Oakville Beaver, 10 Mar 2017, p. 7

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7 |Friday, March 10, 2017 | O A K V IL L E B E A V E R | www.insideHALTON.com CFUW scholarship fundraiser with Susan Aglukark On April 6, Juno Award winning singer/songwriter and Oakville resident Susan Aglukark will share songs and stories of life from an Inuit perspective, 7 p.m., at King' s Christian Collegiate Music Conservatory. Canadian Federation of University Women Oakville will present the evening to support tits scholarship fund, which aids deserving young women on their way to post-secondary studies. The evening includes Nomad, a 60-minute speaking and singing presentation of Canadian Inuit history, followed by questions and answers. Through songs and stories, Aglukark will take participants on the journey of the Inuit over the last 1,000 years and shed some light on the psychological and cultural impacts of that rapid change. Aglukark will also introduce her Arctic Rose Foundation, a charity that will provide real opportunities to make a difference to Inuit youths through art therapy and other engaging methods. Tickets cost $30 and include a $20 tax-deductible donation to the University W omen' s Club Oakville Scholarship Fund. There will be opportunities to make a tax-deductible donation to Susan' s Arctic Rose Foundation and to buy her CDs. Tickets are available at eventbrite.ca. King' s Christian Collegiate Music Conservatory is located at 528 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W , Oakville. Susan Aglukark Letter to the Editor Still awaiting an announcement on newcourt facilities for Halton Region This letter was sent to At torney General Yasir Naqvi and a copy filed with the Oakville Beaver. A s you are aw are, I am con tin u in g to a dvoca te for a n ew c o u rt h o u se to se rve H alton Region. I a ckn ow led ge yo u r m o s t recen t co rre s p o n d e n c e . I m u st s a y th e m e s s a g e s I have received from yo u, yo u r p re d e c e s s o r and oth e rs are le ss th an convin cin g th a t a new c o u rth o u s e will b e a n n ou n ced in a tim e ly fa sh io n . I co m m e n c e d th is e ffort in 2 0 1 2 . T h a t is five ye a rs now w ith o u t any c o m m itm e n t from yo u r g o ve rn m e n t with re sp e c t to fu n d in g fo r a new c o u rt facility. I have sp e n t a g o o d deal o f tim e c o m m u n ica tin g and m e e tin g w ith e le cte d m e m b e rs th a t se rv e H alton Re gion and yo u r p re d e ce sso r A tto rn e y G eneral. I note a s w e ll, o u t o f th e fo u r s ittin g M P P s se rv in g H alton, th re e are m em bers o f C a b in e t. S u re ly th a t sh ou ld c a rry s o m e in flu e n ce w ith in yo u r govern m ent. In m y view , th e e lectora te o f H alton Region, including th e m e m b e rs o f th e judicia ry, police a ge n c ie s, govern m e n t e m p lo ye e s, people su m m o n e d fo r ju ry duty, w itn e s s e s and d e fe n d a n ts are en titled to so m e clear indication th a t th is govern m e n t not o n ly w ill ta lk a b ou t a new co u rth o u s e , but will a nn ou n ce fu n d in g and con stru ction o f a new fa cility with a fixed tim e line. I e a g e rly a w ait su ch an a n n ou n cem en t. Paul D. S tu n t, O 'Connor M acLeo d Hanna, O akville 9 PeelHaltonDufferin Lj Acquired Brain Injury Services Winner of the OBIA Corporate Fellowship and Mississauga Halton LHIN `Partnering for a Healthier Tomorrow' Quality Excellence Awards ANNO UNCES TH E OPENING OF C O N C U S S I O N S E R V IC E S WHY CONCUSSION SERVICES? CONCUSSION ISAS SINGULARASTHE INDIVIDUALWHO HAS EXPERIENCED IT! CONCUSSION ISAMILDTRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURYTHAT MAYCAUSE LONG -TERM DISABILITY IN UPTO 15% OF INDIVIDUALS WHO SUSTAINTRAUMA. IT HAS BEENATOPIC OF FOCUS INTHE MEDIA RECENTLY, DUE MAINLYTO SPORTS - RELATED INJURIES.THERE IS, HOWEVER, A GREAT DEAL OF MISINFORMATION, CONFUSION, AND FEAR, SURROUNDING CONCUSSION AND HOW BESTTO MANAGE IT. PEEL HALTON DUFFERIN ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY SERVICES (PHDABIS),APUBLICALLY - FUNDEDAGENCY,WILL PROVIDE EDUCATIONALWORKSHOPSAND RESOURCESTO HELP DISPEL SOME OFTHE MYTHS SURROUNDING CONCUSSION AND ITS MANAGEMENT.THESESERVICESWILL BEMADEAVAILABLETOANYONE LOOKING FOR SUPPORT OR EDUCATION - INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS ALIKE. WHAT IS THE EVENT? THE MISSISSAUGA HALTON LOCAL HEALTH INTEGRATION NETWORK (LHIN) HAS FUNDED PHD ABIS-W ORKING IN PARTNERSHIPWITH THE CANADIAN CONCUSSION CENTRE/UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORK(UHN) -TO LAUNCH CONCUSSION SERVICES IN OUR REGION.THIS EVENTWILL INCLUDE INTRODUCTORY REMARKS FROM AN ABI-SPECIALIZED NEUROPSYCHIATRIST AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST, INFORMATION ABOUTAVAILABLE SERVICES AND RESOURCES FOR CONCUSSION, AN D A PRIVATES SCREENING OFTHE HITWILLSMITH FILM,"CONCUSSION". PHDABISCONCUSSION SERVICESWILL SUBSEQUENTLYBEGINMULTI-DAYEDUCATIONALWORKSHOPSABOUTPERSISTENTSYMPTOMS OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE CONCUSSIONS, AND HOW BESTTO MANAGETHEM.THEAGENCY HAS ALSO PARTNEREDWITH THE ONTARIO BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION (OBIA) TO PROVIDE ONGOING MATERIALS FORTHECOMMUNITY;TO BE DISTRIBUTEDTHEAFTERNOON OFTHE LAUNCH! WHO IS PROVIDING THE SERVICES? PHDABIS ISTHE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND LHIN - FUNDED PROVIDER OF SERVICESTO ALL INDIVIDUALSTOUCHED BY BRAIN INJURY IN THE REGIONS OF PEEL, HALTON AND DUFFERIN. WE AREWORKING IN PARTNERSHIPWITH THE UNIVERSITY HEALTH NETWORKANDTHE ONTARIO BRAIN INJURYASSOCIATION (OBIA) TO DISTRIBUTE AND PROMOTE RESOURCE MATERIALSTOTHECOMMUNITY, HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS, CAREGIVERS, CLINICS, AND SOCIAL SERVICE GROUPS. WE HAVE ALSO PARTNEREDWITH ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONS-THE BRAIN INJURYASSOCIATION OF PEELAND HALTON (BIAPH) AND, IN CALEDON AND ORANGEVILLE, HEADWATERS ABI (HABI) -TO SPREADTHEWORD REGARDING CONCUSSION.THE MISSISSAUGA HALTON LHIN IS REACHING OUTTHROUGH NETWORKS OF PRIMARY CARE, HOSPITAL DISCHARGE, AND REHABILITATION PROVIDERS.THE MISSISSAUGA SPORTS COUNCIL ISWORKING CLOSELYWITH USONTHIS PROJECTTO ENSURETHATINFORMATION IS SHAREDWITH ATHLETIC TEAMS AND ORGANIZATIONS ACROSSTHE REGION. OTHER PARTNERS AND SPONSORS INCLUDETHE CIVITAN CLUB OF OAKVILLE,THE PRINCETHEODORE FOUNDATION, AND IN BURLINGTON, MARTIN & HILLYER ASSOCIATES. I N T R O D U C T O R Y R E M A R K S BY DR. C H A N T H S E Y O N E NEUROPSYCHIATRIST. P H D A B IS ; FOUNDING DIRECTOR. ABI CLINIC. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY. TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL (UHN); ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, U o fT A N D DR. D E B O R A H TANC NEUROPSYCHOLOG 1ST. CLINICAL DIRECTOR. PHD ABIS + P R I V A T E S C R E E N IN G O F T H E H IT W IL L S M IT H FILM, CO N CUSSIO N 1 OK...W HENANDW HERE? THEOFFICIAL LAUNCH EVENT FOR CONCUSSION SERVICES WILL TAKE PLACEONTHURSDAYMARCH 23R D FR O M 3:30TO 6:00 PMAT FILM.CA CINEMAS,171 SPEERS RD., OAKvILLE - OAKvILLE'S FAvORITETHEATRE! ADMISSION IS FREE - BUT SPACE IS LIMITED! R E G I S T R A T I O N IS FR E E ! S P A C E IS L IM I T E D ! ! ! PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY EMAIL AT: CONCUSSIONSERVICES@PHDABIS.ORG FOR FURTHER INFO, PLS. CONTACT US BY EMAIL AS NOTED ABOVE, OR PHONE CANDICE DRURY, AT 905.949.4411 X250! PHD ABIS Concussion Services Would Not be Possible Without our Partners: ^U H N Prince Theodore Foundation f ilm r c a c in e m a s i O B I A B IA PH Brain Injury Association of Peel and Halton

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