Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 2000, p. 45

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Friday, November 10, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 45 505 505 505 « TM 505 505 VW / AUDI Dealership is looking for a Opportunities at Burlington's Newest and Most Unique Facility McNichol is an exciting community project consisting of 14 acres of waterfront park, environm ental w etlands and the restoration of 4 heritage facilities including the m a n s io n , g a t e h o u s e , b a rn a n d s t a b le s , a n d c h ild r e n 's d o llh o u s e . Targeted to open in late 2000, the mansion will be a one-of-a-kind site that provides Burlington and the surrounding areas with environmental, arts and heritage programming, outstanding corporate meeting and social function space and a breathtaking waterfront park and trail system. Dynamic and enthusiastic staff members with a commitment to excellence in customer service are being sought to make McNichol a reality. All openings are part time with varying hours including evenings and weekends and require individuals who have the ability to work independently. F U N C T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R : PARTS PERSON · Experience preferred · Should be computer literate. · Established dealership · Excellent working condition · 38 hour work week · salary · benefits Inquiries by p h o n e or fax to __.. Ron Anderson, Parts Manager m ASSISTANT MANAGER Must have som e m anagem ent exp · Com petitive w ages · Bonus program Must beable tow ork as part ot a m anage m ent teamand a high volum e, last pacedenvirom ent. Suit m ature individuals. Apply to 5051 Harvester Rd,, Burlington, or tax 905-639-8831 Robin Evans @ Oakville Volkswagen 557 Kerr Street, Oakville ph# 905-844-3285, fax# 905-844-2719 mm A udi Atlas Van Lines TOnHotton*. CUSTOMER SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES In Oakville (Canada) Ltd. Responsible for the efficient operation of facilities including set up and removal of tables and c h airs and re la te d e q u ip m e n t for functions, building repairs and maintenance, visual checks of HVAC systems, monitoring of activities and security of facilities. Hours will vary up to 28 hours per week. Start rate is $9.10 per hour. Code MN-01-2000 H O U S E K E E P IN G : Responsible for organizing and coordinating all on-site activities related to social and corp orate functions including m onitoring catering and bar staff, ensuring set up and a g e n d a for functions are follow ed and maintaining bar inventory. Must be flexible w hen d e alin g with need s of clients and proactive in issue identification and resolution. H ours will v ary based on the num ber of functions. Start rate is $13.56 per hour. Code MN-03-2000 BAR STA FF: Expansion of our Customer Call Centre requires experienced (preferably bilin gual) customer service representatives to meet growth needs. Senior and inter mediate positions exist for both full-time and part-time staff. We are customer dri ven and reward service excellence! LaserNetworks provides laser printers, serv ice and supplies to businesses across Canada. LONG HAUL DISPATCHER The corporate head office ol Atlas Van Lines Canada Ltd., located in Oakville, has a challenging position available in the Operations Department for a hard working individual. The ideal candidate should have a thorough knowledge of the moving industry wilh previous dispatch experience. Compensation com m ensurate with experience. Forward resum es to: Atlas Van Lines (Canada) Ltd. P. 0. Box 970,485 North Service Rd. E., Oakville, ON L6J 5M7 Attn: Operations Manager Fax: (905) 844-1108 Fax Resume to: Responsible for maintaining a high level of c le a n lin e s s thro u g h o u t th e fa c ilitie s and providing basic building maintenance functions in cluding v ario u s c le a n in g d u ties , floo r maintenance, set up and removal of table and chairs, m onitoring a ctivities and building security. Hours vary up to 24 hours per week. Start rate is $9.10 per hour. Code MN-022000 F A C IL IT Y A S S IS T A N T : j (905) 847-5991 Attn: File# CC130 f Responsible for the operation of the bar during functions including dispensing alcohol, cash handling and stocking bar, cleaning of tables and bar area. Must have experience in the beverage industry. Smart Serve training is considered an