Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 2000, p. 6

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6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday November 10, 2000 T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r Ian Oliver Publisher * Neil Oliver, Associate Publisher Norman Alexander, Editor Kelly Montague, Advertising Director Steve Crazier, Circulation Director Ten C a s a s , OfficeManager Mark Dills, Production Manager Riziero Vertolli, Photography Director Metroland Printing. Pubfchng & Distrtoubng Lid., indudes: Apx/Pfckering New s Artrertiser. A lston Heraki'C ouner, Arthur Enterpnse News, Sam e Ack/ance, Barry's Bay The Week. Bo*on E rte pn sa B ra rp tm Guarden, B urlin gton P ost. B urlin gton Sh o p p in g N ew s, C ity Parent. CoingwoodA/Vasaga Connection, East York Mrror, Em A d « a la O x jrtry R o u te s. E to b icoke G uardian; Flam borough P ost. G eorgetow n Independert/Acton Free Press. Hamster Review, H u o ne B usne ss Tmes. Kingston This Week. Lindsay This Week. Markham Ecnormst & Sun. M idend/Penetangm shine Mirror. Milton Canadian Cham pion. Mirton Sh op p in g New s. M ississa u g a B u sin e ss Tim es, M ississa u ga New s. Napanee Guide. N assagaw eya News. Newmarket/Aurora Era-Banner, Northum berland New s. North York Mirror. Oakville Beaver, Oakvde Sh o p p in g N ew s. O ldtim ers H o cke y N ew s. O rillia Today. Oshawa/Whttjy/Clarington Port Perry The W eek Owen Sound Trtxne. Palm erston Observer. Peterborough This Week, Pcton County Gukie. R ich m ond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal. Sca rb o ro u gh M irror. SioufM teAM jndge Trtxne, Former Yotng. City ol York Guardan THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY: /IK is ° H Y YMCA Is»ra^fc>r]QFE ........, ii^cjU Bell Fuind 3) T V A U C T IO N "J o ^ * *5 ® ljV n . mm /F © _ © MJThmri Qakv Oakville < cPht< arD ,s EgTM; | o a k v ille g a lle r ie s ! 467 Speers Fid., Oakville Ont L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax; 337-5567 SK \ e ss 1 d A f/d fin d O N T A · 1 O 0A ChMdrvn'i Choir ...... -U i m SB 'Tt lrk*W«t met Editorials Make your vote count If community is important to you, if how Oakville develops is important to you and if you want your voice to be heard on a local level, you must vote in the Municipal Election on Mon. Nov. 13th. If you're one of those who doesn't think voting is important, don't complain about local government for the next three years. Curiously, in a year when so much is happening that affects all citizens here, there has never been such apathy. This lack of interest has seen the most acclamations to elected positions ever recorded. It's not a good sign. No less than four local councillors were acclaimed in wards 1, 3, 4 and 5, while two Halton Regional Councillors, who also serve on local council, faced no opposition in wards 1 and 2. In addition, no one challenged Mayor Ann Mulvale. On the education front, there were three acclamations for Halton Catholic District School Board, along with the one member for the French Catholic District School Board and the representative for the French District School Board. Even more disturbing is the lack of interest in the post of trustee for the Halton District School Board. At this critical point in the evolution of our public education system, trustee positions jointly representing wards 1 and 2 and wards 5 and 6, were acclaimed by individuals with no political experience and whose views on crucial issues have yet to be articulated. In this very demanding role, that's scary. And for the first time in many local elections, there has been a candidates meeting cancelled due to a threat and other meetings where candidates simply didn't bother to show up. We have brought you information on the candidates who are running and leave it up to voters to seek the best representative for their area of town. In this election where acclamations have disenfranchised many, make your vote count. I CANY DECIDE B E TW E E NCHRiTIEN AND BUSH FbR MAYOR, P O LLIN G STATION When there are just way too many elections going on ...with two working parents in many households, life can get pretty hectic and now the electrical equipment manufacturing firm Siemens Canada lad. is sponsoring C anada's B usiest Fam ily C ontest....is this weird or what? ...it's actually a m arketing strategy to get consum ers to check out the c o m p a n y 's la te st d ig ita l p h o n e p ro d u cts (you know , stay in touch etc.)