, decks. Free estimates. Quality work. Cesare 647-831-9692 CONTRACTOR/ RENOVATOR. Basements - Bathrooms - Kitchens Additions and more. Call Noel at 416-270-2872 www.quinnco.ca quinnco@hotmail.com Painting & Decorating PROFESSIONAL PAINT ERS. 20 years experi ence. Interior/ exterior painting. Wall/ ceiling preparation, wallpaper removal. Great prices for quality work. Quick, clean and reliable! **free estimates** 416-841-8421 tocalW ork !ca| YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Office/ Administration Grindstone Electric Master Electrician Residential/ Commercial Licensed & Insured Trouble shooting, upgrades & reno's Backup generators & sump pumps call an expert home services To book in this feature call 905.632.4440 J Office/ Administration Sam 's MOVING & DELIVERIES Big or Small Moves Physical Help Also Donation Trips & Decluttering 20 Yrs Experience news CQ I O bituaries I O bituaries SHERREN, Ire n e J a n e t (n e e H a m ilto n ) A fte r a le n g th y illness, died p eacefully a t Ian A nderson House, O akville, on February 12, 2017. She is survived by B ill, her devoted husband o f 56 years; sons, James and John (Joanne), sister Jean, cousin Lenore, nephew s Ross (Cathy) and Glenn (Elizabeth), niece K athy (Shar) and o th e r lovin g relatives. B orn in V ancouver and a g ra d u a te of th e U n ive rsity of B ritish C olum bia, Irene loved people and to u c h e d m any lives. A n avid tennis fa n and player, she enjoyed g o o d conversation and g o o d co ffe e and her ever present sm ile and sense o f h u m o u r w ill be g re a tly missed. The fa m ily w o u ld like to th a n k Dr. R ajagopal, A nna, and all th e o n co lo g y nurses a t C redit Valley H ospital, Dr. Benjam in, Malissa and all th e nurses a t A cclaim H ealth, O akville and th e nurses, s ta ff and v o lu n te e rs a t Ian A nderson House, O akville. V is ita tio n w ill be held at K opriva Taylor C o m m u n ity Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Road W est (one block east o f K err 905-844-2600) O akville, fro m 2-4 and 6-8 p.m . on Thursday, February 23, 2017. A c e le b ra tio n o f life w ill ta k e place on Friday, February 24, 2017 a t St. C uthbert's A n g lica n Church, 1541 O a kh ill Drive, O akville a t 11 a.m. V isit o u r guest b o o k th ro u g h w w w .ko p riv a ta y lo r.co m All jobs, big & small ECRA/ESA#7010208 Call for a free estimate The Pinnacle in Seniors Lifestyle Living. Proudly Burlington Owned and Operated. 905-320-9941 P/T Marketing Consultant The Williamsburg is looking for a hard working, friendly, sales oriented professional to join our team & assist in supporting our marketing initiatives. Ideal candidates possess excellent communication & customer service skills and a passion for working with A p p ly fo r a p o s itio n at: w w w . T h e W illia m s b u rg .ca o r send y o u r CV to M a rle e N ye a t m n y e @ th e w illia m s b u rg .c a Technical/Skilled Trades Technical/Skilled Trades MASTER ELECTRICIAN Licensed / insured, ESA#7011197. 18 years experience. Evenings / weekend appointments available. Seniors Discount. Competitive pricing. Call Titan at 905-616-1333, mturner @titangeneral.com Flooring & Carpeting FLOORING: HARDWOOD laminate and installation call today 647-223-5353 R&E Flooring Ltd. Quality Is My Priority. www.reflooringltd.com Handy Person BRITISH HANDYMAN Reliable handyman available for odd jobs, painting, trim work, caulking, minor plumbing and much more, indoors or out! Call Dave 289-795-2371 HANDYMAN COMPLETE Bathroom/ Kitchen renos, Painting, Drywall/ General Repairs, Hardwood/ Tiling, etc. Small or Large Jobs. Call Cristian: 647-281-2084. Home Renovations 00 BATHROOM Renova tions, basements, kitch ens, plumbing and drains, electrical, floor ing. From A to Z. Call Arek, 416-602-2394. A1 A MIKE'S DRYWALL and Renovations Licensed and Insured Certified Tradesman Total Home Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation Paint, Trim, Doors. 30 Yrs Exp./ Free Est. 905-515-5505 ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE Drywall Taping Painting and Finish Carpentry Small Job No problem Call 416-417-9151. RIVER OAKS Painting, 30 years experience in terior-exterior painting. I suggest Benjamin Moore paints. For a free esti karmi Co n trac tin g mate and references. Finished basements, Please call Mark Durie bathrooms, tiles, lami 905-257-3102. nate, drywall, painting. Low prices. Free esti mates. Satisfaction Plumbing Guaranteed. Over 20 Years Experience. NEED A PUMBER? For 647-895-3435 installation repair and complete washroom Moving & Storage remodelling. We are licensed and insured. Call Seneca Plumbing 905-399-3213. CALL or TEXT 905-633-6880 **BURLO AK** PAINTING Season Special Book now & $ave up to 35% off!!! Prep & Paint Specialist Residential, commercial & industrial Over 23 yrs exp. Call Jake for Free Estimate 905-330-9968 416-889-5167 www.Aleksmoving.ca Best Rates/ Flat rates in Ontario. Local or long Distance. Free Es timates. Family Owned Business. Senior & student Discounts AC MOVING & Storage & Delivery: Experienced Residential, Commercial, Piano Movers. Local and Long Distance. 