C2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 28, 2000 Proud To Be Canadian... W e sent out "The Oakville Beaver" m ascot to deliver Canada flags to these local businesses. These businesses are proud to be Canadian and encourage you to shop locally and support our econom y. ftttlTHy *N A S T ts pHlLTHt We at C o m pucen tre, O akville P lace w ish you and yo u r fam ily a safe and happy The management & staff of Sears Oakville Place wish you a safe and happy LDFilFliLEFi I h t Oakville Place Mall 2 4 0 I o in h ln n r i fiv e . 'D a y * r Providing Canadians with computer products since 197$ CM Q 4 0 0 4 0 "T % / " I dm Z * I Visit Sears Oakville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am.-9:00 pm. Sat. 8:00 am.-6:00 pm. Sun. 11 am-6 pm. GARY CARR M SP. Oakvfflb Constituency Office: 2330 Lakeshore Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario L6L 1H3 (905) 827-5141 FAX (905) 827-3786 ' _ Proud to be an all Canadian company. Oakville s favourite place to shop for mattresses. th e 1 hh f k from the Space Optical Family v SPACE OPTICAL Happy Canada Day! , W -faK S * ^-- T^wvgr^uihaqe 125 C r g s s A v e - e e o Fa if m 490 Speers Road, Oakville · 842-3368 __________ ___ PERFORMERS A T CANADA DAY O M ULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL AT CORONATION PARK. OAKVILLE Emcees: Louvelle Marie Nolido, A. C. Fitzgerald Parade starts at 11 am from Hopedale Mall and ends at Coronation Park 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:30 4:15 Oakville Sikh Cultural Association - Bhangra group from U.K. Hrvatsko Prelo - Croatian Dance Ensemble Savithri Sastri - classical songs 4:30 Glen Hamilton and Lystra Gibbs - recording artists Gina Ferreira - local Portuguese singer 4:50 Gina Ferreira - Portuguese singer Glen Hamilton and Lystra Gibbs - local recording artists 5:00 Culture Philippines - song and dances from the Official Opening Ceremonies Philippines Tyrsa Ukrainian Dance School - Ukrainian cultural 5:45 Oakville Portuguese Folklore Group - dances from traditional dances various regions of Portugal 1:50 Oakville Sikh Cultural Association - Bhangra 6:15 Caribbean Association of Halton - entertainment from group from Oakville the Caribbean 2:00 Banda Pilipino - marching and concert band 6:30 Club Caribe Colombia - dances from Colombia 2:30 Siony's Dance Company - Hawaiian dances 6:45 Huairapungo · various dances from Ecuador 3:00 Holy Family Chinese School Dance Group 7:10 Azucar Picante - Cuban Cabaret Show 3:15 Bahamas National Youth Choir - Bahamian music and 7:30 Alianza Mexicans - Mexican music and dances dance and musical theatre 8:00 Egyptian folklore dance group 4:00 Siony's Dance Company - Tahitian dances Other Activities: Face painting, craft sale, informational booths, foods from different cultures Parking is allowed inside the park but is limited; additional parking is available at Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre, just steps away west of the park. Parking is also allowed in designated streets. Acknowledgement H M C expresses its gratitu d e to the follow ing funders o f the festival: C anadian H eritage, S teve & E lfriede P erkovic, C lub F ilipino o f O ak ville, S p an ish S p ea k in g A ssociation o f H alton , Pizza Pizza, P hilippine K apit B ahay o f O akville, C anadian C aribbean A ssociation o f H alton , R on P rokop o f E dw ard J on es, H arb an s L am a o f C entury 21 M iller Real E state L td., G E L ighting, R ajneesh K. Sharda, Luisa N olido. H M C a lso th a n k s th e fo llo w in g : T o w n o f O a k v ille , O a k v ille S ik h C u ltu ra l A sso c ia tio n , T h e O a k v ille C h in e se A sso ciatio n , th e P o rtu g u e se F o lc o ric o o f O a k v ille a n d all th e festiv al su p p o rte rs and p articip an ts. HAPPY CANADA DAY from your friends at... 1 -8 8 8 -D O M A IN E Domaine Kitchen & Laundry Solutions Abbey Centre, 203 North Service Rood West, Ookville, Ontario Phone: 905-337-1147 Toll Free 1-888-Domaine www.domaine.ca Heart: llaaiay-TW rtiay 10b · Friday 10b Satwday 10b Saaday llaaaa - Spai bfm, tfm. THERE IS ART EVEN IN.... ROASTING APPLES < > OAKVILLE 3 8 45 -6 6 0 1 cpm CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. PROUD TO BE CANADIAN & SUPPORT CANADIAN ARTISTS & CRAFTSMAN! 340 Lakeshore Rd. NEW & U S E D SALES · SERVICE PARTS · RENTALS SHARPENING Complete line o f outdoor power equipment, accessories & tools. A safe and festive Canada Day to the citizens o f Oakville 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD · OAKVILLE, O NTARIO · L6) 5A6 www.town.oakville.on.ca E., Oakville (905) 844-3888 1661 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mississauga (9 0 5 ) 8 2 2 -4 2 1 1 Fax:(905) 822-4382