asset. Hours will vary based on the number of functions. Code MN-042000 O P E R A T IO N S A S S IS T A N T : L aserA fe/w orks ^ Join Canada's Top Fitness Club Team Our newest club is opening soon in Burlington! We are currently hiring the following positions: Begin your new, promising career with us! Front Desk Staff are responsible for front line customer service, tanning and pro shop sales, and assisting with club administration. Membership Sales Coordinators are responsible for generating revenue through new membership sales and retaining existing members. Personal Trainers are responsible for providing new personal training sales and ongoing service to their existing clients. A Physical Education or Kinesiology degree (or equivalent experience) is preferred for the Personal Trainer positions. Group Exercise Instructors must be certified and experienced. E-m ail resum es tocareers@ goodlifelitness.com (Please quote "3" andthe position youare applying for inthe subject line) Thank you lo a ll applicants, however, o n ly those required lo r an interview w ill be contacted. Manager Wanted We require a Manager for a full time position in our Milton location. Applicants should enjoy working with people and have an aptitude for ladies fashion. A ccep ting application s at Responsible for providing direct custom er service and clerical support for the facility and staff including answ ering general inquiries related to facilities and programs, payroll and accounting data entry, ordering supplies, booking fa c ilitie s and e q u ip m e n t, and providing reception duties for the facility. Start rate is $ 13 .9 5 per hour up to 28 hours per week. Code MN-06-2000 Responsible for set up and removal of tables and chairs, cleaning of facilities, minor repairs as required and directing traffic. Hours vary up to 24 hours per week. Start rate is $7.86 per hour. Code MN-05-2000 Front Desk Group Exercise Instructors Membership Sales Personal Trainers PEGGY'S 55 Ontario St.S., Milton Mall L9T 2M3 Phone (905)878-1414 or Fax (905)878-7055 If you are interested please submit a resume clearly indicating the job code number by November 17, 2000 to: The City of Burlington, Human Resources Department, 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Z6. Clearly indicate which position(s) you are applying for in order of priority and the total number of hours per week you are available. We thank all applicants and advise that only those to be interviewed will be contacted. Areas #1 Import dealer requires FULLTIME PARTS DRIVER APPRENTICE TECHNICIAN LUBE TECHNICIAN & LOT PERSON for our expanding operations. "An Equal Opportunity Employer" DROP OFF O RFAX RESUME ATTN G EO RG ECAIE BURLINGTON TOYOTA 1249 Guelph Line, Burlington F a x:(90 5)33 5-4 048 iC A > BURLINGTON Opportunity is now one click closer in Hatton with. Tap into an excellent resource for information about the trades and apprenti ceship. If you are an em ployer, apprenticeship candidate, you m ay also connect on-line! Halton em ployers are urged to visit o u r w ebsite to: L E A D I N G H o m e Im p ro v e m e nt C o m p a n y is lo o k in g for a full a n d part time e x p e rie n ce d sid in g installers. M u s t h a v e r e q u ire d t o o ls a n d o w n t ra n sp o rt a tio n . P le a s e c a ll ( 9 0 5 ) - 6 3 7 1111 b etw e en 9 -5 M o n d a y to Friday. Burlington Association for the Intellectually Handicapped Our Association, with a m ission to ensure that all Individuals with an intellectual handicap enjoy a m eaningful life within their com m unity, requires: GLIDDEN P A IN T S is currently seeking a permanent part-time persons lor their Burlington and Oakville locations. Duties in clude selling paint & related products to our retail & trade customers, merchandising, mixing paint, cash related duties. Previous retail experience would be considered an asset but not necessary. Must be available to work flexible hours. Fax applications / resum es to: GLIDDEN PAINTS Attention: Store Manager Oakville Store Fax #: (905) 842-4602 P/T Home Support Workers Support Workers are expected to support adults in our hom es in all aspects ot their daily living, including personal care, social and household skills and com munity Inclusion. Support Workers are required to work at least 20 hours per week and are to be avail able to work a variety ot shilts throughout the week and