www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, March 23, 2017 | 3 6 Articles Under $100 WINTER Articles for Sale SNOWBLOWER, CANA DIAN Power Brand. 6.5 TIRES and rims, Goodyear nordic, 2 bought in 2012, 2 bought in 2014, fits 4bolt pattern, wheel cov ers included, $100. 905-844-6474 C oca W o rk a ] YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS General Help To book your career opportunity c a ll 905.632.4440 Health Care/ Medical Health Care/ Medical Health Care/ Medical hp, excellent condition. Used only 3 winters. Original retail $750, asking $250. call 905-469-5521 WASHER/ DRYER J General Help Articles for Sale 1 GAL. Cabot - acrylic solid deck stain. Soft grey. $25. 1 gal Behr acrylic solid deck- fence - siding wood stain. Soft grey. $20. 1 roll- 200 sq.ft. Fusion underpay ment 11 c72 1/8x 4 x50. $50. 45 sq.ft. hardwood flooring.3 1/4 x 3/4 gold en oak better select. $135. Call 905-469-6830 *A1 MATTRESS Factory Direct. Delivery available. All sizes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & `Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, end-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020 905-681-9496, 905-563-6903. Condo size, stackable, Miele (Dryer/vented) Model#T7634, (Washer) Model#W1623 1.5 years new, 23.5" Dx24"Wx67" H Excellent condition, well maintained. $2300. Call 289-337-4587, or email: colbournejill02 @gmail.com s t fA H a lt o n Halton.ca d 311 PERSONAL SUPPORT W ORKER3 PSW required fo r WC bound male w ho loves life, loves talking sports, especially Toronto teams, very active swimmer, loves playing board games and is a joy to be around. You w ill be required to help guide him w ith transfers, take him to appointm ents and activities so G license w ith clean driving record a must. Some light housework w ill be required. Must be available to travel w ith an up to date passport. Employment Halton Job Fair W ednesday, April 5 ,2 0 1 7 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. B u rlin g to n C on ve ntio n Centre 1120 B urloak D rive, B u rlin g to n The event is open to the public - tell your friends about it. Admission and parking are free. Come prepared, dress for success and bring copies of your resume. For a listing of employers attending the fair visit Halton.ca/em ploym enthalton Cemetery Plots ST JUDES Cemetery Plot, 1 casket or 4 urns Please submit full resume, if the first interview goes well, we will check references. P le a s e r e p ly to : Restaurants/ Hospitality capacity. At Dorval and Lakeshore, Oakville. $6000. Call 416-278-6671 or email: scottdevon@gmail.com B G J R 2 0 1 7 @ g m a il.c o m Office/ Administration Office/ Administration Furniture GENUINE LEATHER so fa, 8', $200. Genuine leather recliner, $200. Solid oak dining table with extensions/4 chairs, $400. Antique farm grain scale, $300. Antique 5' mirror, $50. All in excellent condition. 905-414-7114 P le a s e c o n ta c t us as s o o n as p o s s ib le if y o u h a v e a n y a c c e s s ib ility n e e d s a t H a lto n R e g io n e v e n ts o r m e e tin g s . MONASTERY BAKERY Sr. C redit A d m in istrato r Burlington location, for credit and collections. Requires a professional manner, excellent communication skills with a team player attitude and 5+ years' experience. Oakville now hiring FT permanent positions: PAID W o rk Placem ents and FREE Pre-A pprenticeship tra in in g . E m p lo ym en t Readiness W orkshops, including L e v e l 1 T r a in in g a t M o h a w k College. Health Care/ Medical wanted'full-time by busy Eye Doctors office. Must be able to multi -task. experience with MEDITECH and YMS software preferred. Email resume to: 2eyedoctors@ gm ail.com Sales Opportunities Restaurants/ Hospitality Receptionist Cooks, Servers & Experienced preferred, will train. Call 