Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 2000, p. 29

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Friday, November 10, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 29 An O akville B eaver F eature Editor: C A R O L BALD W IN , 845-3824 (Ext. 254) Fax: 337-5567; E-mail: bald w in @ h alton se arch .com A rts & Entertainment By Carol Baldwin ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Interlink Seniors and students blend voices and forge friendships J ean Barber's teacher's award at the Ontario Teachers Awards ceremony last month wasn't something she could hang on a wall or display in a glass case or on a mantle. Her award was less tangible, yet an award nevertheless. Barber's Interlink Choir sang at the awards ceremonies in the University of Toronto's Hart House on the Sunday before Halloween, and the Eastview Public School teacher was as pleased as any of the award winners. `T h e choir is the entertainment for the day. Last year it was the Toronto Children's Choir," says Barber, who directs three choirs, co-directs a couple more and sings in an octet and in her church choir. `T h ey wanted a different look this year. M ost o f the children in the Toronto Children's Choir are not public school children. So, they just wanted to change the look his year, and we were in the right place at the right time." The Interlink Choir, which has been around for 13 sea sons, not only blends the voices of children from Grades 5 to 8 with senior citizens, it blends them socially, giving both age groups a unique perspective into the other's world. "They (the children) have to be dedicated to it. They have to make a full commitment. They know it's a lot of work," Barber emphasizes, noting that, although the chil dren don't have to be exceptional singers to join, they do have to audition individually and agree to live up to certain expectations. "We (have choir) practice twice a week, dur ing their lunch break. And sometimes they're giving up their whole day. They're paired with a senior.. .They send them Halloween and Christmas and Valentine's cards and in between - once a month - they write to their pen pals.. .The children know it's special; and they feel special." The seniors aren't subjected to such a rigorous selec tion process. Those who volunteer and can sing, are accepted. `T h e assumption is that most have been singing most of their lives," says Joan Garside, who co-directs the senior portion of the choir with Bruce Swinden. `T h e senior choir has really come a long way. We're _________________ really having a ball with it." Barber says some o f the pairs one student/one senior - are pen pals T H E A T R E S for four years if the student happens Changing Tha Way Canada Sa#« Movie* Photo by P eter C. McCusker Jean Blair, left, Paula Vandecoevering, Helen Goreski, Samantha Milligan and Jocelyn Eakins rehearse for an upcoming concert of the Interlink Choir. to enter the Interlink program at the Grade 5 level. Others, despite the random method of pairing, even continue their relationships into the summer or after the students have moved on to high school. "Sometimes they really connect and the kids' parents get involved...True bonds are built," she says. `T hey get together and socialize. It (the program) has been quite suc cessful...! had a girl ask me yesterday if she could join because she thought it sounded like fun." Although the Interlink Choir was originally organized through the Canadian Mental Health Association, it has been independent for four years now and, consequently, must raise funds to buy sheet music for its 60-plus mem bers - half Eastview students, half seniors. Its next fund-raising concert will take place on Nov. 17th at 7 p.m. in the Sir John Colbome Recreation Centre for Seniors. There are no tickets or admission fee. Money is raised through the generous donations o f those who attend. The concert will begin with the national anthem - sung by the choir, of course, followed by a number o f new tunes and some old-time favourites such as Can You Feel the Love Tonight and Edelweiss. (See `All proceeds' on page 32) cimc : ... QEW & Winston ChnicM I Blvd l?05l 829-0115 M6IM0R: TOT MOVIE (PG) (NO PASSES) FR11:45, (5:20), 725 SAT-SUN125,320,520,725 MON-THU 1:45, (520), 725 GET CARTER (AA) FRI 255, (5:10), 7:30.1050 SAT-SUN 255,5:10.730,1(700 MON-THU 255, (510), 730,1(700 R THE THANS (PG) (Z SCREENS) FRI 2:15. (4:45), 750,8:10. 