Oakville Beaver, 14 Jun 2000, A5

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Wednesdsay June 14, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 7 6 Volunteers honoured Fourty-seven Oakville residents were among the 268 vol unteers awarded Ontario Volunteer Service Awards in Mississauga last night. The Mississauga ceremony -- held at the Hammerson Hall at The Living Arts Centre -- was one of 31 ceremonies across Ontario honouring more than 5,000 volunteers. Recipients were rewarded for five to 30-plus years of con tinuous with a community group. Oakville residents honoured included: -- 30 plus years: Phyllis Hindle, Ontario CGIT Association; Colin Ratcliffe, Boy Scouts of Canada - Oakville District; -- 20 years: Stuart Dickie, Boy Scouts of Canada - Oakville District; Mildred Redfem, Canadian Red Cross Society - Oakville Branch; Margaret Suhanic, Oakville Galleries; Ron Truba. Lions Club of Mississauga - Cawthra; -- 15 years: Gwen Banks, Oakville Public Library; Irina Dmokari, Scandinavian Canadian Business Association; Chris Larsen. Boy Scouts of Canada - Oakville District; Diana Leeksma, Oakville Museum; Harald Matthiessen, Boy Scouts of Canada - Oakville District; Peter McCormick, Boy Scouts of Canada - Oakville District; -- 10 years; Dr. Hashim Ahmed, Peel Halton Parents Council; Margit Bennett. Oakville Galleries; Valerie Borg, Lehen Malti TV Program; Fred Boven, Oakville Public Library; Marguerite Broten, Oakville Art Society; Elizabeth Fahey, Oakville Public Library; Marcia Giles, Oakville Public Library; Norah Kappler, Oakville Museum; Charles Klager, Canadian Red Cross Society - Oakville Branch; Micheline Likas. Oakville Art Society; Ali Mir Sabith. Peel Halton Parents Children Council; John Quail. Oakville Art Society; Rebecca Sutton, Canadian National Institute for the Blind Mississauga; Debra Taylor, Oakville Choral Society; -- 5 years: Jackie Barrett, Oakville Historical Society; George Chisholm, Oakville Historical Society; Linda Cohen, Oakville Galleries; Elaine Kipin, Oakville Galleries; Maurice Lane, Canadian Red Cross Society - Oakville Branch; Tina Lechler, Oakville Public Library; John McLean, Oakville Guild of the Canadian Opera Company; Maude McLean, Oakville Guild of the Canadian Opera Company; William J. Moore, Oakville Galleries; Valerie Neil, Oakville Galleries; Margaret Nesbitt, Oakville Choral Society; John Robertson, Canadian Red Cross Society - Oakville Branch; Barbara Ruton. Oakville Choral Society; Barbara Savage, Oakville Historical Society; Joe Smith. Oakville Art Society; Abdi M. Solaiman, Peel Halton parents Children Council; Donald Sutherland; Daphne Thomas, Oakville Museum; Walter Wilson, Canadian Red Cross Society - Oakville Branch; -- Youth (24 years and under -- two or more years) Kurt Frederick, Boys Scouts of Canada - Oakville District; Tevaki Ganesharajah, Oakville Museum. FORD EX PLO RER 4-D O O R CLEAROUT Wedding rings not recovered Halton Regional Police in Oakville are investigating the theft o f 23 gold wedding bands from the Birks store located at Oakville Place on Leighland Avenue. On Feb. 25th between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. two suspects entered the Birks store while sales associates were working and attended the Call 825-TIPS cabinets displaying the rings. or 1-800-668-5151 Without bringing attention to their deeds, the thieves were able to dis tract the sales associates and successfully got away with tak ing a tray of rings valued at over $4,000. The suspects were observed on video footage to be giving the appearance of being a married couple. Suspect #1 is female, black, 30 years o ld , 5-feet 10-inches tall, with a medium to heavy build and black hair. She was wearing lots o f jewellery and a long black jacket. Suspect #2 is male, black, with an American accent, 30 years old, 6-feet tall and weighing 175 pounds. He had no facial hair, had short black hair and was wearing a black leather coat. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You need not give your name when you tell us your infor mation and you will remain anonymous. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to the telephone call display feature. Call 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS (825-8477). 