3 | Thursday, February 23, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Resilience key to m aintaining m ental health: Dawe by Nathan Howes O akville Beaver S ta ff "What does it take to bounce back? W hen you are struggling, w hen you are over whelmed, w hen you are facing a crisis, and all of us have faced challenges, how do you deal with that?" That' s what Dr. Ian Dawe, an associate pro fessor of psychiatry at the University of To ronto (UOT), and program chief and medical director of mental health at Trillium Health Partners, asked a crowd of more than 200 Thursday, Feb. 16. Building a healthy community is about cre ating resilience and giving people the tools needed to overcome mental health challeng es, said Dawe, in a presentation at a breakfast hosted by the Oakville Chamber of Com merce, in partnership with its Young Profes sional & Entrepreneur Group (YPEG) and Bell Canada. The sold-out event was held at Otello' s Banquet and Convention Centre. Bouncing back "It' s doing the things that makes us human, as opposed to the super-humans that w e try to be, since w e're constantly on the go, con stantly doing more," said Dawe. Resilience and tools for it Dr. Ian Dawe, Program Chief and Medical Director of Mental Health at Trillium Health Partners was the guest speaker at the Oakville Chamber's Young Professional Group and Bell Let's Talk breakfast on Mental Health in the Workplace. | Graham Paine/Metroland versus maladaptively, reactively. Resilience is the tool and technique that allows one to do that." W hen people are faced with problems, w w w .e d w a rd jo n e s.c o m dealing with them head on, not "letting them pile up," and relying on friends and family for support is what' s critical to overcoming them, Dawe said. "W hat does it take to bounce back? W hen you are struggling, w hen you are over whelmed, w hen you are facing a crisis, and all of us have faced challenges, how do you deal with that?" Dawe asked . "Dealing with it adaptively, proactively, "Resilience, and tools that allow us to focus on resilience, give us this stress management approach." Dawe focused on workplace, community and individual mental health to "bring this all together," hoping it would resonate with those in attendance, he said. Workplace mental health is one of the pri mary focuses of the Bell Tet' s Talk campaign and one of Dawe' s long-time passions, he told the crowd. "The w hole notion of workplace mental health is about how to be sensitive to the fact w e have needs. Sometimes w e're in trouble," said Dawe. Bell Tet' s Talk Day, an annual initiative to highlight mental health awareness by en gaging Canadians through social media, has raised $80 million to date, according to Dawe. "The conversation today is so drastically different than it was just five years ago or sev en years ago, before this campaign got start ed. Bell deserves enormous credit for opening those doors to people like m e," said Dawe. see New on p.4 Does your financial advisor know your life goals? Marc Nutford - Financial Advisor 2387 Trafalgar Road, Unit E2, Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-844-4043 - www.edwardjones.com/marc-nutford EdwardJones M A K IN G S E N S E O F IN V E S T IN G M e m b e r - C a n a d ia n In v e s to r Protection Fund IN -S T O R E B IE N V E N U E P R O M O T IO N j ^ K E N C I j 2 0 v ) T t *tv 1 [Yv t T H jg r L J N I C | i F R E N C H S P E C IA L T Y G R O C E R Y 1 0 % H a n d m a d e , o v e n -re a d y F r e n c h a n d o th e r E u ro p e a n m e a ls to ta k e h o m e. E x c e lle n t se le ctio n of p ro d u c ts from F r a n c e an d Q u eb ec. V isit F re n c h L u n c h to h av e a u n iq u e cu lin a ry exp erien ce! 1 8 7 CROSS AVENUE, OAKVILLE (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 - 9 9 8 8 *b efo retax on all in -sto re p u rch ases o f $ 5 0 * or m ore Offer is valid until March 31, 2017 w w w .fr e n c h lu n c h , c a LIK E us on facefoook.com /frenchlunch F O L L O Wus on twitter.com/frenchlunchCA