Oakville Beaver, 30 Mar 2017, p. 34

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www.insidehalton.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, March 30, 2017 | 3 4 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT PRIME ADVERTISING POSITION CALL 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -6 4 8 0 Or email: classifieds@metroland.com QAKV1I Th e! m e tro la n d m e d ia · ° Connected to your community® classifieds CANADA'S BIGGEST JOB SITf The Beaver. CLASSIFIED __4 ____ A f c ifiprk C o c a l W o r k ca w o r k o p o lis , Y O U R B EST S O U R C E FO R L O C A L JO B S neWSca p a r e n t com s A D V E R TIS IN G D E A D L IN E : F or d is p la y a d ve rtisin g , please a llo w fo r an a d d itio n a l day. TO RESERVE YO U R S P O T TODAY. P A Y M E N T : V isa, M a sterC ard, A m e ric a n Express b y phone o r cash o r cheque in perso n at 5 0 4 6 M a inw ay, U n it 2, B u rlin g to n Tuesday at 11 a.m. forThursday edition. EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com I PHONE: 905-527-5555 · 1-800-263-6480 I FAX: 905-526-6779 · 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. t Thursday at 10 a.m. for Friday edition. ·* m e tr o la n d m e d ia · ° Connected to your community® f § Every e ffo rt is m ade to ensure the accu racy of yo u r ad. Please c h e c k y o u r ad the firs t day it appears to ensure it's accurate. M etroland w ill not be responsible fo r any errors appearing after the firs t day of publication. Cancellations m ust be m ade by telephone. ; { Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com T a x / F in a n cia l ^ T a x / F in a n cia l A p a rtm e n ts fo r Rent A p a rtm e n ts fo r R ent H ouses f o r R ent C on dos fo r Rent Tow nhouses fo r Rent 1 ,2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting from $975 190 Kerr Street 905-845-1777 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 1265 Sixth Line 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca Burlington Towers NEWLY RENOVATED 1 & 2 bedroom Available May Located close to the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna and fitness centre. Utilities included! FACING BURLINGTON BURLINGTON MALL, Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom. 3 bedroom semi, 1.5 Brand new kitchens. bathrooms, rec room, Seniors discount. Call $13907month. Bob 905-639-8009 or BRANT/PLAINS ROAD, Don 905-681-8115 3 bedroom Bungalow, Penthouse Suite 2 bedroom, upgraded, great view. Includes heat, hydro, water, window coverings and a/c. Indoor heated pool, sundeck, sauna. den or 4th bedroom, 2 full baths, $1385/month. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage, 905-632-5690. C on dos fo r R ent BRAND NEW Origin Condos. Top Floor. Available April 15. 2 bed 2 bath - 818sq ft from $1,550/mo. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 1208sq ft $1,850/ month *one left*. 905-624-8233 Tow nhouses fo r R ent foil rent- J T ow n houses fo r R ent M o rtg a g e s / Loans M o rtg a g e s / Loans DECLINED BYYOURBANK? CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE Townhom e $1350/m plus utilities To w n h o m e (W ith G a ra g e ) $1450/m plus utilities Close to Burlington Mall, Schools &Transit · 4 a p p ls.* Eat-in K itch en · B asem ent · P arkin g We Can Help 1st, 2nd & 3rd M ortgages EVEN W ITH: Horrible Credit - Mortgage Arrears - Property Tax Arrears - Power of Sale - Self Employed Unemployed - Pension & Disability - Debt Problems - CRA Liens/HST Liens Consumer Proposal INCOME TAX RETURNS Chartered Professional Accountant 25 years experience serving small businesses. Personal and corporate. Reasonable and reliable. Problem resolution with government. Pick up/delivery available. Call Nabi 905-847-5394 or 905-270-5506 L o st & Found Burlington Location Please call 905-639-8583 905-639-8583 Please visit us at www.facebook.com/ burlingtontowers 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath ground floor in desirable north Burlington Commu nity, all appliances and 2 parking spots included, $1800+/ month, 905-630-8943 or 289-888-1738 2 BEDROOM +den, living/ dining, 2bath, near GO/ Mapleview Mall, 5 appliances, $1750 plus utilities. No dogs/ smoking. April 1. 905-335-2502 or email: davidvernon20 @yahoo.com 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905-632-2601 WE CAN HELP! ACESS TO OVER 300 PRIVATE AND INSTITUTIONAL LENDERS M AN Y OFFER 1ST, 2ND & 3RD MORTGAGES ANY SITUATIONS SMALL black pouch containing relig ious medallion. Upper Middle and 8th Line. Found March 27. 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THE MORTGAGE GROUP FSCO #10315 No proof of income 1st, 2nd, & 3rd's up to 85% Tow nhouses fo r Rent 1 S ha red A cc o m m o d a tio n s fg g rro v v - gay: ^ APPLEBY MALL. 3 Bed room condominium, 1.5 baths, rec room, parking included. $1360/month. GUELPH LINE/HOME DEPOT 4 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, rec room, garage, fenced yard. $1 3 5 0 / m o n t h . Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage, 905-632-5690. ROOM for rent, Walker's Line and Dundas. Own bathroom, shared kitch en, parking, internet, laundry, 1st and last months rent. Immediate. No smoking. $600. in clusive. 416-576-9374. S p o rtin g /O u td o o r E q u ip m e n t $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ............. $ 1 0 5 .40/mth $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 ............. $ 2 3 7 .11/mth $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ...........$ 4 7 4 .21/mth $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ...........$ 9 4 8 .42/mth LARGER AM O UN TS ANDCO M M ERCIAL FU N DS AVAILABLE Decrease m o n th ly paym ents up to 75% !! s,___________Based on 3% APR. 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Offering profes ment. Apply to: sional, detailed house gmezgcc@yahoo.com and condo cleaning. 20 years experience with references and free D om e s tic H elp quotes. Contact A va ila b le 647-409-0365. Quality Service with a Smile! CLEANING LADY, experienced, reliable, detail oriented, excellent references, bi-weekly, weekly. Competitive rates. Just a few new openings left. Please call today Sofia: 905-278-0915, 416-857-8544. G \assifiecfe 905.632.4440 G e tR e s u lts Quickly Find the Best Garage Sales. G o to w w w .t r a d y o .c o m to c h e c k o u t G a r a g e S a le s in y o u r n e ig h b o u r h o o d . Download on th e B wmocbmuw · AppStore I Google-play ·* m e tr o la n d m e d ia B u y a n d s e ll in y o u r n e ig h b o u r h o o d . trady©

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