Oakville Beaver, 2 Mar 2017, p. 14

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BEAVER |Thursday, M arch 2 , 2 0 1 7 | 14 For m ore news, visit oakvillebeaver.com r Get ready for spring: TWN by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff G o o d f o o d - G o o d M o r o to g - I With Early Riser Weekend Feature o p e n 7Daysaweek 7 Am -3 p m w w w .insideH A LTO N .com | OAKVILLE Basic Breakfast only $£<99 *T e rm s a n d c o n d itio n s a p p ly . N o t v a lid w ith a n y o th e r p ro m o tio n .T h is c o u p o n m u s t b e p re se n te d fo r re d e m p tio n . O ffe r e n d s M arch 2 6 ,2 0 1 7 . £ Off Dundas st. (#5 Hwy) between Meadowridge Dr. & Eighth Line - shoppes on Dundas plaza 2501 prince Michael Drive, Oakville L6 H 0 E9 905.257.5126 · www.sunnysidegriM.com L the recent mild temperatures -- and spring around the corner -- Oakville residents may be wondering if the warm trend will continue. While March will begin pleasantly, overall the month will have near seasonal, even slightly-below seasonal temperatures. April and May, however, will see more "pronounced warmth come in," and overall, temperatures for spring are projected to be above normal, according to Brad Rousseau, meteorologist at Oakville-based The Weather Network, whose parent company is Pelmorex Media Inc. LIFE IS SHORT. CLEAN LESS. Let MAID RIGHT clean your home so you can spend more time doing the things you love S a m e R eliable O w ners Clean Each Visit Eco-Friendly C leaning Products Colour-Coded M icrofibre Clothes Enviroshield® W hole H o m e D isinfecting S trongest G u aran tee in th e Industry SPECIAL OFFER $75 O FF Receive $ 2 5 OFF your second clean and 289.809.9823 ReadoUrReS O akville.M aidright.com maid " _ rth rrig h t v % $ 5 0 OFF your fifth c le a n * *N o tv alido np rio rserv ices. N o tred eem ab le forcash .A p p lieston ewcu sto m erso n ly . The Weather Network released its 2017 Spring Forecast Monday, Feb. 26. "We should actually trend, overall, for the entire spring, above normal in terms of temperatures," said Rousseau. "In 2016, mid-spring, we kind of tapered off a little bit and got a little cool. We ended off about near seasonal for the spring." Precipitation this spring will be near normal, but there is a potential for any low-pressure system and cold or warm front to "overachieve" in rainfall amounts, Rousseau said, which could push the overall total to slightly above normal for spring. "We're expecting to be near normal, but we'll have to watch to see if there is any overachieving system that could kind of give us a little more rain," said Rousseau. Water temperatures in both the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean are warmer than usual currently, so combined with a developing El Nino, this will place a storm track Brad Rousseau "just over us or slightly to our west," Rousseau said, attributing that as a reason for possible heavy rainfall events this spring. Heading into winter, it appeared La Nina, which is associated with cooler than average surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, would affect conditions for the duration of it, but that' s not what happened. see Winter on p.16 M a j o r U n i v e r s i t y h e a r i n g s t u d y seeks p a r t i c i p a n t s . C onnect H earing, with a leadin g hearing researcher at R yerson University, seeks participants for a hearing study investigating the factors that can influence better hearing. All participants will have a hearing test provided at no charge. The data collected from this study will be used to further our understanding o f hearing loss and improve life-changing hearing healthcare across Canada. o fte n fin d th e yc a n" g e tb y "w ith o u th e lp ,h o w e v e ra s th ep ro b le mw o r s e n sth isb e c o m e sin c re a s in g lyh a rd e r to d o .B ys tu d y in g th o s ep e o p le h a v in gd ifficulty in n o is eo rw ithte le v is io n ,w eh o p etoid e n tifyk e yfa c to r s im p a c tin gt h e s ed iffic u ltie sa n dfu rth e ru n d e r s ta n dth e ir in flu e n c eo nth etre a tm e n tp r o c e s s . Interested people can register to be a part of this life changing hearing study* by calling: 1.888.242.4892 or visiting connecthearing.ca/hearing-study. 1. Cruickshanks, K. L., Wiley, T. L., Tweed, T. S., Klein, B. E. K., Klein, R, Mares-Perlman, J. A., &Nondahl, D. M. (1998). Prevalence ofHearing Loss in Older Adults in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin: The Epidemiology ofHearing Loss Study. Am. J. Epidemiol. 148 (9), 879-886. 2. National Institutes ofHealth. (2010). Why Research Hearing Loss? D e e pin s id eo u re a r sa r es e v e r a l th o u s a n dm ic ro s c o p ic "h a ir c e lls "T h e s ec e lls a r ea rra n g e d in r o w sa n de a c h c e ll is re s p o n s ib le fo rh e a rin g as p e c ific p itc h ,s im ila r to th ek e y so n ap ia n o .A sw ea g e ,s o m e of th e s e c e lls b e c o m ed a m a g e d ... fro m lo u dn o is e s ,c h ro n ic c o n d itio n s ,o r th ep r o c e s s of a g in g its e lf. J u s t lik ea p ia n ow ith d a m a g e dk e y s ,a ne a rw ith d a m a g e dh a ir c e lls will m a k e th in g ss o u n dm u ffle da n dd is to rte d . F o rs o m ep e o p leth islo s sofc la rityiso n lyap ro b le ma t n o is yr e s ta u ra n ts o r in th ec a r ,b u t fo ro th e rs it m a k e s lis te n in g as tru g g leth ro u g h o u t th ee n tire d a y . It is e s tim a te d th a t 46 % of p e o p le a g e d45 to 87 h a v e s o m ed e g r e e of h e a rin g lo s s ,1 b u tm o s td on o ts e e k tre a tm e n t rig h ta w a y . In fa c t, th ea v e r a g ep e rs o nw ith h e a rin glo s sw ill w a it te ny e a r sb e fo r es e e k in gh e lp .2T h is isb e c a u s ea tth eb e g in n in gs t a g e so fh e a rin glo s sp e o p le Ryerson U niversity Connect Hearing Y O U RH E A R IN GP R O F E S S IO N A L S *Study participants must be over50years ofage and have the option to participate. No fees and no purchase necessary. ADP,VAC, WSIB, NIHB accepted.

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