15 | Friday, March 10, 2017 | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | www.insideHALTON.com sta tu s - th e v e ry core o f International W o m e n 's Day. G en der e q u a lity refers to w o m e n receiving and accessing the sam e op p o rtu n itie s and benefits as m en - but th ro u g h o u t h istory, w o m e n w e re deem ed to have no place in politics. T h e y cou ld n 't stand as candidates fo r P a rlia m en t and th e y w e re n 't a llow ed to vo te as it w a s assum ed husbands w o u ld take resp on sib ility fo r political m a tte rs because a w o m a n 's role w a s seen to be c h ild -re a rin g and ta kin g care o f th e hom e. te n tio n and e ffo rt to fo rg in g th e rights o f w o m e n . A ro u n d th e w o rld tod ay, as in th e past, exists an e xte nsive num b er o f grou p s and n e tw o rk s all w o rk in g to im prove th e social, econom ic, cultural and political sta tu s o f w o m e n - and In te rn a tiona l W o m e n 's D ay is th e m ajor da y fo r ra llyin g ac tion, d rivin g visib ility and applauding w o m e n w h o m ake a difference th ro u g h th e ir achievem ents. ers is a key value und erpinn in g th e ethos and agenda o f In te rn a tiona l W o m e n 's Day. R espect fo r oth ers and respect fo r se lf play an im p o rta n t pa rt in fo rg in g gen der equality. EM PATHY Seeking to understand oth ers, caring fo r and va lu in g d i versity, and a ppreciatin g difference are key to fo rg in g deep relation sh ips to a ffect change. APPRECIATION International W o m e n 's D ay provides a specific and d e s ignated m o m e n t each ye a r to id e n tify and celebrate the successful ach ie vem en ts o f w o m e n . T h ro u g h celebratin g success, popu lation s n ot o n ly becom e m ore apprecia tive o f th e role w o m e n play in c o n trib u tin g to so c ie ty but a w aren ess and exp ectation is increased th a t w o m e n w ill n ot be m arginalised, discrim inated a ga in st or a b sen t fro m fu tu re successes m o vin g forw a rd . FORGIVENESS T h ro u g h o u t h is to ry w o m e n have been m istrea ted - and still to th is d a y w o m e n su ffe r harsh and inhum ane tre a t m e n t th ro u g h to contin u in g discrim in ation in th e w o rk place. Focusing a tten tion and e ffo rt on th e w a y fo rw a rd , reconciling discrim in ation th ro u g h en coura gin g a w aren ess and banding to g e th e r to a ffect positive change is all part o f w h a t International W o m e n 's D ay sta n ds for. Use th ese values to d ee p ly understand and drive yo u r o w n International W o m e n 's D ay a c tivity as yo u call fo r ac tion and/or celebrate w o m e n 's a chievem ents. COLLABORATION Just as S u ffra g e tte s rallied togeth er, as did th e earlier S u ffra gists, so to o do m odern d a y w o m e n (and m en) w h o understand th a t th ere is p o w e r in unity. S tren gth in n u m bers and voice are critical in d rivin g change. TENACITY Ten acity w a s a key principle o f both th e S u ffra g ists th e S u ffra g ette s, and th e ir tireless e ffo rt in fig h tin g good fig h t changed history. "D ee ds n ot w o rd s " w a s S u ffra g e tte s' m o tto and th e y devoted considerable and the the a t RESPECT E qu a lity can o n ly be achieved if th e diversity, differences and qualities o f w o m e n are tru ly valued. R espect fo r o th K a th ie A n d e r s o n Kathie's service in the real estate field has spanned over a period of 35 years. Her experience includes residential resale, marketing & sales of pre-construction homes, condominiums, custom homes, planning and development, design consultation and commercial space planning. Through her generosity, extensive knowledge, experience and commitment to helping others she has earned tremendous respect from her clients, friends " and colleagues. If you are looking for honest, reliable service based on decades of experience. C ontact Kathie D irect at 905-508-0091 Emily Kritikos, the owner of Calla Gifts, takes great pride in providing her customers with unique gift ideas. She uses high-quality materials Specializing in Artistic Creations and delicious chocolate truffles to make your gift a one-of-the-kind experience that is sure to have both beauty and decadence Kathie Anderson INTERCITY Broker Online Floral Boutique 905.962.3611 ·www.callagifts.com INTERCITY REALTY INC., Brokerage 416-798-7070 DIR: 905-580-0091 B E R R Y G AG ES F A M IL Y LAW & M E D IA T IO N Burlington W o m e n 's Recreational Soccer League The Burlington Women's Recreational Soccer league is taking registrations for its upcoming outdoor season which runs from May to late September. We offer 3 different divisions: open ages on Sunday nights, 35 and over on Sunday nights and a 30 and over on Tuesday nights. We are the original league that plays women's soccer on Sunday and Tuesday nights. W e em pow er our clients to m ake decisions ab out their future b y p ro v id in g the in fo rm atio n , advice an d ad vocacy th ey need to m ove fo rw ard w ith confidence. b g fa m ilyla w .c a 905.338.7941 165 C ross A venue, Suite 301, O akville, O ntario For more information contact the BWRSL at www.bwrsl.com S P R IG G S IN S U R A N C E B R O K E R S L IM IT E D M ary Spriggs is a proud businesswoman who strongly advocates for women to get into the professional world. She has always valued women's participation in business and believes that women are absolutely necessary in all varieties of working activities. This year, on International Women's Day, M ary Spriggs will be celebrating women in business all over the world. For over 40 years, Spriggs Insurance Brokers have been providing safety and security to their clients. As a family business, Spriggs Insurance Brokers understands how important it is to protect the important things in your life and will help you find the right product for your needs. For more information about Spriggs Insurance, visit www.spriggs.ca or call 905-844-9232. W E ARE: Thank you Oakville fo r v o tin g us as o n e o f th e Best M a id Services!! W E PR O VID E: family owned & operated fully insured fully flexible hourly system of service old fashioned, excellent quality w ork cleaning supplies HOUSE CLEANING FEES f L g n a th o f a p p t. Fee c h a ra e d N 3 H o u rs $ 1 1 7 .0 0 4 H o u rs $ 1 4 4 .0 0 5 H o u rs $ 1 6 5 .0 0 6 H o u rs $ 1 8 0 .0 0 6 h ou rs; & u p 3130.00 p e r h o u r M in im u m c h a r g e $ 1 1 7 . 0 0 . HST e x tr a . 5 th e re an yth in g e xtra you m ay need help with? J u s t ask & we will do it! 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