Oakville Beaver, 14 Jun 2000, A2

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday June 14, 2000 |- < £ in < > 20 (>rapTiTMsr o v e r, 4 8 ..iniSjrcris O. A.iC> S e e c f e n l e f l o i' d e t a i l s W h e n y o u B uy o r le a s e a n y 2000 T a u ru s a n d la k e d e liv e ry b e tw e e n A pril ls( M ay 31s t, 2*000 y o u w ill re c e iv e a n O p ie c e s e t of M iz u n o T Z o itl S u re ' irons,. Photos by Peter J. Thompson D IG G IN G IN : Last Saturday (yes it was sunny) a group o f Air Cadets took part in a tree planting exercise just west of the Oakville Arena on Rebecca Street. It was part o f the Cadets Caring For Canada program to promote environ m ental awareness and responsibility. That's Leading Air Cadet Krista Taylor (left) getting into the thick o f it while Giselle Muench, treasurer for the pro ject sponsor committee, (top left) and Captain John Atkin o f the Reserve, help M ayor Ann M ulvale plant a tree. D e c is io n o n in q u e s t y e t to b e m a d e (Continued from page A1) Ontario's Office of the Chief Coroner is still considering whether to hold an inquest into Vanessa Young's death, as well as that of another Ontario resident taking Prepulsid who died since March. Terence Young is encouraging anyone who has had experience with Prepulsid to feel free to contact him at thyoung@compuserve.com. Janssen Pharmaceutica of Titusville, N.J. announced in March that Propulsid would no longer be marketed in the U.S. after July 14th except in special cases. Propulsid was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993 and has proven to be a top-seller for Janssen's parent company, Johnson & Johnson, accounting for $950 million in worldwide sales last year. According to the FDA, 80 deaths and 341 heart rhythm abnormalities associated with Propulsid had been reported as of Dec. 31, 1999. Health Canada confirmed that to date it has received at least 44 reports of potential heart rhythm abnormalities associated with Cisapride, including 10 deaths. Unlike Vanessa Young, most patients affected had underlying medical condi tions or were taking drugs known to interact with Cisapride. As part of its March announcement regarding the sale of Propulsid in the United States, Janssen stated "Propulsid remains safe and effective for the vast majority of patients when used according to the approved prescribing information." As far back as 1998, however, the FDA was aware of some deaths involving patients taking Propulsid and issued a warning that the drug was linked to cardiac problems in some people. The FDA issued a more serious warning this past January urging that patients be tested to ensure Propulsid had not affected their hearts. New labels also warned that the drug should not be used by those with kidney or lung disorders or taking certain medications for heart problems, allergies, depression or AIDS. According to the minutes of a Nov. 30, 1998 meeting o f Health Canada's Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance, members dis cussed the dangers associated with Cisapride and how "onerous" it is for doctors to determine whether the benefits o f the drug outweigh its risks. The only action arising from the meeting was a recommendation that Cisapride be included on the Drugs o f Current Interest list as well as a topic in the Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter, "noting that there is a potential to interact with grapefruit juice." Fourteen months later, said Young, his daugh ter was dead. It's clear to us now that (Vanessa's death) was preventable," he added. Health Canada's action does not completely shut the door on Prepulsid's availability, howev er. Under its Special Access Program, individuals for whom alternate therapies do not work can still obtain the drug through their doctors, who must provide "an acceptable rationale" for its use. The public can contact Health Canada regard ing Prepulsid by calling 1-800-267-9675. A f i i z i n a T h e # 1 ir o n s o n th e P G A KVILLE LINCOLNDEALER F O R D LINC O LN call: 844-3273 ^ O c L k * d l& [\\WaXerfr<>rct u \F e 4 ttv a J/ 5 7 0 TRAFALGAR RD,, OAKVILLE a t th e Q.E.W. Time is running out to get an advance-price Oakville Waterfront Festival button for $8. Advance-price button sales end on the close of business, Thurs. June 22nd. After that, buttons will be on sale at the gate beginning Fri. June 23rd for $12 for all three days or $10 for a one-day bracelet. Children under five years old are admitted free of charge. Advance-price festival buttons can be purchased at all Oakville area financial institutions, McDonalds Restaurants, Canada Post outlets, par ticipating Petro Canada stations in Oakville, Burlington and Mississauga, and from select retail ers and community groups. In addition to providing admittance to three days (and nights) of entertainment, the Oakville Waterfront Festival button purchasers could win a Caribbean cruise for two, compliments of Adventure House Travel. All buttons purchased before 12 noon on June 25th are eligible. C iv ic Scene W e d n e sd a y , June 14th: The Halton Region Planning and Public Works Committee meets at 9:30 a.m. at regional head quarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. The Halton R e g i o n A d m in is tra tio n and Finance Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. at regional head quarters. A public infor mation meeting regarding Design Quorum Inc. is at 7 p.m. in the Bronte Room of the Oakville M u n ic ip a l Building, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. M o nda y, June 19th: Town Council meets at 7:30 p.m. in the C o u n c i l Chambers of the O a k v i l l e M u n ic ip a l Building. Tuesday June 20th: A Transit public meeting is being held at 5 p.m. in the Oakville Room of the Oakville M u n ic ip a l Building. t The PT Cruiser Picnic we held on Saturday was a trentendous success. Thanks to your charitable donations we raised Over $ 5 0 ( for the Blakelock High School Japanese Exchange Program. $ 12 5 6 * C e r t i t a 'e rOrget used vehicle and n o n 't During month of June, purchase or lease a new or used receive a $125 gift voucher for M&M Meats - only at Lockwood Chrysler LOCKWOOD 175'cSdS5e d O a k v ille R P I CHRYSLER (RFTWFFN OPVAn (BETWEEN KFPP KERR A &D DORVAL) % V NO CREDIT? NO PROBLEM. CALL P A T AT w w w .lo c k w c x 5 d c h r y s le r.c o m 845 6653 t >

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