T R U E T 0 T R A D I T I 0 iFrieinds F a m ily The very familiar face of Eddie Williams was out again, after four decades this St. Patrick's Day as he made the 4 2 -km trek from Toronto's City Hall to downtown Oakville. Here, Williams makes his way west along Lakeshore Road, east of Chartwell Road, on the afternoon of Friday, March 17. For full story on this year's walk, visit oakvillebeaver.com. % S a Ie ! SEALY SPRINGFREE · TIGHT TOP $295 SINGLE MATTRESS Reg. $590 D O U B LE M A TTR E S S .............$325 Q U E E N M A T T R E S S ............... $345 N ICE · EURO TOP $169 R eg .$459 SINGLE MATTRESS DOUBLE MATTRESS.. $209 QUEEN MATTRESS.... $269 KiNG MATTRESS.......$399 TR AN Q UILITY · eurotop' $229 Reg. $438 SINGLE MATTRESS d o u b l e m a t t r e s s .. $289 QuEEN MATTRESS.... $299 Ki NG MATTRESS.......$449 -- i e ---------------------- 1 S le e p F a c to ry 238 Main Street, East · 9 0 5 . 8 7 8 .4 6 0 6 2150 Burnhamthorpe Road · 9 0 5 . 542.0481 M IS S IS S A U G A M ILTO N w w w .sleepfactory.com | Graham Paine/Metroland H O U R S : M o n d a y - W e d n e s d a y 1 0 am - 6 p m · T h u rs d a y - F ra id a y 1 0 am - 8 p m · S a tu r d a y 9 a m - 6 p m · S u n d a y 1 1 am - 5 p m FREE MARCH 23 - 26 Up to $ 7 5 Va l u e BRACELET PANDORA Wi t h your $150 PANDORA purchase *Free PANDORA bracelet (select styles up to $75 value). Purchase of $150 or more must be before taxes to qualify. Free bracelet excludes the Disney Collection. Limit 5 per person. Upgrades available on select styles. Additional spend required for 14K gold and two-tone bracelets. Void where prohibited. In store only. Valid only at participating retailers. Not valid w ith prior purchases. W hile supplies last, selections may vary by store. Excludes gift card purchases. See store for details. THE PANDORA STORE AT BRAMALEA CITY CENTRE 9 0 5 .7 9 2 .8 8 2 0 MAPLEVIEW CENTRE 9 0 5 .6 3 2 .5 4 0 0 ERIN MILLS TOWN CENTRE 9 0 5 .8 2 8 .5 9 0 2 SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE 9 0 5 .2 3 2 .0 6 6 1 © 2016 Pandora Jewelry, LLC · A ll rights reserved