9.30.1030 SAT 2:15.4:45.7:00.8:10, 930.1030 SUN 2:15,4:45.750.8:10,930 MON-THU 2:15, (4:45). 750, 8:10,930___________________ w e ' l l g iv e y o u a l l t h e t o o l s y o u n e e d t o a n a ly z e , a s s e s s a n d d e liv e r s o lu t io n s f o r c lie n t s w ith th e m o s t a d v a n c e d s ta te - THE TWIN THEATRES On Ninth Line - North of Q.E.W. & South of Highway 5. Phone 257-8272 5DRIVE-IN pg AA WINSTON CHURCHILL 26 IIO N O K ... Q i) (NO PASSES) w . p5 0 ). 7:10. 7:55. 105$, 11.00 SAT 1:15,2:10.4:15,5:00,7:10, 7:55,1055,11:00 SUN 1:15.2:10,4:15.5:00.7:10, 7-55 10:00 M ENo f MEET T tf PARENTS (PG) (3 SCREENS) FRI 255, (4:45). 7:15.850, 9:45,10:45 SAT 1:00,2:05,320,4:45,5:40, 7:15,850,9:45.10:45 SUN 1:00,255,320,4:45.5:40, 7:15,8:00.9:45 MON-THU 255, (4:45). 7:15, . o f - t h e - a r t f i n a n c i a l s e r v ic e s f9 a n d p r o d u c t s a v a il a b le . Y o u c a n e n jo y t h e fr e e d o m o f a c a r e e r as . H a s y o u r in d e p e n d e n c e d a y a n in d e p e n d e n t f in a n c ia l p la n n e r w h ile a r r i v e d ? T a lk t o u s . W e c a n h e l p . b e n e f it t in g fr o m t h e s u p p o r t o f a s te lla r te a m o f s p e c ia lis ts a n d s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t t e c h n o lo g y . m9 4 5 __________ LUCKY NUMBERS (AA) FRI 250, (5:35), 755,10:20 SAT 2:20.5:35,755,1020 SUN 220,5:15,7:40.9:55 MON-THU 250, (5:15). 7:40.955 M TITFOMAROfN(2 SCREENS) FRI220, (520). 7:10,750, 9:50.10:30 SAT 1:00,220,420.5:20,7:10, 7:50.950,10:30 SUN 1:00,220,4:20.520,7:10. 8:15.9:50 MON-THU 220, (520), 7:10, C H A R LIE S ANGELS GIRL FIGHT H MON-THU 2:10. (4:15). (5:00). 7:10.7:55.10:00 CHARLIE'S ANGELS Interested candidates should forward their resumes to: LITTL E N IC K Y aa BLAIR WITCH PROJECT 2 M Gates Open 7:00 PM M O V IE S T A R T S A T D U S K Children Under 13 admitted FREE! No babysitting costs. 1:45.2:30. (4:30). (5 15). (550). 7:00.7:45.8 :1 5 .9 :4 0 .1 m 10:55 SAT 1:05,1:45,2:30,320.4:30. 5:15,5.50.7:00,7:4$. 8:15.9:40. 1025,10:55 SUN 1:05.1:45.230,3:20.4:30, 5:15,5:50.7: 920.10:00 MON-THU 1:45,2:30. (4:1 (5:50), 7:00, 7:45.8 15.' BUUR WITCH 2 (AA) (2 SCREENS) FRI 2:15, (5:30), roO. 8:00, 9:15.10:15 SAT 1:00,1:45,3:30.4:15,5:30. 7:00,8:00.915,10:15 SUN 150.1:45,330.4:15.5:30. 7:00,8:00,9:15.10U0 MON-THU 2:15. (5:30), 7:00,8:00. 9:15,10:00 THUTTlf ^SCREENS) 2:10. (5:15). (650). 730 SAT-SUN 1:15.2:10.3:40.5:15. 650.7:30 MON-THU 2-10, (5:15). (6:00), 7:30 mu In v e s to r s G r o u p w ill h e lp y o u m a n a g e y o u r b u s i n e s s a s y o u h e l p c l i e n t s a c h ie v e t h e i r f in a n c ia l g o a ls . W e 'll p r o v id e y o u w it h th e t r a i n i n g t o f i l l i n a n y k n o w le d g e g a p s , p l u s NMR LE G SB S: FMLC O T(A A ) FRI 2:00. (5:55), 8:15.1(735 SAT 250.535.8:15.1(735 SUN 250.5:55.8:15 MON-THU 250, (5:557 8:15 THE EXORCIST (AA) FR11:55, (5:15), 850 SAT-SUN 1:55,5:15.850 MON-THU 155, (5:15), 850 WHAT UES BENEATH (AA) FR11:50. (5:35), 855,1(730 SAT 1:50.535,855.1(730 SUN 1:50.535,855 MON-THU 130. (5:35). 855 Frank Santelli B A , CFP 100 - 1275 N orth Service Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3G4 Phone: (905) 847-7776 1-800-567-2276 (toll free) Fax: (905) 847-1062 Email: samefl@investorsgroup.com 8:15,950______________ TOT C0OTBBB(A A )(2 SCREENS) FR11:45, (5:10)-. 7 2 a 750. 10:15.10:45 SAT 1:10.225,5:10,720.7:5a 10:15,10:40 SUN 1:10,225,5:10.720, In v e sto rs C rou p ' S O L U T I O N S BU ILT A R O U N D YO U T Investors C roup Financial Services In c L O W E S T P R IC E IN T H E A R E A ! EV ER Y DAY $8.50 (except Tues. S4.25) 8:00, 10:00 MON-THU 1:45. (5:10). 72a 850,1050 LOST SOULS (PG) FRI 230, (4:45), 700.9:45 SAT-SUN 23a 4:45.7:00.9:45 MON-THU 230, (4:45), 750.9:45 IK ) presents IN V E S T M E N T P L A N N IN G IN S U R A N C E * R E T IR E M E N T P L A N N IN G ^ ^ CA SH M ANAGEM ENT E S T A T E P L A N N IN G T A X P L A N N IN G ^ ^ M ORTGAGES B R O K E R A G E S E R V IC E S * * Check out our web site: w vyfw .5d rivein .com PLENTY OF FREE PABKHG6 / P O f S S ! ma nim w onum s

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