5 |Thursday, March 30, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Liberal MPs like budget, but Chamber not impressed by Nathan Howes Oakville Beaver Staff While Oakville' s two Liberal MPs praise the 2017 federal budget released last week, the Oakville Chamber of Commerce has a different view Prime Minister Justin Trudeaufe publiclyannounced March 22, details of his Liberal government' s second budget, Building a Strong Middle Class, which has generated a mixed reaction in Oakville. Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff and Oakville MP John Oliver both heralded the budget as an "important next step to revitalize the Canadian economy, make smart investments that will create jobs, grow our economy and provide more opportunities for the middle class and those working hard to join it," according to a joint media release. Lhe statement further noted the latest budget reflects the government' s ambitious agenda to support middle-class Canadians at every stage of their lives, transform neighbourhoods and communities and give "every Canadian a real and fair chance at success." It also commits new money for job training, child care and social housing and offers immediate help to those who need it most. "By making smart investments like improving access to capital with tools like the Strategic Innovation Fund, by strengthening our universal health-care system and by launching a new National Housing Strategy, our government is ensuring a better future for our children and g r a n d c h i ld r e n ," said Oliver. Damoff added, "Phis budget takes concrete action to improve the quality of life of all Canadians. Lhere are initiatives designed to build Oakville MP John Oliver a clean-growth economy, enhance transit and improve access to mental health and homecare." It is also the first federal budget to have been "filtered through its own gender-analysis to ensure the lives of men and women are made more equal," according to Damoff. "I am particularly happy to see our government take an important step towards gender equality with Canada' s first ever Gender Statement," said Damoff. Meanwhile, the Oakville Chamber has a somewhat different stance on the budget. While it welcomes the government^ decision to focus on innovation and skills, the budget delivers "underwhelming implications" for the local business community, stated a Chamber media release. It goes on to say Oakville businesses face more regulation and increased costs imposed by all levels of government for fees, taxes and essential inputs, like electricity. "The Oakville Chamber believes more urgency is needed in reducing business costs and improving competitiveness," the statement read. The Chamber has heard calls from its members for a need to address the current skills gap and has advocated this to all levels of government. see Chamber on p.10 IN J U R E D ? I C a n H e lp ! Y O U D O N 'T H A V E T O P A Y U N LESS I G E T YO U M O N EY My team of experienced lawyers can help you with: · Car accidents · Slip and Falls · Disability Claims (Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, CPP) · Wrongful Dismissal O FF IC E S IN O A K V IL L E AND TORONTO For a free consultation call: Oakville: 905.842.2022 or Toronto: 416.351.9222 email: sspadafora@slspc.ca P L A T I N U M PETE PAQUETTE E L V IS P R E S L E Y JESSE ARON R O Y O R B IS O N LOU NELSON TO M JO N E S AMBERLEY BEATTY C O N N IE F R A N C IS S a m S p a d a fo r a In ju ry and Employment Law with T h e R o c k i n ' R o y a l s S h o w b a n d OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS M O N D A Y , M A R C H 2 7 @ 7 :0 0 p m T ix : 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -2 0 2 1