Oakville Beaver, 4 Feb 2000, p. 23

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Friday, February 4, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 23 505 505 505 5 1 0 f c ± ^ « 5 1 0 510 Patio Sales F/T & P/T lor progres sive home products retailer. Experience preferred but will train a motivated candidate! ALSO REQUIRED Exp'd BBQ/Fireplace general help wanted MECHANICAL ENGINEERS MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGISTS Looking For An Exciting and Rewarding Career in Automation? OUTSIDE SALES: Solid background in Automation with excellent problem solving and communication skills helps you provide existing customer base in lucrative, exclusive territory with your application expertise. $$. URGENT Due In ranid expansion nl our driver leasinn division Unique Personnel Services requires 2 professional Tractor Trailer Drivers as follows: 1. Afternoon Yard Shunter 3. G.E. Eledric-Oakville 2. Evening Local Driver 4. Sonocco-Mississauga GARDEN Centre Associate Manager and Staff. Year round. Experienced. Full and part-tim e. Apply in person to or by fax to: Langholm Nursery. 6711 Hwy. 25., Milton. Fax: 905878-9350 HOMEMAKER/ PSW/ HCA required part-time nights, approx. 24+ hrs/wk. Psych, experience an asset. Bur lington. Fax resum e to: (905)335-1202 or call Patty at (905)335-3463_________ PART-TIM E Cleaner needed immediately, Oak ville area. 11am-3pm. Also, night cleaners needed. Call Jaime (905)561-9990, or fax resume: (905)5618224 WAL-MART Oakville has the follo w in g p ositions available: Stockroom Per sonnel, afternoon unloader & overnight cleaner. Open availability is a must. Apply at courtesy desk. CONTRACTOR requires immediately, Two Bobcat Operators for city snow re moval. Must be e x pe ri enced. Please ca ll (905)825-5642 for in te r view TIM HORTONS has night shift positions fo r Donut Baker and Counter help. $50. signing bonus. Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or phone/ fax 338-1966 TRUCK Driver/ Warehouse person required fulltim e. Start $9/hr. Resumes to Box 6234, c/o O akville Beaver. 467 Speers, Oakville. ON L6K3S4 SHOPPERS Drug MartOakville Place re q u ire s Assistant Cash Manager F/T- and Cashier F/T. Fax 905-842-5598 attn: Arthur Cheung DRIVERS and Inspectors required for Toronto Auto Auctions. Phone Jason De luca, 905-875-2915, ext.281 or fax resume to 905-875-3219 PRIM ERICA Financial Services seeks individual for unique opportunity. No experience necessary. High income potential. Call (905)-681-5515,Ext.62 WE are looking for key peo ple to expand our financial services business. Experi ence not necessary, we will train. Call Earl 905-6815515 ext-68 DRIVER- Mature, local de liveries, flexible hours, no pressure. A, D or G li cense. Full-time if desired. 693-8734 evenings only. PURE Gold needs imme diately: Wait and shooter staff. 2630 Royal Windsor Dr., Mississauga (905)8221525 DEC Express is looking for couriers with own van. C ontact Sandra at (905)332-8911, Ext. 236 PERSON experienced in carpentry and drywall re quired for renovation company. Call 825-5740 DISHWASHERS, Cooks & Wait Staff required for busy Milton restaurant. Call Alex (905)693-9229, after 11am. KEY people required to ex pand our financial business. We will train. Call Nestor (905)681-5515 W E O F FE R : · · · · 2 y e a rs ve rifia b le e xp e rie n ce R C M P C rim in a l R e se a rch C e rtifica te go od d rivin g re co rd (a b stra ct) P ro fe ssio n a l a ttitu d e Installer Helper G2 lie. preferred. Com petitive remuneration. Attention: Ron Tel: (905) 844-3224 Fax: (905)844-1919 HEAD SHOP TECHNICIAN: Hands-on mechanical aptitude for assembly and troubleshooting of pneumatic and electrical components. We w ill train you!! Excellent opportunity for growth. INSIDE TECHNICAL SALES: Mechanical, electrical automation or related background. Excellent communication and organizational skills. We w ill train you!! W E R EQ U IR E: · C o m p e titiv e p a y rates · E xte n sive b e n e fit pa cka g e · F u ll-tim e e m p lo y m e n t Service Technician Canadian Inkjet System s, a