24 hours. Please Call 416-949-2117 or 416-616-2995... or visit www.acmoving.ca Painting & Decorating JUST PAINT IT... MIKE'S WAY!! Fast Reliable service. Free Estimates! Interior and Exterior! No job too big or too small Give us a call!! 416-786-3631 PAINTER, 30 years ex perience. Can do almost any type of work. Wall paper removal. Excellent workmanship, English/ French speaking. Free Estimates. Call Peter 905-330-8476 PERFECT PAINTING & Repair Highend Craftmanship Professional Painters Wallpaper/ popcorn ceil ings removal. Waterdamaged ceilings repair. Kitchen cabinets paint ing, hardwood/laminate installation. References. Seniors discounts, free estimates. 647-702-9502 LIFT TRUCK MECHANICS REQUIRED FULL TIME O th e r tra d e mechanics o r apprentices considered. 35 year o ld fo r k lif t shop. Excellent w ages and b e n e fit package. Located in OAKVILLE ONTARIO A p p ly b y f a x o r e m a il to Small jobs, plugged drain, faucet repairs, etc. Be it big or be it small, do it well or not at all. Lez (905) 271-1783. Roofing garage salesshowsbazaars Garage Sales D Halton Lift Truck Fax: 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -3 5 1 5 E m ail: G le n d o n @ h a lto n -lift.c o m Office/ Administration Teaching Opportunities $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warranty on shingles. Available 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Estimates !!!! 416-995-4105 905-693-9950. VILA ROOFING Roof replacement and repair, experiencedquality work, various as phalt shingle options available to fit any bud get, licensed and in sured. Shingles guaranteed 10 year la bour warranty. Free esti mates. (647)272-9476 david@vilaroofing.ca vilaroofing.ca Oakville Downsizing Sat., Feb18th 8 a.m. - noon 29 2 A sh b u ry R d. 4 8 6 T rilliu m Dr. for Oakville Brokerage Send Resume to : shireen@ century21dream s.ca Professional Experienced Real Estate Recruiter / Office M anager BRANT CHILDREN'S CENTRE BURLINGTON requires RECE - Full time Send resume bclc@befinet.ca Technical/Skilled Trades McCULLOCH, Lyle (S o n n y) July 7, 1943 - February 13, 2017 It is w ith g re a t sadness th e fa m ily announces th e passing o f Sonny a fte r a courageous and hard fo u g h t b a ttle w ith cancer. Sonny was one o f seven ch ild ren b o rn to Lyle and Grace M cC ulloch of V erdun M o n tre a l. Sonny spent m any years w o rk in g fo r Q uebecor b e fo re leaving M o n tre a l in th e early 80's and s e ttlin g in O akville and N orth Y ork w h e re he w o rk e d u n til re tire m e n t w ith MacLean H u n te r p rin tin g . Sonny re tire d to B ro n te w ith a go rg eous v ie w o f th e m arina rig h t o u t his fr o n t w in d o w . Sonny was th e lo vin g husband o f D ianne and fa th e r o f Glen and Laura (M ark M cC orm ack). Sonny w ill be fo n d ly re m e m b e re d by his 6 g ra n d ch ild re n , Colin, M a tth e w , M ichael, Jacob, C hristina and M egan. Sonny w ill be missed by brothers, Billy, Gerry, Jim m y and sister Linda a lo n g w ith his m any nieces and nephew . V is ita tio n w ill be held on Saturday, February 18, 2017 fro m 9-10 a.m . at Glen Oaks Funeral Home, 3164 N in th Line, O akville (403/ D undas) w ith a M e m o ria l Service to fo llo w in th e chapel a t 10 a.m . In lieu o f flo w e rs, d o n a tio n s can be m ade to th e ch a rity o f y o u r choice. Experienced Door & Siding Installers Req'd by busy window & siding installation company Steady FT. Must be fully equipped and have own vehicle. Contact Kevin York @ Beverley Hills Home Improvement 1-800-263-4515 X 234 To b o o k your cla ssified ad call Bookkeeper Architectural Firm Burlington, ON Capable of preparing full set of books Payroll remittances, T4's, T5's, ROE' Monthly -Quarterly HST. Monthly invoices and statements. Familiar with A/R and A/P progress billings. Architectural > 905.632.4440 or fax 905-632-8165 OakvleBeaver The O a kville B eaver w o u ld like to e xp re ss sin c e re a n d Honour the memory Oakvle Beaver Place ads in your Local Community Newspaper Print & Online C YourClassifieds.ca o f a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. h e a rt-fe lt c o n d o le n c e s to th o se w h o ha ve lo s t th e ir lo v e d o n e s. F. 1J rs 1 ..

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