Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 2000, p. 15

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Friday November 10, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 15 Growth can be ecologically sustainable says Ward 4 candidate Allan Elgar By Allan Elgar Canadidate for Ward 4 regional/local council Growth, and its effect on our quality of life is the issue that seems to concern Ward 4 residents most. Already traffic is frequently gridlocked, and our major growth is yet to come. Forests are coming down to make way for development, and we are losing our only air filters - trees. Many people feel that projects are well underway before they find out about them. The plan for a golf course in Bronte Provincial Park is one example. Developers are lob bying hard to have their projects approved. I have accepted no campaign assistance from developers, so I can guar antee that my decisions as councillor will be entirely objective, and based solely on I what is best for Ward 4 constituents. For the past year, I have been work ing on behalf of residents to find ways to ensure that our growth is ecologically sus tainable, and to | protect the natural ah pi beauty of Allan Elgar Oakville. As a result of these efforts I have been appoint ed to the town's Open Space Task Force, mandated to explore methods of preserv ing environmentally significant land as we grow. I intend to continue striving for growth standards that truly reflect the expecta tions of the residents of Oakville. 1 will use knowledge gained from my universi ty education in business, and my 29 years of management experience (mostly in finance) with Bell Canada, to ensure that your tax dollar is spent responsibly. As Regional Councillor I can guaran tee that I will put the needs of the con stituents first. ELECTION MUNICIPAL 2 0 0 $ In the Oakville Beaver Weekend paper, check out the candidates for Halton Regional Chair Ward 5 candidate would be pro-active By Jeff Knoll Candidate for Ward 5 regional/local council One of the first things I did when I decided to seek this position was to talk to many Ward 5 residents and ask them what they want and expected in a Regional Councillor. Overwhelmingly, their answers have coincided with the kind of Regional Councillor I intend to be if elected - a representative who is proactive in addressing your concerns and who will keep you "in the loop." With an education in Political Science and Communications, and years of experience in working for federal and provincial members of parliament, as well as municipal government, I know how the system works. More importantly, I've also seen first hand that when issues are dealt with slowly, reactively and with little com munity input, the system fails. As Regional Councillor, I would do every thing possible to make sure this doesn't happen. Expect lots of proactive, effective and interac tive communication I from me if I'm elect ed. And expect me to | seek out your feed back. With foresight and I creativity, many issues can be trans formed into solutions to improve our quali-1 ty o f life. By attract ing employers to I Oakville, we can | reduce commuter Jeff Knoll traffic, and increase our tax base. By expanding public transit, we can decrease local traffic and improve mobility for many people. We can't stop development, but we can man age it and extract as much as possible from the process to ensure adequate infrastructure is in place. As your councillor, I would constantly be on the lookout for possible concerns-- and solu tions-- before they become problems. Sparling says he's advocate for constituents By Ste p h e n S p a rlin g Candidate for Ward 4 regional/local council On N ovem ber 13th, residents o f ward 4 will m ake a decision about w hat k in d o f re p re se n ta tio n they w ant for the next three years. I believe that over the past nine years, th at I have been the k in d o f C ouncillor that has been responsive to your needs on a w ide variety of issues. M y philosophy o f representa tion has been to be an advocate for my con stituents and com m unity and I think that you will see that I have been successful in that goal. O ver the last few w eeks, you will have received inform ation about me and my plans for the next three years and I ask that you w ill take the tim e to read this inform ation and contact me with any questions or com m ents. I hope that your conclusion will be th at my e x p e rie n c e and my suc cesses as y o u r C o u n c illo r d e s e r v e y o u r endorse m ent for a n o t h e r term . , PaSt Stephen Sparling th ree council term s have been a great deal of w ork, b u t I have enjoyed every m inute o f the tim e spent making our com m unity one o f the best to live in w ithin Canada. Thank you for giving m e the p riv ileg e o f being your Regional Councillor. I respectfully ask for your support on election day. Behrens brings 20 years of experience to Ward 5 By Liz Behrens Candidate for Ward 5 region al/local council As the incumbent Regional Councillor in Ward 5 , 1 believe that I have represented the best interest of the residents of the Ward during the last term of Council. In my role as a Councillor, I listen, involve, respond and resolve their issues and concerns. Two "Ward 5 News" newsletters have been sent out in the last two years and I work co-operatively with my Local Councillor and other col leagues. I attend the meetings of the River Oaks Association of Residents to keep them up to date on Ward 5 and Town wide mittees and host information meetings to deal with con stituent issues. I will continue this communication and involvement as their Regional Councillor in the 2000-2003 Term of Council. In the challenging, unpre dictable and fast-paced time ahead, it will be important for Ward 5 to be represented by a Councillor who is experienced and knowledgeable. I have served the residents of Ward 5 as a Councillor for 20 years. Municipal government is the closest level of government to the people. It is not a stepping stone to seek a higher office. My dedication and commit ment will be to serve the inter est of Oakville and Ward 5. Franklin speaks out on Ward 6 issues By Kurt Franklin Candidate for Ward 6 regional/councillor During the campaign, I have knocked on thousands of doors in our community. Today, I would like to respond to the key issues you have shared with me. 1. Communication. I will continue publishing the Ward 6 Update Newsletter to keep you up-to-date on issues and events that shape the com munity in which we live. Your comments and support have confirmed the value of publishing a semi-annual newsletter. 2. Local Roads. I will continue to fight any changes to Eighth Line and Upper Middle Road in the residential areas. We need to keep the pressure on the province to widen the QEW and build a ramp from the west bound QEW to the 403. We need to get the cars back on the highway where they belong. 3. Iroquois Ridge Community Centre Now that construction is underway, I will ensure the project is completed on time and on budget by meeting with the construction supervisor on a regular basis. I look forward to seeing you at the official opening of this incredible facility next fall. 4. Manage Growth. Oakville is a growing community and we need to ensure we continue to apply the sound planning principles that created our own neighbourhoods. We need to build the environment into the fabric of our community. I promise to bring the same dedication and energy to the job that you have seen over the past three years. On Monday, Nov. 13th, vote Kurt Franklin for Local and R e g i o n a l Councillor. Kurt Franklin Liz Behrens issues. I have kept the residents of Ward 5 informed about issues that affect their neighbourhood with notices and letters deliv ered personally to their door. I involve residents in sub-com I t' s a ll a q u e s tio n o f tr u s t- R o b e r ta N e e d By Roberta Need Candidate Ward 6 regional/local council It is not a question o f why I should be elected but w hat you are looking for in a candidate. You are looking for someone you can trust. You need som eone who cares about you and your quality o f life. W ho looks forw ard to what can be done to save w hat we have, not som eone w ho says w e tried to stop developm ent, but lost to the O ntario M unicipal Board 22 years ago. Twenty- two years ago and you are still using that excuse?! If you believe nothing can be done, that the tide cannot be turned, that your sacrifice o f tim e and energy is useless. W hy would my opponent w ant to be your local and regional councilor? I believe we can stop new developm ent, that w e m ust spend the m oney to fight the OM B and if that fails take it to a higher authority. D ecisions can be appealed to the co u rts o r the p ro v in cial cab in et. Indeed w e m ust prevent further d ev elop m ent for we have not the infrastructure to support any m ore people in this area. N ot the roads or the schools or even the sew er system s. It is a question o f trust. Can you trust this person? W ill this person to do the right thing especially w hen you are too busy to be w atching. For these answ ers you m ust look to a persom's record and w hat they believe in. If you believe w e cannot go on this w ay and that we need a change then vote for R oberta N eed for local and regional councilor on M onday, Nov. 13th. Roberta Need

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