Oakville Beaver, 16 Aug 2000, C2

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER mmmmammma Wednesday, August 16, 2000 i A couple of players, representing the present and the very recent past at S t Thomas Aquinas, hooked up with the provincial team and won gold at the national championships earlier this month. The players are Alana Juzenas, who will try and help Aquinas repeat as Halton champs this fall, and Aquinas grad Michelle Crowley who saw plenty of court time as the Western Mustangs ended up as provincial finalists and fourth at the nationals. SEE STORY Photo by Barrie Erskine FA S T LA N E : Melanie Hawtin, who is going into Grade 7 at Brookdale public school this fall, occupied the fast lane at this past w eekend's Ontario Summer Games. Not only did this seasoned 12-year-old athlete win this 200 metre race, but she also won gold in the 1500 and 800 metre races and silver in the 100 and 400 metre races. SEE FULL STORY IN UPCOMING EDITION. Photo Special to the Beaver by A.J. Groen Aquinas stars help Ontario to national gold By Norm Nelson BEAVER SPORTS EDITOR Two local players helped the Ontario provincial girls basketball team win the 2000 N ike Junior W omen's N ational B asketball Championships earlier this month. Ontario defeated M anitoba 58-52 in the national championship game. The two O akville players were M ichelle Crowley, 18, a St. Thomas Aquinas grad who just completed her first year at the University o f Western Ontario, and Alana Juzenas, who still suits up for St. Thomas Aquinas. Crowley is in her third year with the team and Juzenas her second year. "Last year we went we finished fourth, so this year was a bit more exciting," said Juzenas. (See 'national gold' page 25) S um m er I s H er e !! AW NINGS Enjoy th e o u td o o rs u n d e r th e co m fp rt of a fa b ric re tra c ta b le aw ning. W e offer a d iv e rse line of s ty le s a n d fa b ric s to su it y o u r h o m e decor. 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D o w n p a y m e n t o r e q u iv a le n t tra d e m ay be re q u ire d . F ina n cin g and cashback o ffe rs m u tu a lly exclusive. F inancing and cashback o ffe rs n o t a va ila b le w it h a n y o th e r o ffe r. Som e c o n d itio n s m a y a p p ly t o t h e G ra d u a te C ashback p ro g ra m . L im ite d tim e o ffe rs . O ffe rs m ay be ca ncelled a t an y tim e w ith o u t n o tic e . Some vehicles m ay n o t be a va ila b le a t a ll dealerships. See D ealer fo r d e ta ils. ttT h e h ig h e s t f r o n t im p a c t ra tin g f o r b o th d riv e r a n d f r o n t p a ssenger in th e U.S. g o v e rn m e n t N a tio n a l H ig h w a y T ra ffic S a fe ty A d m in is tra tio n te s tin g (w w w .n h ts a .c o m ). Based o n R etail RegistSfetions fo r 1999 C Y */M a rch 2000 C Y T D */M a y 2000 C Y T D °. T o ro n to F D A PO. Box 2000, O a k v ille , O n ta r io L6J 5E4 * i

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