905-634-8813, ask to speak with a manager or email: info@ sotiris-restaurant.com Sales Opportunities BAKER (with oven exp.) BEST CARPETING Deals! CARPET! Musical Instruments --GUITARS NEW--^ W ORK as a Truck & Coach Technician. No Experience Necessary! A career in demand! rYM C A Em ploym ent Services C all 90 5.6 81 .11 40 to R E G IS T E R TO D AY! This project is funded by the Government of Ontario Drivers Prep Person MEAT CUTTER COOK SALES CLERK Fax resume: 9 0 5-8 47-1 56 7 or Email: tonyp@ Email resumes to: Burlington71C@ gmail.com To book your career opportunity call 25 yards Pad/ Install $385. All types/ Colours. Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! from $99. Over 20,000 musical items in stock. Absolute Music 945 Upper James St. Hamil ton. call 905-318-7447 www.absolutemusic.ca monasterybakery .com Sales Opportunities ities 905.632.4440 Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Cars Sedan, 850, leather interior, power seats and win dow, stereo, blue, one owner, $1700, 289-227-5936. 1996 VOLVO ^M ilestone FOS TER HOMES CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Become a foster parent today! J o in o u r s u c c e s s fu l t e a m o f fo s t e r p a r e n ts , o f f e r a c h ild o r y o u t h in n e e d t h e g i f t o f a f a m il y h o m e . Excellent compensation provided Training and continued support given. Ideal for home based parents, retirees and professionals. Carpools/ Transportation WANTED: RIDE to Ford - Steve 905-633-8192 MOVING SALE, er/dryer set, Fridge 28" wide high, $250. electric, full size All appliances in lent condition. 289-337-1328 Wash$375. x 65" Dryer, $175. excel Call Main Plant, Final - "B" Shift. Pick up in the Guelph Line & New Street area (Glencrest Road). Please call Jack at 905-681-6318 or 905-334-9028. DZ Driver capable of operating Street Sweeper req'd immed. for busy asphalt plant in Burlington. · Min 2 years exp. · Valid DZ driver's lic with clean abstract. Please send resume to christine@ associatedpaving.com General Help DZ Road Sweeper Operator Tired of theCommute? We've got the solution for you. Start a rewarding career with the Hamilton Community News, a division of Metroland Media group where you can live, work and play within your community. p ____ find us online at yourclassifieds.ca Contact Sue Mitchell on 905-639-5827 or sue@milestonefosterhomes.ca Or visit our website: www.milestonefosterhomes.ca Dental Drivers Place ads in your Local Community Newspaper Print & Online at required FT for a busy upscale Oakville office. Includes some evenings and 2 SAT a month. Looking for an independent, well spoken individual. Send resume to healthygum s418 @ gmail.com Hygienist Yourclassifieds.ca To b o o k y o u r classified ad call Skilled and reliable AZ & DZ drivers req'd FT at our busy asphalt plant. We offer competitive wages & benefits. · Valid AZ/DZ lic. req'd. · Clean abstract a must · DZ drivers should have dumping exp. Please send resume to christine@ associatedpaving.com AZ & DZ Drivers - Full time. Days $13.00/hr, benefits Will train. Apply at: 930 Sheldon Ct, Burlington Ph: 905-634-7751 Production Labourers J k -> And, we offer competitive wages and the opportunity to grow. SERIOUS yoga student or instructor to assist, with goal to be teaching solo in half the classes. Please contact: ashtanga-yoga@live.ca Health Care/ Medical Yoga Teaching Assistant DID YOU KNOW: An average of 77% of residents read our Hamilton papers. News G\assifi@c/s 905.632.4440 WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN Oakvfle Beaver WORK 905.632.4440 full or part time in Hamilton. Email: jwhmclean@gmail.com Optician We are currently looking for: Media Sales Representatives. A p p lyO n lin e www.metroland.com · · · * rnetrolandmedia Connected to your com m unity"