Oakville Beaver, 12 Nov 2000, p. 23

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TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL 632-4440 OR FAX 632-8165 MON. - FRI.. 8:30-6PM $am& Deccttence! " t .SEN. C'oininuniiy Health ('a rc J o in u s in c a rin g fo r p e o p le o f all ages, from in fa n ts to th e eld erly a n d le a rn fro m a w id e v a rie ty o f c lin ica l e x p erien ces w ith in a n a u to n o m o u s , y et su p p o rtiv e , tea m e n v iro n m e n t. SEN a ls o p r i v i d e s s t a b i l i t y a n d j o b s e c u r i t y w i t h i n a u n i o n iz e d e n v iro n m e n t (ONA, PN FO & SE IU ). T he follow ing p o sitio n s a re av ailab le in H a m ilto n -W e n tw o rth , H a lto n a n d N iag ara Regions: SALES ASSOCIATES P a rt T im e Henry Birks & Sons, Canada's leading retailer in high end jewellery, time pieces and giftware is presently recruiting for Part Time Sales A ssociates for our O akville Store. If you are a sales professional with excellent customer service and client development abilities, and you are result oriented, selfmotivated and available to work flexible retail hours, we certainly want to meet you! Experience in sales, preferably in a service industry is an asset. To join our successful team, please submit your application by Fax at (905)-842-9054 or mail to Henry Birks & Sons, Oakville Place, 240 Leighland Ave., Oakville, Ontario L6H 3H6 BIRKS M eet more o f them. Join the growing number of outgoing individuals who have discovered News Marketing Canada, the country's only full-service promotions company. W e currently seek the following for the R e g is te re d N u rs e s R e g is te re d P ra c tic a l N u rs e s P e rs o n a l S u p p o rt W o r k e rs As a m e m b e r o f o u r d y n a m i c t e a m , y o u w ill b e w o r k i n g w i t h a q u a l i t y o r g a n iz a tio n t h a t is th riv in g , e x p a n d in g a n d h ig h ly in n o v a tiv e . Y ou w ill b e p ro v id e d w ith a c o m p re h e n s iv e m e n to r s h ip / sk ills d e v e lo p m e n t p ro g ra m w ith a c c e ss to s c h o la rs h ip fu n d in g a s w ell a s a s n n n o rtiv e e m p lo y m e n t e n v iro n m e n t w ith a cc ess to E m p lo y e e A ssistan ce a n d S ta ff R e co g n itio n P ro g ram s. Ajax, Oakville and Guelph areas: Promotional Team Members ($12-$14/hr) A re you a person who loves dealing with the public? W e require energetic and enthusiastic people who can help us create an exciting promotional campaign. You must have excellent communication and team skills and be available to work evenings and weekends for approximately 22 hours per week. INFORMATION SESSION/ OPEN HOUSE To leant m ore a b o u t these e xciting opportunities, please jo in u s fo r an inform ation sessio n at one o f the dates a n d tim es a t the address below: Team Leaders ($16-$18/hr) Can you do all of the above A N D have previous supervisory experience? Evening and weekend availability is required for approximately 22-30 hours per week. W e offer the opportunity to work with a large corporation where the possibilities are endless. W e invite you to fax your resume and cover letter, indicating position of interest, to S a tu rd a y , N o v . 18 th, 2000 9 am T u e sd a y , N o v .21 st, 2000 11am o r 4 p m o r 7pm A m ong p o sitio n s av ailab le a re th o se w ith sp e c ia lty skills su c h a s m en ta l h e alth , p e d ia tric s , in tr a v e n o u s a n d e n te ro s to m a l n u rs in g . B o th v isitin g a n d sh ift c a re a ssig n m e n ts a re a v ailab le. A valid d riv e r's licen se a n d re liab le tra n s p o rta tio n are re q u ire d . N e w N u r se G ra d u a te s are w e lc o m e ! M en to rsh ip p ro g ra m s ju s t for you . Please b rin g y o u r re su m e s / a p p lic a tio n s to th e in fo rm a tio n se ssio n o r, if u n a b le to a tte n d , fo rw a rd y o u r re su m e b y F rid ay, N ov. 17, 2 0 0 0 to: S E N , C o m m u n ity H e a lth Care C ath ed ra l S q u a r e 6 9 8 K in g S tr e e t, W est, H a m ilto n , ON L8P 1C7 Fx: 9 0 5 -5 2 2 -5 5 7 9 , Ph: 9 0 5 -5 2 2 -6 8 8 7 o r 1 -8 0 0 -463-6612 S E N h a s a n 8 0 y e a r h isto r y o f fa ith -b a sed ca rin g a n d is a m e m b e r o f S t. J o s e p h 's H e a lth C are S y stem . Susan Hayashi at (905) 602-8823. Take a closer look You jptr^be surprised SA L E S A S S IS T A N T S , NEWS MARKETING CANADA Full /Part-time (Day, Evening & Sunrise Shifts) Opportunities are now available It you're outgoing, enthusiastic, share our commitment to customer service, we'd like to have you on our team! We otter you training, com petitive wages, excellent benefits, a friendly and supportive environment. Come to our -Ct OPEN HOUSE > have a coffee with us on W E 'R E MOVING! Due to increased volume in business, Cutler-Hammer, a leader in the design, manufacturing, marketing and servicing of electrical and electronic components, assemblies and systems, is relocating to a larger facility in Milton. To keep up with demand we are currently seeking highly motivated individuals to fill positions for: Tuesday, Nov.14, 11am- 3pm And discuss your future career at 7-Eleven 632 Plains Road E. @ King Rd., B urlington While we thank everyone for their interest, only those being considered will be contacted No phone calls please Opportunity is now one click closer in Halton with.... Tap into an excellent resource for information about the trades and apprenti ceship. If you are an employer, apprenticeship candidate, you may