2 0 0 0 EXPLORER 4 -D O O R XLS 4 X 4 LEASE FOR O NLY O R P U R C H A SE FOR CRIM E STOPPERS · 4.0L 210hp V6 Engine · A ir C o nd itioning · 5-Speed A utom atic w ith O v e rd riv e · P o w e r W in d o w s , M irr o rs a n d Locks · A nti-Lock Braking System · Second G eneration Dual A ir Bags S 4 .9 9 5D o w nP a y m e n tP lu sS 8 3 5F re ig h t a n dS 4 7 5S e c u rity D e p o s it W EH A V ET H ER IG H TL E A S EP A Y M E N TF O RY O U Based on 3.9% annual interest rate over 36 months PER M ONTH/36 MONTHS In c lu d e s th e V a lu e A d d e d XLS S p o r t G ro u p A N D C o n v e n ie n c e G ro u p : Side Step Bars · W hee llip M ouldings · Fog Lamps · Chrome W heels · A M /F M w ith CD · Speed C ontrol · Leather W rapped Tilt W heel · Remote Keyless Entry 2 0 0 0 EXPLORER 4-D O O R XLS 4X 4 Monthly Down Payment or Payment Equivalent Trade S399 S473 S546 54,995 52,495 SO Security Deposit 5475 5550 5650 Freight 5835 5835 5835 Due on Signing 56,704 54,353 52,031 LIMITED TIME OFFERS! A lso, take a look a t th e 2001 fa m ily o f SU V s n b w available. W in th e U ltim ate N o rth ern O n tario O u td o o r Experience. V is it a n y O n t a r io F o rd D e a le r f o r c o m p le te d e ta ils. First M o n t h 's Paym ent Required. $0.08/km charge over 60,000 km fo r 36 m onths. $19,696.20 O p tio n al Buyback. Applicable Taxes, Licence, Insurance and Adm inistration Fees Extra. www.ford.ca/offers YOUR ONTARIO FORD DEALERS. WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: ` Lease a new 2000 Explorer 4-Dr. XLS from Ford Credit to qualified re ta l lessees, on approved cre d it Dowm payment and security deposit as indicated Total lease obligation is S19.359/$19.523/*19.656 rPurchase a new 2000 Explorer 4-Dr XLS for S33.995 Taxes payable on full amount of purchase prke All offers exclude freight ($835). licence, insurance, administration fees and all applicable taxes. Offers are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. Offers may be changed or cancelled w ithout notice. Limited time offers. See dealers for details. Ontario FDA P-O. Box 2000. Oakville. Ontario L6J 5E4 r W h at can you get in Oakville for $199? All of th e above. N o w t h e r e 's n o re a s o n in t h e w o rld w h y y o u s h o u ld c o n tin u e w a tc h in g o r d in a r y TV w h e n Bell ExpressVu'" d ig ita l s a te llite TV is so a f f o r d a b le in O a k v ille . $199* is all you p ay for th e d is h , d ig ita l receiver, a n d re m o te . A nd for a lim ite d tim e , w e 'll th ro w in basic in sta lla tio n a t n o ex tra charge! T h a t's a $ 2 5 0 savings! Ju st visit y o u r n e a re s t p a r tic ip a tin g d e a le r a n d b r in g y o u r c a b le b ill, sh o w in g sp e n d in g o f a t least $32 per m o n th before taxes. You g et o u r to p 103 v id e o c h a n n e l s w ith o u r D e lu x e ' a) A satellite dish? c o m b o package for just $36.95 per m o n th . A n d a n o th e r receiver for a seco n d television is just $99.' Ln joy T o ro n to local c h a n n e ls like C I V... m o re sp o rts... m o re m o v ies... m o re c h ild r e n 's p ro g ra m m in g . So w h y se ttle fo r c a b le 1 r ' v ___ w h e n y o u c a n h a v e it all w ith a Bell ExpressV u sy stem . H JT u L im ite d - tim e o ffe r $299 b) A remote and a receiver? P r o g r a m m in g c r e d it - $ 1 0 0 ( w i t h M it r * r i| ) t i< >n t o " T h e W o r k s " ) $199 Hurry! Offer ends July 31,2000 | B ^ e s s W ii E x p r e s s \ / l j c) Installation? F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , e - m a il u s a t 199@ expressvu.com OAKVILLE Bell World 422 Speers Road 905-338-9200 Bell World 2525 Hampshire Gate, U nit 4 905-855-2220 Bell World Oakville Place, 240 Leighland Avenue 905-845-3080 Bell World 481 North Service Road 905-847-5700 Future Shop Ltd. 310 North Service Road 905-815-0983 Galaxy Satellite 1175 North Service Road W., Unit 208 (2nd Floor) 905-827-1701 Radio Shack 144 Speers Road 905-844-7621 Radio Shack Oakville Place, 240 Leighland Avenue 905-844-8346 Radio Shack Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca Street 905-825-2161 , 3 tra de *m a rlt o t 8611 Canada, used u n d e r license; ExpressVu is a trade-m ark o f Bell ExpressVu, LP. Lim ite d-tim e o ffe r can expire w ith o u t notice. ` Requires a cable b ill o f $32 per m o n th before taxes o r a 12-m onth p ro g ra m m in g co m m itm e n t to "T h e W o rks,' co m b o package. P ro gram m in g and taxes o n S299 are extra. ^Customers are free to select the "D e lu xe * co m b o o n e xpiry o f the $100 p ro gra m m ing credit. ' L im it o ne per customer. M ust be purchased w ith a co m p lete system. Custom ers w ith m u ltip le receivers m u st co n n e ct all receivers to the same p ho ne line to avoid a dd itio na l p ro g ra m m in g charges. S

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