leading d istrib u to r of industrial equipm ent located in Oakville.is seeking a Service Technician fo r o ur Ontario operation. R eporting to the Service Supervisor, the candidate should be a graduate technician of C om puter Electrnics, Electronics or Electrical system s, possess a tiig h degree of selfm otivation and bring a positive attitude to th e position. Experience is an asset. A com prehensive package including salary benefits and car allowance is offered. Reply in confidence to: If you are interested in being treated with respect in an environment where the drivers are the n u m b e r 1 p r i o r i t y ; P lease call M onday-Friday, between 9am-5pm . B U R L IN G TO N BOW L Fulltime Repair/ Maintenance Shift work & weekends Full training. Start $8.75/hr Call Rob for interview after 12 noon: 6 81-2727 FACTORY HELP - Various duties, cutting, sewing, glu ing leather goods, full or part time. Fax resume (905) 842-7065________________ O A K V ILLE based Tele communications company requires a self-motivated person for our refurbishing department. Duties include cleaning and packaging of telephone equipm ent. Some light lifting. Good com m unication skills re quired. $8./hr. Benefits af ter probationary period. Submit applications by fax only to 905-339-4388 MATURE person required delivering medicine in Oak ville. (Suit Retiree or Sen ior) Friendly, well spoken, Business oriented, knowl edge of Oakville. Mon-Fri.Aftemoons. Starting imme diately. Requires valid Ont. D.L. Car provided. Mail: 200 N. Service Rd.W., Unit 1, Suite 800, Oakville, L6M2V1_____________________ COPYWRITERS needed to describe product, features and function for Added Touch mail order catalog. Must be prepared to meet strict deadlines and have a proven background in creative writing. Pai<? per item description. Fax re sum e/ cover letter to: (905)338-1486___________ ARTISTS Needed to sketch items, showing de tail and function, for Added Touch mail order catalog. Must be prepared to meet strict deadlines and have a proven artistic background. Paid per sketch completed. Fax resume/ cover letter to (905)338-1486___________ SUPPORTIVE, under standing individual re quired to provide commun ity involvement and support to individuals with handi capping conditions in Oak ville and surrounding aread. Please fax resumes to: (905)453-8853. Attention Michele__________________ KITCHEN A ssistant re quired for childcare centre in East Burlington. This part-time position requires lifting and on-going physi cal activity. Please contact the Director by phone 905634-3141 or fax 905-6349850____________________ LANDSCAPE Contractor requires 2 fu lltim e em ployees for stone masonry. Will train. Forward resumes: Danica Landscaping & Stone Work. 964 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, ON L7S 1A2. Fax (905)634-2959 WAREHOUSE person needed. Exp. with stock control and filing orders. Clean driving record a must. References required. Fax resume with salary re quirem ents to: 905-8250678 ATTN: Reg._________ E X P E R IE N C E D G ro o m wanted for Hunter/ Jumper show stable. Flexible hours a must. Accom m odation available. Non-sm oking environm ent. Call 905466-4421 or fax resume to: 905-827-6333 ALL around handyman de sired for local gardening centre. Ideal for mature re tired person. Full-time but flexible hours, good cus tomer service, light equip ment maintenance 6938734 evenings only._______ GENERAL Labourer- Full time days. Small parts as sembly. excellent eye sight and dexterity required. $10/hr., 40hrs. per week. Fax resume to: (905)3380488 or call (905)844-8344 for an appointment. Please send resumes to Gren at COWPER INC. via email at: cowper@golden.net or by fax to (905) 607-5592 1-888-288-8884 A ssistan t Sales M anager Oakville-based Head Office of national wholesale d istrib u to r requires staff person to assist Sales Manager. Experience in sales analysis, quotation preparation, and MS Office required. Excellent salary and benefits. Profit sharing. Reply with resume & salary expectations to: Tax Preparers Needed F/T & P/T in