also connect on-line! C yQ H a lto n e m p lo y e rs are u rg e d to v isit o u r w e b site to: · Register on-line · Post a job vacancy · Initiate a live search for suitable o p p o rtu n ities H alton a p p ren tices are w elcom e to: · R egister on-line · Post a perso n al skills profile · Initiate a live search for suitable o p p o rtu n ities A S S E M B L Y A N D W IR IN G The successful candidates will work from drawings and instructions to wire and assemble switchboards, build steel cabinets, install instrumentation and control wiring. The applicants must have prior work-related experience and be knowledgeable in the areas of electromechanical assembly, wiring and schematics. Actively supporting employment equity A convenient Place to Work- Flexible hours M E C H A N IC A L A S S E M B L Y The successful candidates will work from drawings and in stru ctio n s to assem ble com ponents and modules for switchboards, determine cell layout, build steel cabinets and install components. The applicants must have prior work-related experience and be knowledgeable in the areas of assembly. Burlington Association for the Intellectually Handicapped Our Association, with a mission to ensure that all individuals with an intellectual handicap enjoy a meaningful lite within their community, requires: P/T Home Support Workers $12.57/hr (+ ,40t/hr in lieu of benefits) Support Workers are expected to support adults in our homes in all aspects ol their daily living, including personal care, social and household skills and com m unity inclusion. Support Workers are required to work at least 20 hours per week and are to be avail able to work a variety ot shifts throughout the week and weekend. Support Workers can also work ub^ o 40 hours per week when available. The work schedule is also flexible to allow support workers to pick avail able shifts that suit their needs. Resumes accepted until December 15/2000, to: For more information about apprenticesearch.com, please visit http://www.apprenticesearch.com. or contact the Halton Industry Education Council at (905) 634-2575 jc B M A C H IN E O P E R A T O R S The successful candidates will set-up and operate fabrication equipment including: pierce all, brake press, turret punch and NC shear. Previous brake press and fabrication experience and the ability to read schematics are definite assets. If you believe that you possess the appropriate skills and wish to be part of a winning team, please forward your resume to: Human Resources, Cutler-Hammer, 2160 South Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 5N1 Fax (905)827-4624 · E-mail odorii@ch.etn.com No phone calls please. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Previous applicants need not apply. H um an R e s o u rc e s D e ve lo p m e n t Canada 6v e lo p p e m e n t d e s r e s s o u r c e s h u m a in e s C anada IRE Industry Education Council Head Cashier Are you fam iliar w ith com puters and cash handling? This part-time position involves s u p e rv is in g c a s h ie rs , p re p a r in g b a n k deposits, doing cashier reconciliations, and perform ing related duties. Join Our Winning team Full time - All shifts Paid training Shift preimiums Weekends premiums Area bonuses Employee benefits Flexible schedules BAIFI, Human Resources 3057 Mainway Drive Burlington L7M 1A1 · Fax: (905)335-9919 C u tler-H am m er We thank a ll applicants, however, only those selected tor interview w ill be contacted Cashiers T h e s e p a r t -t im e , p o s i t i o n s r e q u i r e handling cash and custom er service. Stock Clerks W e re q u ire h a rd -w o rk in g a nd re lia b le pa rt-tim e s to ck clerks. Heavy liftin g is involved. Apply in person or call 5051 Harvester Rd., Burlington, 905-681-1841 Job Trainin a Accounting/Micro Computer a Office Administration Medical/Legal Office Ass't. a Dental Reception a a MS OFFICE AccPac/Quickbooii Internet/Email Police Foundations Diploma f o r the a b o ve p o s itio n s , yo u m u s t have go o d com m unication akilla and e n jo y w o rk in g w ith the p u b lic . 1-2 yeara' experience ia preferred. Please apply in person w ith resume to the S to re M a n a g e r at: O a k v ille T o w n e Centre II, 200 North Service Road or fa x to : (9 0 5 )3 3 8 -6 8 2 2 . N o te le p h o n e calls, please. Float Teacher & Supply Staff REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY by North Oakville day care centre. E.C.E.not required, but must have own transportation. Please Call | Financial Aid May Be Available HY&ZEL'S W e s t O a kville Pre-School Centre 845-0524 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 6 3 7 *3 4 1 5 Due to continued growth, a Burlington dis tributor for DuPont Decorative Surfacing Products requires a Customer Servjce R epresentative. Responsibilities will include order desk; invoicing; customer inquiries and general products informa tion. The successful candidate must have 2-3 years customer service experience in a distribution environment; excellent cus tomer relation skills; professional tele phone manner; good organizational skills; basic knowledge of inventory control and logistics; be detail oriented with good mglti skills and a working knowledge of Micro soft Office Programs. We offer a competi tive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Submit your resume with cover letter by November 24th to: Manager of Human Resources: fax 905-639-9148 or e-mail to hr@willissuDOlv.com.

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