weekend. Support Workers can also work up to 40 hours per week when available The work schedule Is also flexible to allow support workers to pick avail able shiftsthat suit their needs. Resum es accepted until Decem ber 15/2000, to: BAIH , Human Resources $12.57/hr (+ ,40(/hr in lieu of benefits) · R egister on-line · Post a job vacancy · Initiate a live search for su itable o p p o rtu n ities H alto n apprentices are w elcom e to: · R egister on-line · Post a p ersonal skills profile · Initiate a live search for suitable o p p o rtu n ities For m o re in fo rm atio n a b o u t apprenticesearch.com , please v isit h ttp ://w w w .ap p ren tice sea rch .c o m . or contact the H alto n In d u stry E ducation C ouncil at (905) 634-2575 F/T&P/T CHAUFFEURS Must have customer service exp. & be able to work flex, schedules. Start: $10/hr+ gratui ties, benefits & vaca tion pay. Resume, rets & driver's abstract to: Halton Industry Education Council V E H IC L E C L E R K For busy Burlington car dealership. Dealership experience preferred. Process car deals and commissions. Send resume stating salary expectations Attention: Chris Krawczyk 900 Walkers Line Burlington L7N 2G2 or fax (905)-632-9643 Asti's Limousine Service Fax: (905)332-7628 3057 Mainway Drive Burlington L7M1A1 · Fax: (905)335-9919 We thank a ll applicants, how ever o n ly those selected lo r interview w ill be contacted. l + l H u m a n R e s o u rc e s Development Canada D £ v e lo p pern e n t d es re s s o u r c e s h u m a in e s C a n a d a 2396 Industrial St., Burlington, L7P1A5 510 C L E A N I N G sta ff fo r B u r lin g to n , O a k v ille , M ilto n , M is s is s a u g a . V a rio u s p o s i t io n s fo r light/ h e a v y d u ty c le an in g tasks. T e a m lead e rs, flo o r c a r e s p e c i a l is t s and g e n e ra l janitorial staff. S u b -c o n tra c to rs w elcom ed . F a x re s u m e 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 6 0 0 6 o r d r o p b y a n d c o m p le t e app lica tio n at 2 5 0 0 In d u s trial Street, Burlington general help wanted 0 0 L A U N D R Y A id e - P art-tim e p o s it io n a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . A p p ro x . 10 s h ifts p e r m o n th w ith a lte rn a te w e e k e n d s . E x p e r ie n c e in in s titu t io n a l s e t t in g p r e ferred. M ount N e m o C h r is tia n N u r s in g H o m e , 4 4 8 6 G u e lp h Lin e, R .R . #2 , Milton. L 9 T 2X 6 , F a x 9 0 5-33 53 6 99 510 general help wanted D e liv e r y Id eal Sat Som e start. S A N T A C la u s p h o to g ra p h e r s n e e d e d in O a k v ille a n d T o r o n t o a re a . M u s t like k id s a n d C h r is t m a s . P le a s e fax re su m e to: 9 0 5 676-0061 R E T A I L full & p a rt-tim e s a l e s sta ff. 2 0 - 4 0 h rs/ w k W ill train. D ro p re su m e off: F a c to r y S h o e Outlet, 2 3 9 4 F a irv ie w , B u r lin g t o n . (9 0 5 )6 3 2 -9 6 8 8 P A R T - T IM E SN O W PLO U G H d r iv e rs , G, D Z license. Also, drivers with own sn o w p lo u gh truck. G re a t w a g e s a n d benefits. C a ll: 9 0 5 - 8 2 6 - 7 9 9 9 . 4 1 6 40 5-1 9 4 5 . M is s is s a u g a , Oakville areas. H A L T O N R E N T -A L L , 375 S t e e le s A v e . E. M ilton . F u ll-tim e p o s it io n s : Me c h a n ic , s m a ll e n g in e a n d ligh t c o n s t r u c t io n e q u ip m ent. G e n e r a l L a b o u re r/ C o u n t e r / D e liv e r y p e r s o n , willing to train. S a la ry and b en efits. F a x r e s u m e s to (9 0 5 )8 7 8 -5 7 5 0 or call 905-878-5740. RECEPTIONIST Must have excellent communication skills along with a pleasant personality. Working knowledge ol Excel & Word Mandatory. Competitive wage and benefits. Submit resume including salary expectations to (905)337-2521. h elp- h o u r s flexible. another part-time job. u rd a y s n e c e ssa ry. h e a v y lifting. v id e d . 844-3530 Im m e d ia t e for st u d e n t o r p e r s o n with GENERAL LABOURERS LIFT TRUCK DRIVER Competitive wage and benefits after 3 months. Apply: Attention Human Resources, Alliance Labeling Inc., 201 Speers Rd., Oakville · Fax: (905)337-1204 GREAT WAGES FULL TIME Experienced body repair person required for busy collision centre. Full unibody exp. mandatory. Excellent benefits and bonuses. Call (905) 689-8835 T ra in in g p ro C a ll S w i s s In t e r io r s 9 0 5 -

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