the Burlington area. Basics NOW HIRING Food Basics is seeking customer service oriented individuals for the following part-time position: GROCERY CLERKS PRODUCE CLERKS MEAT CLERKS CASHIERS T h e O ak v ille Beaver Box 6236, 467 S peers Rd. O ak v ille, O n tario L6K 3S4 Fax resum e to Marc at (905) 272-7090. Canadian Inkjet System s Service Departm ent 2751 C oventry Road Oakville, O ntario L6H 5V9 Fax: (905) 829-1842 510 general help wanted 5 10 general help wanted GROWING tele-communi cations com pany seeks professional sales person nel. People that would be interested in w orking w/ wireless communications and modern technology as outside sales representa tive dealing w /corporate sales. Please contact Tarah Burt, 905-875-2352 or fax resume/ cover letter: 905-875-2353 or em ail: tarah.burt@ com m unicationzone.net $7.00 per hour to start Please apply in person Tuesday, February 8th and Wednesday, February 9th 11 am to 4pm at Lakeside Village Plaza 5353 Lakeshore Rd. W atch for signs. Unit is beside "Extreme Fitness" Burlington, Ont. FITTER/ WELDERS PRESSURE PIPING C e r t if ic a t io n t o A .S .M .E . s e c tio n IX in G .T .A . W . a n d S .M .A .W . is n e c e s s a r y . G o o d fittin g s k ills re q 'd c o u p le d w ith th e a b ility to re a d d r a w in g s & w o rk to c lo s e t o le r a n c e s w ith lit t le s u p e r v is io n . T o p w a g e s , b e n e fit pkg . & in te re s tin g w o rk in a m o d e rn c le a n , w e ll e q u ip p e d IS O 9 0 0 2 re g is te re d s h o p . P le a s e a p p ly in p e rs o n o r fo rw a rd re s u m e in c o n fid e n c e to: STOCK On the Journey o f Learn in g ^ ^ WELD-TECH MANUFACTURING LTD. 5390 M unro Court B urlin gto n, Ont L7L 5N8 Fax: 905-632-9653 CONTRACTORS WANTED Tired of sourcing your own jobs? Fed up with estimating and selling? Want to have consistent work everyday all year round? Set down some solid toolings by joining the "PLUMBING MART" team . We are looking for a couple of solid individuals who can do com plete bathroom renovating (tile work, plum bing and finish carpentry). We offer a great compensation package, full-tim e employment and a pleasant working environment. Fax your resume to Richard (905)-639-3581 (Bud) ALSTOM A LS T O M , one o f the w o rld 's lead ing s u p p lie rs o f D iesel E ngine P o w e r P lants fo r P o w e r S ta tio n s an d th e M a rine Industry, re quire s a SHIPPER / RECEIVER fo r th e ir O akville W a re h o u s e re portin g to th e C u s to m e r S e rv ic e M a nager. T h is p o sitio n is re sp o n sib le fo r all a s p e c ts o f th e w a re h o u s e fu n c tio n , in c lu d in g ship p in g , re ceiving, in v e n to ry co n tro l and w a re h o u s e m a in tena nce. S e co n d a ry s c h o o l ed u c a tio n w ith a m in im u m o f 2 yea rs related w o rk an d fo rk lift e x p e rie n c e is re quired. Y ou m u st be ab le to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly , have a ta k e c ha rge a ttitu d e and be k e e n ly in te re s te d in pe rfo rm in g all fa c e ts o f the logistics fu n c tio n in a sm a ll d e p a rtm e n t. C o m p u te r pro ficie n cy and stro ng o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills are a m ust. P reviou s e x p erien ce in p reparation o f e x p o rt s h ip m e n t p a p e rw o rk and inven tory co n tro l w o u ld be an a sse t. W e o ffe r a c o m p e titiv e c o m p e n s a tio n an d be n e fits pa ckage, a d yn a m ic and e x p e rie n c e d te a m o f co -w o rk e rs and tra ining fo r skills and fu tu re de v e lo p m e n t. M ail, fa x o r e-m ail y o u r re sum e to: Join Our Dynamic C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E DRIVING TE A M ! IDEAL FOR... A Stay at home parent The n too young to re tire " Those with other part-time work If you are friendly, cheerful, reliable, good with children and enjoy driving... Then driving a school bus may be for you! u Regular part-tim e hours Mon to Fri u Sept to June Interested applicants please call: (905)-829-2040 or 1-800-822-3732 ··FREE Training w ill be