...anyway, if you submit a 200 word (maximum) commentary on why your family should be considered the busiest, fire it off by Dec. 11th via email to Infocomm@siemens.ca or fax: (416) 964-4812 or by snail mail to Canada's Busiest Family Contest, 2185 Derry Rd. W ,, Mississauga, Ont. L5N 7 A 6 ...fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n , c h e c k o u t the w eb site at www.icm.siemens.ca oh ya, the grand prize is a trip to New York City valued at $10,000 and a Siem ens G igaset TM 2420 cordless telephone system and 10 other winners will receive just the phone system... P a g e s o f th e P a s t Upper Middle Rd. bridge financing o k'd 50 years ago Bronte ratepayers will vote in the near future on the proposal to install a water system. This was formally decided at a ratepayers" meeting in Bronte Public School Wednesday evening last week, when the report of Dineen, Philips and ro b e rts, H am ilto n e n g in e e rin g firm , w as presented and the project was discussed from a public health angle by Dr. A.E. Berry, of the sa n itatio n d iv isio n , O n tario D ep artm en t o f Health. G.F. Roberts, in presenting the report of the engineer's survey recommended that the water supply be obtained directly from the lake rather than from wells or from Oakville's system, the two other methods proposed. T otal co st o f this-sy stem is estim ated a t $ 1 9 0 ,0 9 2 ap p ro x im a te ly the sam e c o st as bringing the water from Oakville. Annual cost, however, would be only $18,362 compared with $22,894. - Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, Nov. 9, 1950 recreation com m ission m eeting. Rigg said he could not reveal what the decision was because commission members had not been informed. Southeast Oakville ratepayers had challenged the bam theatre's qualification for a "community centre" tag at a public meeting one month ago. - D aily Journal Record, Nov. 9, 1970 10 years ago The Town of Oakville and developers of the Phase 2 lands have reached an agreem ent on financing of the Upper Middle Rd. bridge which would allow construction o f 2,500 residential units on the lands to proceed. However, the financing arrangement approved by P lan n in g and D ev elo p m en t C o u n c il on Monday night depends on whether the new NDP government honours a commitment by the former Liberal provincial government to fund 50% of the estimated $36 million in construction costs for the bridge. If the province doesn't reconfirm the previous promise, the arrangement is scrapped. As well, the question of supplying water and sewer capacity for the units must still be resolved between the developers and the Region of Halton. - Oakville Beaver, Nov. 14, .1990 QQO T a k e n fr o m t h e a r c h iv e s o f t h e O a k v ille B e a v e r in c lu d in g s t o r ie s f r o m T h e O a k v ille R e c o r d - S ta r , T h e O a k v ille - T r a f a lg a r J o u r n a l, t h e O a k v ille J o u r n a l R e c o r d a n d th e O a k v ille B e a v e r . ...the Dionne Counselling Centre where more thatn 100 counsellor answer calls at Kids Help Phone (KHP), opened this week to honour the Dionne quintuplets...Cecile Dionne has been a national spokesperson for KHP since 1998, and last year, the service received a one-time $3.5 million grant from the Ontario government through the Dionne Legacy...KHP is a 24 hr,, tollfree, bilingual phone counselling service for children and youth...it receives an average of 1,000 calls a day from across the country on issues such as relationships, abuse, suicide, school problems, addictions, loneliness and bullying...the paid trained professional counsellors have access to a 27,000 listing database to refer children to resources in their own communities...the website, http://kidshelp.sympatico.ca receives more than 12,000 page views a day... 30 years ago O ak v ille re c re a tio n d ire c to r D oug R igg reported last night that a decision has been received from provincial authorities on whether a co n verted L aw son Park barn th eatre w ould qualify under law as a "community centre." He said the legal advice from the province will be discussed at tom orrow n ig h t's parks and .....if you're looking to do something this weekend, why not check out the Royal Agricultural W inter Fair...you can get a 2 for 1 deal today when you purchase one general admission ticket after 5 p.m.... Psssssst... is a compendium o f observations around Oakville and w e're open to contributions from the public at large too. Just fa x us at 337-5567 attention to Pssssssssssst...

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