provided** NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Burlington based business forms manufacturer has opening for a PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR with a minimum of four(4) years experience on small presses. The applicant should have knowledge of papers, as well as mixing of inks. Web Printing experience an asset. Wage governed by experience; Good benefits package offered. ALSTOM C a n a d a Inc., E ngine s 355 W y e c ro ft R oad, O akville, O N L6 K 2H 2 F a x :(9 0 5 )8 4 2 -2 0 2 5 · e-m ail: alsto m @ in te rfo g .co m Food Village Jbbey/«Q» Fax resumes to 905-681-9882 FIELD SERVICE TECHNICIAN Fast growing Mississauga based company requires a front line person experienced in store front installations and service. Experience in both exterior and mall appli cations of fixed and sliding glass units as well as folding and rolling closures is « primary asset. This is a position that will lead the right candiate to a management position of a service team operating throughout Ontario. Excellent compensa tion and benefit package to start. We thank a ll applicants, however, only selected candidates w ill be contacted. D o Y o u H ave A N ew Y e a r's R e s o lu tio n Y et? Why not make a big life style change for "2000" Come and join the "Best" carrier in the transport industry. · Butchers · Meat wrappers · Courtesy Clerks Part-time positions Apply to the Store Manager at the Courtesy Counter, Sobey's Power Centre off Brant St. APPRENTICE/ Assisistant wanted fulltime for career in the hair industry. Contact Linda or Sheila at Atelier, (905)845-1911 _______ HAIR S tylist A ssistant wanted. Experience neces sary or will train the right person. 905-257-8998 SALON 612 is expanding and looking for Hairstylists with clientelle to rent chair. (905)631-0103, Burlington We are looking for professional transport drivers. Do you have 2 years on the road experience, a clean abstract and good work ethics? If so, we offer the best deal, good pay, benefits, modern well maintained equipment and a good company that cares about you. We "Respect" our drivers. They make us who we are. 515 Please fax resume in confidence to: Warehouse Position An Oakville located business is currently seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated individual to join our team. The ideal candidate must have a high school education as well as prior warehouse experience. Duties will include order filling, stocking shelves and general warehouse duties. A working knowledge of shipping systems, WHMIS/TDG training and forklift experience would be an asset. No calls please. Please forward resume with salary expectations to: Re-Roof Shingle Subs re q u ire d fo r s p rin g se a so n . C all 1 -8 7 7 -9 4 3 -7 6 6 3 REQUIRED for automotive repair shop in M ilton: li censed technician or 4th year apprentice. Also full time night tow truck driver. Clean driving record a must. Please Tax resume, (905)878-5265 1-800-568-8747 STONE Setter- needed for mid-sized jewellery manu facturer. Experience would be preferable. High School diploma required. Please apply in person w ith re sume to O.C. Tanner Rec ognition Co. Ltd., 4200 Fairview St., Burlington, betweeen 8:30am-4:30pm, Mon-Fri. Give us a call - Change yo u r life! Come See us in Burlington Friday Feb. 4th & Saturday Feb. 5th from 9am-5pm at the: Holiday Inn: 3063 South Service Rd. (Guelph Line) in the Brant Room. Please bring all applicable paperwork. DATA Entry, B ilingual Customer Service person for Burlington office. Cqjaputer experience an asset. $23,000 per year to start. Please fax resum e to 1800-543-4118 I computer-data processing (905)457-8789 Canadian Inkjet Systems Fax: (905) 829-1842 A ttn: Bernie Jacob ELECTRICAL Apprentice, Third Year, Self motivated for electrical service calls in in d u s tria l app licatio n s. Please fax resume to (905)335-1116 CHIROPRACTIC Assistant required. Energetic, mature, good phone and office skills preferred. Career for helping people! Fax re sume to (905)827-1922 by Mon. Feb.6 at 6pm

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